
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Spartan Construct-117<electricimpulse@hotmail.com>
Date: 9 July 2003, 12:24 AM

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      Out of the shadows came a large building, painted with human blood. Stevens ran without looking to the east side while the Chief slowed, took out his weapon and checked his clip; 10 rounds, he reloaded and walked around the corner or the HQ base.
      "Why would they do this, why would they dishonour our people like this." as the Chief wondered of the origins of this newfound hatred he could hear screams over the radio.
      "Chief, we **ed **ur**elp us…Brav** out!"
      "Dammit!" the Chief ran around the building to find all of bravo pinned down by 4 elites with plasma swords.
      "Stevens have you found the rest of alpha! Stevens report!" the Chief asked anxiously.
      "No, sir I'm engaged and pinned down in the south wing of the 1st floor!" Stevens replied
      "Dammit!" screamed the Chief
      He through down his pistol and picked up a plasma rifle; 67% battery power left, things just kept getting worse. He pulled out a frag grenade but didn't pull the pin, held up his battle rifle and took aim at the closest elite. Three shots and its shields were down to nothing; it crouched down behind a wall while 2 of the elites walked over to the Master Chief's position. The Chief pulled the pin and rolled the grenade along the ground. The elites saw it at the last moment and leaped out of the way giving the Chief time to run up and give the first elite a shot to the head with the battle rifle. Two members of bravo team were now able to fight back and hold down the two remaining elites while the Chief secured the second bravo position across the road. He looked around the corner to find two men sitting over a fallen comrade, feverishly trying to apply a field dressing.
      "Go to first bravo position and hold back the elites, more are coming…GO!" the Chief yelled at the startled marines, "I'll take care of him…Bravo position one, second unit coming from west, give em' some cover fire."
      "Roger Chief."
      The Chief finished up the dressing and watched the backs of the bravo team while they crossed the road; all clear. The Chief positioned himself straight across from bravo and bolted it across the street. Just as he made it to the other side he saw a huge creature step out of the shadows. The Chief ducked down, switched to plasma rifle, pulled out a frag grenade and jumped out. Three brutes were standing there looking around, obviously clearing the area for something to come. The Chief ducked back down before the brutes could locate him and whispered to the marines, " We got somthin' big coming, special, important to the Covenant…we need to take it out before it does its job!"
      "Right." Said the four marines, Jones was out cold, his wounds were too great to fight anymore and an evac would be suicide.
      "Tank, Thomas stay back and keep your fire concentrated on those two elites; Tommy, Jake keep those brutes looking around; I'm goin' to come from the left, leave the rest to me but keep your eye on anything coming out."
      "Right!" acknowledged bravo unit.
      The Chief pulled out his battle rifle, and plasma grenade and slowly stepped out from behind the building. The brute immediately saw him and charged. The first one almost reached the chief when the first bullet hit it, each successive one pushing the beast farther and farther back until it was bleeding profusely and had to kneel down to regain itself. The second brute fired a plasma rifle at the Chief; he dodged and countered it with a few shots to the brutes' utility belt, activating its grenades. Suddenly the beast fell to the ground; it convulsed and shivered, a very horrible death even for the Covenant. The brutes were fearless and kept coming; the third shocked at its comrades quick demise threw off its armour and belt to charge the Chief at full speed. The Chief jumped but not in time, the beast caught his legs and threw him hard against the building taking down his shield and environmental systems. Choking and breathless he flipped up his visor in time to see an incoming charge from the wounded brute. Slowly the Chief got out the way and screamed, "Cortana, what happened I can't breathe…and I can't move!"
      "Sorry Chief i can't do much right now, your neural implants have become disconected and need some heavy duty repair." Cortana said very worried, it would take at least ten minutes to repair the damage to the battle suit.
