
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

The Devils Brigade Prt. III
Posted By: Spinks<haloworldchampion@hotmail.com>
Date: 6 May 2003, 10:37 PM

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The engines of the Pelican fired up as we left the hanger. They were much quieter than I had remembered. My guess was that they had installed those new engines specially designed for stealth missions that I heard about.
I was sitting in my chair shaking the whole way to the objective. I didn't know if it was from the pelican or some sort of nervous tick. All I do know though is that this was it. I was going back into battle, right after I "died."
"Ok, were here. Hit it marines!" the pilots voice was booming over the radio.
I was the first to jump out of the Pelican. I secured the area with my sniper rifle and signaled to the others that it was go time.
"This is Condor," I heard him like he was in my head thanks to the new helmets, "there are approximately 50 grunts and 30 Jackals. I also spot 1 Hunter right by the door. I can't get a clear shot at him though. Over."
Great, a hunter would make this really interesting.
As I knelt, I felt something stab into my leg. I reached into my pocket and found a Hunter designated round in my pocket. I had completely forgotten that it was in there from the last mission. I had so little time between the two missions, that I didn't have any time to empty my pockets.
Only one Marine other than a SPARTAN had ever been confirmed killing a hunter. The only way to kill one of these things was either with a SPARTAN, or a single shot to the back where their armor doesn't cover them. But this would still require you to see his back, which is very difficult if he's standing in a doorway.
"Colonel, we have encountered a snag." Cobra said over the radio.
"I know," the Colonel came back. "I can hear all of your transmissions. Ok, here are you new orders. Condor will carpet bomb the area, killing as many of the Grunts and Jackals as he can. This should draw the hunter out. Hawk, you will be hiding out to the right of the door, about 500 meters away in the trees. When the hunter comes out, Condor will try to draw his fire. Now, this is very important, you must shoot before he does. Condor's Longsword may not be able to evade in time."
"Yes Sir." We all said at the same time.
I started to run towards the base. I was about 550 meters away from the base when Condor began his assault. I continued to run until I caught up to the others. I pulled out my rifle and searched for the door. I was a little out of range so I moved toward it. Right as I did, the hunter ran out. He brought up his shield and took aim. Before he could even get his hand on the trigger I found his weak point and fired. My specifically designed hunter rounds tore through his body like a hot knife through butter. Orange blood exploded out of his back and sides. He stumbled a little and then straightened. It didn't kill him!! He turned toward me and started searching for where my shot had come from. Behind him I saw the vapor trail from a jackhammer rocket. It struck him square in the back blowing him to pieces and sending his armor up into the air.
"Thanks Ox!" I yelled over the radio
"Just doing my job, what the hell happened?" Ox sounded about as confused as possible.
"I don't know, it looked like a perfect shot, I thought it struck him right in the back." I sounded as confused as Ox.
"Well if that's true," Cobra said, "then maybe your not as good as you thought you were."
I felt like I didn't need to dignify that with a response. Besides, it would only make things worse.
I looked through my scope and saw a single grunt running in circles and barking. I took him out with a single shot before continuing.
"What the hell was that?" Cobra asked.
"Just taking out a Grunt Sir." I replied
"Don't ever shoot without my permission again," Cobra was now yelling at me. "You get me Lieutenant!?"
"Yes Sir." I replied with as little sarcasm as possible.
We continued into the building. I noticed Jackal tracks going in, and none coming out.
"Cobra," I was whispering now incase there were Covenant hiding somewhere.
"What do you want now Hawk?" Cobra asked, about as arrogantly as possible.
"Look at these tracks, I think something may still be in here." I replied.
"Bull shit, you're just scared." Cobra was now getting on my nerves.
When we came around the next bend, I saw about 15 Covenant Grunts and Jackals trying to figure out the lock on a door. I signaled to Ox for a grenade. Looked over one more time, pulled the pin and rolled the grenade right in the middle of the bastards. It took out most of them in the initial blast. Chameleon and Cobra ran in and finished off what was left of them with their assault rifles.
We moved toward the door and helped Rabbit set her charges on the locks.
"If anyone in there can hear me, this is a UNSC search team, were going to blow the door so stand back," Cobra was yelling at the top of his lungs.
We all took cover a safe distance away. Rabbit blew the charges and the door fell over. We moved down the ramps into the basement with weapons up ready for anything, except for what we found.
Everyone that was in the basement was dead. No, slaughtered is more like it. Blood was oozing all over the floor; bodies were mangled and burned by plasma. Half of them looked like they were trampled or shredded by Hunters. Some were covered in teeth and claw marks from Grunts.
"Those stupid Covenants weren't trying to unlock the door; they were locking it, to keep us as vulnerable as possible." I said, almost barfing at the sight.
All signs pointed to trap, but nothing happened. This made it even worse. I don't hate anything more than a trap that isn't triggered.
We ran to our extraction point at LZ-2. Boarded our pelican and returned to the Ticonderoga.
