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Fan Fiction

The Forerunner's Fate
Posted By: spectre<spectre117@msn.com>
Date: 29 April 2004, 2:33 AM

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Author's note: this is the first halo fic i've ever posted, so please give poinyers where needed.Also this is the prologue to a longer story.


Like all species, the Forerunner had thier own unique social struture. What made them different was thier lack of a set caste system. For example the Hindus of Earth, believed that you were born into a specific caste, and once there the only way out was to die and be reincarnated.
The forerunners however, had a less stringent method, whereas your role in society was based on your own personal abilities. Which is why Ramani, though brother to a high-ranking Acolyte, was the chief science officer aboard the research vessel, Star's Birth. Currently the Forerunner were not engaged in any conflicts and therefore had dedicated the majority of thier assets to the advancement of medical studies.

Currently, Ramani's chief endeavor was the development of regenerative medicine. For the past four years he's been developing a single-celled infectious form, with the ability to repair wounded or dying tissues. Due to its overwhelming reproduction ability, this microscopic creature was designated "The Flood".

Chapter#1: Forerunner Instellation/Sol System/08:30hrs.

Deep in the recesses of an ancient Forerunner instellation stood the Master Chief, a Spartan II, with the intent of gathering much needed technology. In hopes of beating the Coveneant, he was sent to gather the only thing that might save the Earth from invasion, Forerunner technology ancient designs. Now the only things standing in the way of the Master Chief and his mission, were three armed Sentinel Security Drones thirty meters ahead of him. Equiped with a shotgun, HE pistol, and a dozen frag grenades, John was more then ready for three Sentinels. A burst around the corner suprised the Sentinels, allowing John time to toss a few frag grenades and retreat back behind the corner. After a brief series of explosions John flew otu into the open firng Five blasts of the shotgun and finishing off the remaining Sentinel. A short jog later(down two corridors and another hundred meters), and john was in the command room. He found a data panel and inserted Cortana's chip. Downloading began shortly thereafter.

"Chief there are massive amounts of information in this system, as well as schematics for new weapons and armor,"stated an amazed Cortana.

"Run a search for other research, including Coveneant, Flood, and otherwise,"remarked John.

"Begining search now,"replied Cortana. Moments later data scrawled across the holographic image of Cortana."This is amazing, it seems there is a whole record of the Flood, from there creation to there eventual spread,"said an alomost ecstatic Cortana.

"Download all pertinent information and lets get the hell out of here before we run into another Guilty Spark,"expressed the Master chief, rather concernedly.

"Due to the sheer imensity of the information, downloading will take approximently five minutes,"stated Cortana", however I do show several active Forerunner weapons located in an armory twenty-seven meters away from the command center."

"I think I'll go retrieve those,"John said, as a nav marker appeared on his Hud. Out the door, turn left, and two more sentinels. The Master Chief quickly unloaded enough ammunition into the machines to stop a squad of grunts. From there, the trip was rather eneventful, the only other obstacle being the lock on the weapons locker. Two beam rifles and enough charge packs to unload on a small army. John retraced his steps back to the command center. Cortana had just finished downloading the information when John returned."time to go Cortana, I don't want to be here when things get hot. Did you get it all?"asked John.

"Yes, all data retrieved,"replied an overly zealous Cortana."Let's get out of here now, motion sensors show inbound Coveneant dropships."

"Already on it,"stated John, as he grabed Cortana's chip and quickly replaced it back in his neck interface.Back on the surface, John started the twenty kilometer run back to the pelican that had been waiting for him. Two kilometers east of the LZ and the Master Chief ran into three elites on patrol. "Seems like a good time to test these beam rifles efficiency,"said John, as he unslung the one on his right arm. Four blasts and a frag grenade later, and the Master Chief was back on his way to the pelican dropship which was waiting for him.

"Welcome back Chief,"shouted one of the ten ODST's guarding the pelican against Coveneant attack.

"Good to be back, Let's get under way,"John said as they boarded the ship. Twenty minutes later and the pelican docked on in the cargo bay of the UNSC cruiser, Liberty or Death. he was was just getting off the dropship, when a voice over the ship's intercom called for th e Master Chief to report to the Captain's cabin....
