
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Posted By: Spartan Construct-117<electricimpulse@hotmail.com>
Date: 9 July 2003, 12:12 AM

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       It was dark, the Chief had just been dropped off with a squad in the outskirts of New Mombosa. The Pelican drop ship was being hindered by numerous banshees, the Chief knew enemies were close; he could feel it. How else could the Covenant put up such a strong resistance? He had disabled the gravity beam for the main attack ship and yet they still kept on coming. They must have had an HQ set up outside of the kill zone. A safe haven for retreat and deployment of reinforcements. How come he didn't think of it earlier? No time to think of it now, a NAV point went up on his HUD leading the way towards nearby Covenant activity.
       "You really think the Covenant would set up an HQ with multiple carriers above and Terran scout teams below?" Cortana said with a worried voice, "I mean couldn't your help be used in the city itself!"
       "They've done some stupid things before but I don't believe this is one of them." The Chief replied in a cool tone, "With human forces engaged on all fronts and their futile efforts against a Covenant cruiser going unnoticed…What do you think is the most reasonable course of action?"
       "I see, a large assault force sent to the outskirts could flank all human positions leaving the Covenant to wipe us out in the crossfire! We need to hurry!" cried Cortana realising the dire situation the city was now in.
       "The epiphany of the dammed is as swift and brutal as the blade of an Elite…", the Chief muttered under his voice.
       The team was now reaching the NAV point with no sign of activity; the first thing on everyone's mind was an ambush. A tactic used to its deadliest potential by the Covenant. The Chief sent three men to set up a perimeter and one to scout 200 feet ahead in all directions. Leaving five with the Chief, just enough to hold off a Covenant ambush. Marine Peterson reported back all clear from northwest to east; it was then the scream could be heard. A faint panic cut short, swiftly and brutally.
       "Perimeter close in…" the Chief whispered over the radio, "…Hawk…Jeffreys…Metal…close in to 20 feet and keep your eyes open for glowing objects!"
       "Acknowledged" replied Hawk in a nervous voice.
       "Roger" Jeffreys reported as he stepped within sight.
       "All righty then" whispered Metal closing in on the group, watching his back.
       It was very dark, visibility might have been 35 feet at most; the shadows of buildings and street posts didn't help much either. The Chief was worried, Peterson had not reported back yet and he couldn't get the sound of that scream out of his head; he remembered it all too well. The Chief shuddered to remember the Gold Elites on the Truth and Reconciliation, the screams of all the marines…Just then something came into view, something rolling on the ground. Peterson, yes he was dead; obviously the Covenant now took this war very personally, what was it that they wanted, why Earth? why humanity? These questions ran through his head as Hawk and Jeffreys held back a scream; Metal stood there gazing out into the darkness seemingly unaware of his decapitated friend. That was just the way it was with him, nothing could penetrate his face, it never changed always gazing toward danger.
       "I'm detecting slight movement all around us, sufficient body mass for Elites and Brutes…" Cortana stated trying to grab hold of the situation and keep her and the crew's resolve.
       " Ok, Hawk, Jeffreys, and Metal set up 20 feet back and cover our backs, one person every 90 degrees…you cover our backs and we'll cover yours…don't shoot unless you are confident you have a kill…ignore the grunts and jackals…keep your eyes on swords and grenades."
      The Chief had complete control over the group, which had now resolved its calm and were taking their positions; forming a close oval, all sides covered.
      "Copy!" replied the group with enthusiasm. They could feel the presence of the Covenant and were ready for battle. If they were gonna make things personal…they would get personal.
      The Chief could feel them breathing, he could sense their mandibles lusting for blood…but when would it come; they had to make the first move…or did they? The Chief suddenly had an idea!
      "Uh-oh, not again." Cortana said, realising his plan.
      "Cortana, can you find the base?" the Chief asked, smirking
      "Well I'm not sure, oh yes, they've hooked into the electrical grid…I've got it!"
      "Good, Stevens go ahead 20 feet…" the Chief replied as a NAV pointer came up on his HUD.
      "Roger… uh…why?" Stevens asked; obviously worried, "Why are we walking right into their ambush?"
      "Because they're not expecting us to, they're relying on our fear to guide our judgement; just as you are now." The Chief replied calmly.
      "Roger!" Stevens radioed back.
      "Right, Hawk, Jeffreys, Metal, follow him 15 feet behind and don't make a sound!" the Chief commanded, "The rest come with me, you follow?"
      "Roger!" the crew replied in succession.
      "An arrow into the night to strike a silent foe…" the Chief said, slowly walking without a sound to the Covie base. They could hear movement all around them; they had moved past the ambush and were now closing in on the base.
      "An arrow flies swifter and hits its mark closer than the blade…" the Chief held up his hand in a fist.
      "All stop, we've reached our objective…" the Chief said, holding back his worries. "Cortana, where is the base?"
       "Your standing in it!…Why, don't you see anything?" Cortana replied jokingly
      "Uh…no, not really" the Chief whispered.
      "Oh yes, my mistake, this is where the electrical line is tapped; not the actual base location!" Cortana said with a smirk, "Now just remember AI's make mistakes too."
      "Yes, yes now where is the base!" the Chief was beginning to get worried.
      "I'm sorry I can't give the exact location." Cortana said sympathetically.
      "Wait I have an idea…we have night goggles, they don't!" the Chief said excited, "Cortana how do I cut the power?"
      "There should be an output conduit within a 5 meter range of your position."
      "Got it!" the Chief replied, he knew what to do.
      " Team, ready for fire…I'm disabling power, turn on night vision on my command" the Chief said silently over the radio. He took out his pistol and aimed directly at the conduit. He unloaded 4 rounds before the distant lights faded and total blackness was upon them.
      " The chaos swept over them as if a great dam had broken loose. Grunts were running everywhere and Jackals where diving behind rocks and hiding under their shields. The Chief didn't waste any time, " Team, night vision on, engage these retched beings!"
      At that the chaos increased as bodies flew and weapons were fired. The first group of marines came up behind an elite and with a great effort smashed in his skull with their weapons. Hawk, Jeffreys and Metal went for the base looking for a way to stop the fleeing grunts. Stevens remained at the Chief's side while he engaged multiple enemies. The Chief ran for cover as three elites attacked him head on, he dodged their fire and ran around the nearest building, switching to his battle rifle he checked his clip; full, and ran out. As soon as he stepped out he could see he was needed, Stevens was no match for the forces he was up against. The Chief unloaded his clip at everything around Stevens; killing four grunts and two jackals. He was reloading when he felt a jolt in his back and the familiar searing of hot plasma. The elites were back and looking for trouble. He quickly picked up a plasma grenade and jumped; higher than he had ever jumped before, leaping over the three elites and sticking the grenade to the top of the centre one's head. When he landed he hit the right elite over the head with the butt of his rifle, giving it the one, two, three combo; killing it instantly. The centre elite, black screamed and lunged towards the Master Chief; he dodged it and gave it three headshots reducing its shield to nothing. The red elite on the left rolled behind a cement barrier and took cover before the grenade went off. Master Chief stood there before the blue elite, beaten down and doomed to death. It struggled to its knees as the grenade ticked to five seconds; the Chief gave it a strong kick and sent it rolling to the cement barrier. The red elite peaked up and over the road block to see his commander dead and ticking; it jumped to avoid the plasma blast but as it did the Chief gave it three shot to the head with his rifle it fell to the ground attracting several jackals to their fallen leader. They looked up to see the Master Chief smiling inside.
      "BOOM!" yelled the Chief as the grenade blew 5 jackals to the sky, "Stevens, are you ok?"
      "Chief! I thought you were taken by the grenade!" he said with great relief.
      "Nope just taken by the way those jackals just pulled off a great triple axle!" the Chief said laughingly.
      The Chief and Stevens rushed towards the fire around them taking out the few grunts and jackals left. They found the bravo squad taking down a shade turret and a group of jackals. Two were hurt, Thomas and Tank were shot in the arm but could still fight. They were just on their way to Hawk's position when the ambush squad arrived to chaos and destruction. Stevens gazed at the Chief while he slowly turned away, holstered his weapons and made a mad dash for the base.
      The Chief looked to Stevens, "Break off at first sign of the HQ and look for Hawk and the others!"
      "Roger!" he panted, running as fast a he could and barely keeping up with a pacing Master Chief.
      "Bravo team split up across the street and take out the ambush squad at medium range!" the Chief yelled, "Keep those elites off our backs while we secure defences!"
      "Right!" bravo team exclaimed.
