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Fan Fiction

Beta Halo: On Earth's Doorstep
Posted By: SPARTAN 053<phil_maker@usa.com>
Date: 31 May 2003, 2:57 AM

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1980 Hours, August 30, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Epsilon Eridani System, Reach Military Complex,
Underground Reactor Room

SPARTAN 053, Kale, was blind. He opened his eyes, and the as the dust cleared he looked around at the underground reactor. Bodies lay all around, the reactor was gone, only the MJOLNIR suit kept him clean of radiation, and his shields were only starting to recharge. Looking up at the whole the Covenant cruiser blasted through, Kale saw glass, and fragments of Pelicans, Banshees and Super Hawks. Then there was a dull roar, and Kale stood there, unarmed, and expected the worst. Instead of a Covenant ship, it was a Pelican. From the pelican came a radio signal into his MJOLNIR headset.
"This is Alley Duster, anyone down there?"
"Spartan 053 trapped and unarmed Alley Duster. Can you get me out?"
The drop ship lowered, its hatch opened and Kale saw 10 other Spartans inside including Kelly. She opened her faceplate and greeted him.
"Welcome lucky 11."

The ship slowly lifted out and away. The attack on Reach had ended, and the UNSC cruiser New York was picking up the pieces. About 150 drop ships rose above the glassy smooth rock of Reach to the cruiser. Super Hawks escorted some of them.
When all the survivors were brought into the cruiser, she sped out system and, fearing a drone, checked her hull. Satisfied, she went on a random escape vector. And disappeared into slipstream.

0000 Hours, August 32, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Dagger System, Space near Jupiter II,
UNSC Cruiser New York

A green whole in space appeared near Jupiter II. The New York decelerated out. Her captain, Lieutenant Gregor Illyanovich, scanned the system for Covenant vessels.
"Found anything Orca?" He asked the AI.
"A ring." Orca replied.
"Put it on screen."
An image appeared. A blue ring floated in space, its outer surface covered with strange carvings. The inside was an earthlike covering of seas, deserts, forests, clouds, and different weather patterns.
"Measurements Orca."
"10,000 kilometers in diameter, about 22.3 kilometers in thickness. Earthlike Atmosphere with Oxygen and Nitrogen. It's some kind of artificial environment."
A chart appeared, showing the system on a map of the Milky Way.
"Jesus," Gregor whispered. "It's about half an hour in slip space from Sol!"
"What are we going to do captain?"
"Orbit it and land a force on it. I want the Spartans and 2 Marine battalions down there."
"Sir!" the weapons officer yelled. "Incoming Covenant ships inbound and 541.37!"
"Ok." Gregor said. "Lets land this hulk."
The New York sped toward the artificial world, unaware that one of its sisters was just discovered as well.

On the surface of the artificial world, a small covenant drop ship landed its cargo. Hunters, Grunts and Elites stepped out, and ran toward a gigantic structure.

On the other side of the ring, a lone human cruiser landed. Immediately, Super Hawks, small powerful armed floating gun platforms, left it and sped away, then split up in a fan around the landing site, deploying mines, static fences and guns. They then began their patrol.
A pelican left the cruiser's bay, and landed on the ground nearby. Eleven shapes stepped out. On them was MJOLNIR armor. They looked invincible in it. But they were not alone. Another five pelicans left the bay, and landed their troops. Ten tanks rolled out, twenty-five warthogs and of course, crates of weapons.
"All clear," said the leader of the super soldiers.
"Copy." Came Gregor's Voice. "Move out beyond the perimeter and investigate that building to the East.
"Yes sir"
The Spartans and the battalion of Marines loaded up their equipment, and moved out.
On the bridge of the New York Gregor looked at the navigations charts. They said Earth wasn't far away. Jupiter II had a hidden underground base. Hundreds of cruisers were docked there to protect earth. The Covenant have come very far. They were on Earth's doorstep.

0800 Hours, August 32, 2552 (Military Calendar) /
Temple like Structure on Beta Halo (Ring World)

Kale peeked inside, holding an assault rifle in one hand and a shotgun slung over his back. He led the team of Spartans inside, and moved with great care. He made sure the motion sensors were dark. 3 warthogs full of Marines followed the 2 Spartan warthogs. The teams went inside, and down a wide ramp. At the bottom was a pool of drool-like liquid. In it, a few dead carcasses were floating. Big, squid-like bodies.
At the far end was a fork. When the team reached it, they decided to go to the left, and came to a ramp leading up to the surface. Following it, the team came up to a Covenant encampment.
