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Fan Fiction

Spartans Of Darkness Part 3
Posted By: SpartanOmega<ultimowolf02@aol.com>
Date: 11 November 2003, 3:39 AM

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Spartans Of Darkness Part 3
Earth's Fight and the Golden Spartan

Ice watched in the icy wind as the troops gathered onto what looked like black, sleeker version of a Pelican dropship that was perfect for camouflage when deploying troops from space. There were about fifty dropships lined up in rows in the back launch areas which stretched out pretty big. When all the troops were ready for launch and loaded Ice and the Golden Spartan surveyed the area and got on their own dropship. The Golden Spartan said" Sir, where are we headed?" Ice replied" We're heading to Earth and showing the Covenant who's going to win this war." The Golden Spartan said" Aye Aye sir. Transferring flight course directions to the other ships now." Ice felt a small lurch as the dropship flew off the ground and into space. Which system was he in? The Covenant ship had taken him way off course of Earth's system. He could be in an uncharted system most likely. "Soldier!" He asked. "What system are we currently in?" "Installation 004 is located in the far outskirts of the Epsilon Eridani system." The Golden Spartan replied. No way. Reach's planetary system? How could that be? Well, the system outskirts had never been explored because making new routes through Slipstream was dangerous and after Reach's fall the system had become a Covenant death zone. So it was a bit likely that it would have never been discovered but my god. All this power had been in a UNSC controlled military system and nobody had a clue, not even ONI. "We are entering Slipstream." The Golden Spartan said. "ETA time is approximately three hours." "Very good." Ice replied. Ice had noticed that the main leader of the Darkness Army[under himself] was the Golden Spartan. He transferred all of Ice's orders directly to the army and made sure they were carried out but the Golden Spartan was still second in command. He didn't mind though. He was like Ice, he knew his duty and made sure the job was done without any complications. He then wondered about him. The intricate markings on his armor's back were in a blue shade and showed signs that he was more important than the others. He decided to ask about the Spartan. "So." He started. "Why is your armor different than the others?" The Golden Spartan began his reply. "I was the first one the Forerunners made. A flawless copy that was perfect. They saw me in a different light than the rest of the army. They knew when they examined my DNA that I was perfect but could not think what form my DNA should be placed in. Then they came across you, Humans. They saw your species as the perfect form for combat, labor or anything else. They began to make more and more, not all as perfect as I was made but very exceptional. They wanted me to be second in command to the Reclaimer of the army. They knew I would get the job done." Ice mulled this over for a minute. Thinking about the Golden Spartan. He decided for the moment the Spartan was okay. It felt good having a friend around anyways. Ice felt a big lurch and his stomach did backflips as they fell back into normal space. Ice peered out his window, and saw Mars; a scorched planet that looked destroyed by battle. Ice felt a pang of sorrow for losing his squads back there. But he put the task at hand and readied himself. He said to the Golden Spartan" Do a check to see that all ships are with us and in formation then take us towards Earth and when we are closing in on it activate our stealth shields, I don't want our presence known, yet. "Yes sir. Making it happen. ETA time is twenty minutes, our ships can make intrasystem jumps." The Spartan replied. Ice found this interesting. UNSC scientists had been working for years to achieve intrasystem jumps but had no success in the matter. They arrived at Earth with another nauseating lurch and Ice bolted to the nearest window. "My God." Ice whispered. Earth was a battlefield. Covenant and UNSC cruisers were scattered among the inky blackness of space around Earth. Earth itself had multiple plasma explosions erupting on its surface. Then he saw the Moon. Fully overrun by the Covenant it had become a holding ground for their cruisers. Hundreds of ships swarmed its surface. Ice had imagined the battle would hit Earth eventually but not like this. This was manslaughter, sheer killing without any sign survival. Then again, this was why The Darkness Army was here. He went to the Golden Spartan, who was still at the controls and said" Get all of our shops ready for deployment. We will be splitting up around the planet at major population points, chart one for each ship we have, and by God this our last chance. If this fails then humanity is gone. We are all Earth has left." "Yes sir." He replied. Ice opened up a part of his armor to take something out of his clothes then shut it again. He was holding a knife. The blade was shining silver that looked almost unnatural. It was a titanium knife, the blade could cut through Grunt armor like cheese. He had gotten it from a Captain when he was at the academy, it has always gave him good luck, maybe this time it would give him Earth. By this knife he swore, Earth will not fall.

End Of Part 3
