
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Spartan Construct-117<electricimpulse@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 July 2003, 12:10 AM

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Sorry bout' the short chapter, have had losts of work and no time to write. Please comment, would like to hear what you guys think about the story, what it needs, whats good/bad or what i need more/less of; Thanks and enjoy.

      Chapter 2

      Private Jenkins and Lieutenant Johns were posted just outside one of the many scattered human HQ's throughout New Mombosa. The Marines were taking any ground they could get and were fortifying it like crazy. The onslaught was so quick and so terribly deadly; none were ready. The Covenant came with what seemed to be an unbeatable force and began to take city after city until they controlled almost all of Australia and Africa. America was putting up a fight and with a combined effort from Europe lives were being saved and time was being spared. Civilians on the other hand were not being spared; a new found hatred for humanity had been kindled since the Master Chief's encounter on Installation 04. The army was short on ground troops; they were being sent to battle in the hundreds of thousands while only hundreds returned. They were being destroyed. A new plan was needed and was created; humanity would fight, civilians were being suited up and integrated into the Marine Corps. These troops needed guidance but had none; they were scattered and leaderless, groups that did retain order were taken fast and those without, even faster.
      Private Jenkins was scared, for 18 hours the Covies had brought forth an entire onslaught of carnage and death but suddenly they were retreating…or were they attacking? The Private was confused, the Covenant were charging, not retreating to the outskirts of the city; what was out there that was so important that they could just drop their fight here and loose all positions in New Mombosa? Whatever it was was driving the Covies mad, then ran as if they were flying and flew as if they would die if they didn't. The Private turned over to his commander,
      "Sir, what's happening?…I mean, what should we do?"
      "I don't know private but I think we should band our forces together. They're coming back; and when they do there'll be more." The commander replied grievously
      "Right, I'll radio for a drop ship, we can pick up commanding officers for all positions and formulate a plan."
      "Just make it fast, they're leaving, but for how long is still hidden to us."
      In two minutes a Pelican drop ship hovered in front of their position; the city was totally emptied, cries could be from every dark corner and blood stained street. The death toll was immense, civilians and marines were lying wounded or dead on the streets. As Jenkins and Johns flew across the beaten metropolis all they could do was bow their heads and pray; pray that humanity might survive the next week. As they located the first base they found more dead then alive. Johns jumped out followed by Jenkins, they ran crouched; force of habit, to the biggest tent they saw. As they opened the door a flickering glow was spread before them; power was almost out and backup systems had been destroyed. A gruff man of six feet walked up to the two soldiers; seemingly out of place, none of them had slept since the first cruiser came into sensor range.
      "Sir, First Lieutenant Commander Johns and Second Private Jenkins. We are hear to recon all human commanders in the city and set up a plan of attack for Covenant re-engagement." said the Lieutenant quickly.
      "Yes…I see…when did the Covenant retreat?" asked the man in a very slow and simple manor.
      "Well we're not really sure they are. They are charging through the city to the outskirts; why, we do not know." Replied Johns
      "Yes…Ok…lets go."
      "Pardon sir, but are you the commander hear?"
      "I guess you could say that. Were are what remain of the Sunrise district suburbs and the marines sent to protect it. I am Mike Blanchard, First Commanding Officer of this outpost with the rank of Lieutenant."
      "Right then. Lets go." said Johns, "Jenkins fall out."
      The two commanders and Jenkins jumped into the Pelican and flew out into the city looking for a way to return the city to human hands. But why and when had still not been answered; Johns wasn't happy with the situation, something was wrong.

      Next Chapter: The Chief finds himself down and out(possibly captured) with no possible escape. Human forces in New Mombosa regroup and ready for engagment. Ground teams fight for Covie HQ and a few secrets will be revealed. This will be a long one folks so hold on.(Events not gaurenteed since I make up the stroy as I go)
