
They're Random, Baby!

Fan Fiction

Replacement-Prolouge Edited
Posted By: Spartan81388<Drweird813@yahoo.com>
Date: 12 May 2004, 12:35 AM

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*Author's Note-Okay this is a remake of my earlier submission. I had alot of trouble with submitting last time, and I changed some of the story. So without further to do here you go. Hope you enjoy.*

Prologue-Year 2518 August
       On a small colony of Eridanus Two on the very edge of UNSC space, there lived a seven year old boy by the name of John. He was playing with his toy marines on the lawn of his mother's small but comfortable house when his mother called to him "John! Its getting late, come on inside." John got up and shouted back "Just a second mom, I need to get my toys!" John picked up his toy warthog, and marine and started to walk back to the house when he started to feel a dull ache in his chest. He stopped short of the house and felt his chest. The dull ache was something he had never felt before. Suddenly, the dull ache became an excruciating pain. He dropped his action figure of a marine when he grabbed his chest and screamed "MOMMA!" as he fell to the ground unconscious.
       At the nearby hospital the nurse on duty was just about to go home when she got a call. "Please ,dear God, you have to help my baby he's turning blue, and I have no idea what is going on. Oh God, this can't be happening please help, please!" The woman on the line no longer cared that someone was listening to her all she cared about was her child. The nurse tried to get some information from her, but the woman was talking to incoherently to be understood. Irritated the nurse started the phone tracing and sent an ambulance to the location. To her it was just another day at work.
       The doctor looked at the scans, and test results all throughout the night as he tried to discover a mystery. John had someone revived himself on the way to the hospital but since he was there the doctor had decided to take some tests. John and his mother had left earlier after the doctor had performed all the tests. "I'll call you when I find something." He said reassuringly as she carried John away. That was over six hours ago, and he still had found nothing wrong. The doctor got up to get some more coffee. As he got up he noticed something strange on one of thermal scans. John's heart had what appeared to be a tiny capsule attached to the outside of the aorta. The doctor looked at it and punched a few keys on his data pad to make the image zoom in. He saw what seemed to resemble serial numbers imprinted on it. He rubbed his eyes roughly to make sure that they were not playing tricks on him. It was indeed a serial number of some sort. The doctor started an image focuser program and saw what was a definite code. Right away he now knew something was not right with John. He paused as he picked up the phone, and dialed a number. "Hello?...Yes, this is Dr.Gregory...yeah...yes...miss we need to talk."

       A silent very sinister looking man was sitting in an expensive leather chair smoking an authentic Cuban cigar. He glanced at the computer screen in front of him when there was knock on the door. The man looked up. "Come in." The door opened revealing a man who had dark hair and a very defined chin with the rank of Captain. "Sir, I have the reports on Operation Heartline." The man at the desk smiled, but there was no feeling in his smile. "Excellent, tell me Captain, have you looked over the files?" The Captain glanced up nervously when he spoke. "To be honest sir, yes I did." The man turned around "Good can you tell me how many lived?" The Captain looked down at the reports again. "If these reports are correct...three... three survived, sir." The man in the chair spun back around. "Hmm, this could be useful. Does anyone else know?" "Yes sir our agent Eridanus Two reported a doctor and a civilian found out agents on Orion Three, and Arinos One report similar situations." The man in the chair again turned his back to the Captain "Well have it all taken care of, now leave me I have lots of work to do." The Captain turned and saluted "Yes sir, it will be taken care of Major Ackerson."
