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Fan Fiction

Spartans Of Darkness Part 2
Posted By: SpartanOmega<ultimowolf02@aol.com>
Date: 30 October 2003, 11:14 PM

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Spartans of Darkness

Part 2: Betrayal

Unbelievable. That was the only word Ice could describe what he saw. He saw thousands upon thousands of cryo tubes opening simultaneously, each containing a figure in a black Spartan suit. Once they were all out of their cryo tubes they began to line up around the dome. The odd thing was that they were so quiet. They moved liked raptors, swift and silent. They made two long identical rows and then saluted. Then Ice felt it, the surge of energy go through his already super powered armor. It was like he was connected to the thousands of troops who stood before him. He felt like every bit of energy they contained was centered around him like they were all interlinked. Ice looked at Spark004, even through his helmet Spark could tell Ice was in awe."Quite remarkable, isn't it? Now you and the Darkness Army are connected through mind and body. If one of them dies you will not die but will know of it. Whenever you need more power you can take for a limited time from another Darkness Army soldier. There are many more things you will learn about the army but for now this is what you should know, the rest will gradually make itself knowledgeable in time." Spark004 said all this as if it were common basic knowledge. Ice was staring at all the troops and the troops stared back. If one Spartan could destroy Halo then over eight thousand could annihilate the Covenant from space permanently. They could take over the Covenant homeworld; they could make them pay for the billions lying dead. Ice said slowly" So they will do anything I say without question? Do they have a personality?" Spark replied" They will obey you without question as long as you wear that armor and carry the your UNSC standard identity chip. Sadly, they do not have much personality. Except for one, he was a bit high on the Forerunners expectations for the army. The first soldier made. He was a full personality with memories of when the Forerunners raised him from childhood." Sure enough Ice saw a single Spartan in the front wearing a intricately designed golden Spartan armor with ancient Forerunner markings covering the chestplate. Danny looked him over and felt relieved another real human. At least he wouldn't be overly lonely. Then he said" What does my UNSC chip have to do with the army?" Spark said" When you donned your armor your chip was altered so that the army would react to it's transmitted waves. In other words as long as your chip transmits and you wear the armor the army is all yours." Ice replied. "Lets start some war training." Just as he did what Spark called the "Training Site" materialized in the dome next over to the one they were in. He thought about telling the troops to go over there and just as he did the Gold Spartan raised a hand and pointed towards the other dome. The army marched over to the second dome and began training with the various obstacle courses and shooting ranges that contained standard Jackhammer rocket launchers and some type of shiny machine gun labeled X-12 he had never seen before. After several hours of extensive training he felt a weird feeling. As if something was coming right behind him. He jolted around and saw Spark flying at him, laser beams in a shade of bright blue flying from him to Ice. He was in the cryo dome, so none of the troops saw him. He tried contacting them by thought but got no response. He grabbed a nearby Jackhammer and shot the first rocket, it whizzed past Spark, a clean miss. But the second rocket hit him square in the middle and a molten ball of whatever was left of Spark was impaled on the rocket as it hit the wall. Just then the Golden Spartan ran into the room. "I'm so sorry." He said in a quiet voice. "Spark's programming was corrupted during our long cryo sleep because he had nothing to do. His programming was dead. In time he made his own commands and decided to kill the Reclaimer. To leave me and the army without a leader to follow. I tried telling you but Spark had taken control of my main suit functions. I'm fine now, are you?" Danny said" I would have never guessed Spark was a traitor but we must prepare the army. My home planet, Earth is in grave danger and it is our duty to destroy the Covenant soldiers threatening Earth." Yes sir." Replied the Golden Spartan. "I have sent word to the other soldiers, we have transports waiting outside for our departure. The soldiers are loading as you speak sir." "Perfect" Danny said. "We have a planet to save."

Part 3 is going to be bigger, badder and will have more info on the Forerunners and the Golden Spartan. The battles will be like it's own version of Halo 2.
Got questions or comments? Email me at ultimowolf02@aol.com

End Of Part 2
