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Fan Fiction

The Ganymede Seige part 1
Posted By: Spartan 81388<danmquick@netscape.com>
Date: 13 June 2003, 3:47 AM

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"Corporal!" Sergeant James S. Lee of the 301st UNSC Marine Division yelled while firing the 30mm chain gun on the back of the Warthog at the waves of oncoming Covenant forces. "If you don't want to die I suggest you MOVE!" Corporal Jeremy Donell screamed in response "Yes, Sir" and punched the gas. The Sergeant kept firing until no more return fire came. He then took the time to look at Private Davidson who lay bleeding to death in the front seat. The Sergeant then looked up and reflected on what just went wrong. His Division had been dropped off by the UNSC cruiser Cresent on an unpopulated planet in the Ganymede System. They were supposed to set up a temporary base and wait for a fleet to begin raiding suspected Covenant convoys near Ganymede 3. The deployment and construction went without a hitch and after 2 weeks they had finished and then they waited. They waited for one week for the reinforcements until word came that the fleet had been destroyed en route to the Ganymede system by a superior Covenant force. Then two days after the destruction of the fleet one of the outposts set up by the 301st was cut off from communication. It had happened many times before and the Colonel in charge was not to concerned so he sent Sergeant Lee, Corporal Donell, Private Davidson, and three others to investigate. Lee, Donell, and Davidson were in one Warthog while the other three in another. When they got to outpost they saw fire smoke and the burnt and bloody uniforms of the fellow marines. They also saw hundreds of Grunts, Jackals, and a few Elites. Before they had a chance to regain their composer a Hunter appeared out of the Forest and shot one fell rod round into the other Warthog. The Warthog flipped caught fire and exploded within a second. All three onboard were killed instantly in the explosion. Then Sergeant Lee fired the chain gun hitting many of the Grunts' environment suits killing most and wounding others. The Hunter prepared to fire again, but Corporal Donell never gave him a chance. He revved the engine and smashed the Hunter into the outpost wall. Blood splattered all over the windshield wall and hood, but before Corporal Donell could back up Private Davidson was hit by a charged plasma shot and his side exploded into a mess of burnt bone and blood. After that Corporal Donell got the heck away from the outpost and kept driving. They had been followed for thirty minutes when they finally got away. The Corporal's voice shook the Sergeant from his reflection. "The base wants to know what's happened to us. What should I tell them?" The Sergeant was silent for a moment. "Tell them... Ganymede is under siege."
The commander of the Cresent, Kile Vernest, was knocked from his seat as another plasma torpedo hit the side of the ship. "I know the Covenant are here we have just been attacked by two frigates." The Commander yelled at the Colonel on the line. "I can't give you any support right now you're on your own. Lieutenant Toren give me a read out of damage." The Lieutenant turned pale as he surveyed the damage report. "Decks C-E have been breached A, B and F are still intact, there have been minimal causalities because decks C-E were those the 301st used to get here." Commander Vernest asked weapons operator Lieutenant Johannes. "What is the status of our MAC gun?" Lieutenant Johannes responded. "We have a steady charge currently at 78%." "Arm Archer pods D-F and G-K and target nearest frigate. Fire when you have a lock." Johannes gave a sharp "Yes, Sir... Missiles away." Thumps originated from the hull and on the view screen hundreds of missiles streaked towards their target. "What's the status of the MAC gun, Lieutenant?" Vernest asked. "98%... 99%... 100% capacitors charged and ready." "Fire at the frigate the missiles are targeted at, send them back to where they belong." Three bright streaks shot out from the Cresent towards the frigate. The missiles were half way to the frigates when the frigates started to shoot them down by the time the missiles hit 2/3 of them had been destroyed. But the three MAC rounds hit their target and did far more damage. The shields of the frigate flashed for a second then collapsed as the first round hit right after the missiles then the second and third round hit tearing the ship almost in two, atmosphere leaked out of cracks and bodies floated in space. The bridge crew cheered in victory, but then the other frigate launched two more plasma torpedoes. "Evasive maneuvers hard port." The Commander screamed. " All hands brace for impact." The plasma slammed into the side of the cruiser cutting a line from its fore to its aft. " Damage report." The Lieutenant reported. " Archer Pods Lock on disabled we won't be able to lock on to the remaining frigate, all decks have minor hull damage C, E, are completely gone." "MAC gun status." Johannes checked the system. "50% and rising." " Transfer all power from the engines to the gun capacitor chargers. Now what's the status?" "90%... 95%... 100%!" Johannes screamed. "Fire all missiles on flat trajectory at the remaining frigate, Target MAC gun... Fire!" Missiles streaked towards the frigate streaming smoke and the MAC rounds flew barely ahead. The frigate didn't even bother shooting at the missiles it tried in vain to evade the MAC rounds and was hit by them disabling its weapons and engines seconds before it was enveloped by the hundreds of missiles. After the explosions died out all that was left was floating shards of melted metal. "Now report to UNSC High Command and get us some damn reinforcements. I have a feeling more is yet to come." The Commander finally took a seat and sighed heavily. " There is a lot more yet to come."
