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Red VS Blue: The Side Winder chronicles Season: 1
Posted By: Spartan2004<RandRhelton@aol.com>
Date: 7 July 2004, 5:48 PM

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Red VS Blue: The Side Winder Chronicles

Episode 1: CTF?


Red Team:

(he's simliar to sarge) General Rob Stealth

(he's similar to simmon) Private Mike Stealth

(he's similar to grif) Private Kenny Stealth

(he's similar to lopez) Mario the robot

(mario is the red teams robot and engineer who speaks Italian and wears tan armour)

Blue Team:

(he's similar to church) General Bob Stealth

(he's similar to tucker) Private Brian Stealth

(she's similar to tex) Private Jewel Stealth

(camera moves to atop the Red's base to see Kenny and Mike haveing a conversation near the top the ladders and teleporter inside the top part of the base)

Mike: So where did General say he was going?

Kenny: Something about picking up a package from command.

Mike: Yea well I hope Its powerful enough to take out the blue team.

Kenny: I know already thoes Blue bastards have destroyed 3 warthogs 2 ghosts and 1 banshee.

Mike: Not to mention 2 rocket hogs and one tank.

Kenny: Also 1 shade we had put across from their base good thing we got 2 turret guns up here although im sure they will end up destroying thoes to stupid fucking blues.

Mike: Yea it took a while for Mario to fix all of the vehicles.

Kenny: Yea he had to order parts for all the vehicles to cause they all blew up and caught on fire.

Mike: Yep except the shade when you got hit by a rocket while sitting in that thing it was pretty much screwed just like you especially when you got knocked out.

Kenny: (sarcastic tone) Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha Ha very funny (mutters under breathe) dumbass.

Mike: What was that.

Kenny: Nothing.

Kenny: Anyways I dont remember you showing off some skill that day because your the one that got the snow hog destroyed when trying to capture the damn Blue's stupid flag.

Mike: Hey at least I didnt get knocked out like some people.

Kenny: So what you were severely wounded, bleeding and limping you had to use your battle rifle and sniper rifle as canes to walk back to base.

Mike: Hey at least I didnt need to carry you back to base like Mario did while General gave covering fire with his SMG's (Sub machine guns) you were out for at least a week.

Kenny: Yea remember what happened 2 weeks after that incident.

Mike: Man I wish I couldnt cause that was a pain in the ass.

Kenny: Yep thoes damn blues attacked are base with a banshee and two fucking tanks thoes stupid son of a bitches.

Mike: They almost destroyed are damn base thoes pussies.

Kenny: Yea except they caught us off guard and then pretty much bombarded our base with fuel rod projectiles and missles and it pretty much got destroyed just the back wall and the flag was all that was left.

Mike: Yea then we had to rebuild the damn thing that took at least 2 weeks.

Kenny: General was pissed he had Mario help him get more turret guns to set up around the area outside the base.

Mike: I wonder how much longer is gonna be im getting impatient to see the package from command.

Kenny: Yea I know Mario cant speak english so its hard to have a conversation with him.

(The camera zooms to the right side of the snowy hill where the bidge is Brian and Bob is on the bridge Bob is watching the Red's through a sniper rifle's scope)

Brian: What are they doing?

Bob: What?

Brian: I said what are they are doing?

Bob: There talking just like when u asked me a minute ago and just like when you asked me a month ago so in the next hour when u ask me what their doing im gonna tell you their just talking!

Brian: So what are they talking about?

Bob: Dude I Fucking hate you.

Brian: So are you gonna do it?

Bob: What you mean me.

Brian: I thought you said you were gonna do it?

Bob: No you were out voted remember 2-1.

Brian: yea but remember what happened last time we tried to get their flag?

Bob: Yea we pretty much destroyed their base except they destroyed are tanks with the rocket launcher's homeing missiles.

Brian: I barely escaped even with the banshee's boosting good thing it made it all the way to base.

Bob: So all you have to do is find some active camoflauge then sneek to the Red's base and get their flage and meet me at the upper tunnel down from where we are then get to are base and keep their flag till they come for it and then will ambush them and kill them.

Brian: Then what?

Bob: What u mean then what? Then we go fucking home as heroes.So get to it ill meet you in the top tunnel.

(Brian goes down to the tunnel across from one of the entrences to the Red's base to get the camoflauge and goes back to the Red's base and spots the flag he slowly walks to it with his needlers both armed in his hands)

Brian: (picks up the flag) This is to damn easy.(walks out the reds base and starts counting after lowering his battle rifle he had got earlier) 1 . . . .2. . . . . .3(Starts sprinting to the place Bob told him to meet him)

(Camera goes back to Kenny and Mike)

Mike: Whats wrong?

Kenny: (looking through the scope of a sniper rifle) I thought I heard something?

Mike: I didnt hear anything.

(Brian still is sprinting and gets half way through the Red's half of the land when the camoflauge expires and he is exposed)

Kenny: (looking through the sniper rifle) Hey I see something.

Mike: What is it?

Kenny: (zooms in 10x's magnifacation on the sniper rifle) Its a blue and he has something.

Kenny: Holy shit that prick has our flag.

Mike: Oh fuck if General finds out the Blues have our flag hell have are heads.Take him out.

Kenny: Roger that ok you Blue demon from hell time to kiss your evil Blue ass good night.

(Kenny tries to get a bead on brian with 4 shots from the sniper rifle but misses every shot but nearly getting one in his right heel)

Brian: Son Of a Bitch!

Kenny: (reloads the sniper rifle) Damn I missed.

Mike: Man You really arnt good with that thing are you?

Kenny: You think you can do better?

Mike: Watch and learn (mans one of the turrets in front of him and Kenny)

(Mike tries to take Brian out with the turret gun)

Brian: Oh Fuck Oh Fuck Oh Fuck Oh Fuck (out runs the the turret gun's bullets and and runs past the chunk of ice were the bases are divide and stops to catch his breathe)

(Mikes radio comes on and General Rob Stealth is heard over it)

General: Side Winder this is General Rob Stealth I have come back from command with the package do you copy?

Mike: General is that you?

General: That is correct private I hope everything is going smoothly.

Kenny: Well actually sir Thoes Damn Blue bastards snuck into are base and stole are flag.

General: . . . . WTF (What The Fuck) are you kidding me what were you two doing while this was happening makeing out?

Kenny: What hell no we were just talking then i saw the blue sprinting outside the base with our flag so then I tried to kill him with the sniper rifle.

General: Well boys I think I have a solution to your missing flag problem. (calls Mario on his radio)

General: Mario thoes blue demons have are flag use the gaus hog to get it back and kill them if only needed I dont wanna have to find you dead in the snow Id end up haveing to kill my self your like a son to me. No offense to Mike though we just understand each other better thats all even if You dont speak english.

Mario: (Starts speaking Italian)

General: Ill take that as a yes good i should be there no longer than a minute when I get there ill help you out.

(Mario starts the Gaus Hog and drives out through the left tunnel near the Red base to search for the flag)

(mean while with the camera focused on Brian catching his breath where the shade use to be he spots an active camoflauge and takes it and soon turns invisible)

(Mario not noticeing Brian drives past him but does notice Bob looking through his battle rifle Bob tries to blow up his gaus hog with it but Mario jumps in the gunner's seat and shoots at him but Bob rolls out of the way only to land on to the sheet of ice above the tunnel he was in and his helmet is leaking blood out of it while he is unconsious Mario then drives back to Red base while Brian notices Bob Bleeding starts shooting at Mario with his battle rifle unzoomed.

Brian: You Son of a . . . . . .

(Brian then gets run over by General Rob Stealth who comes out of no where with the package from command then spots the flag and runs over to it and a voice is heard.)

Voice: Red Team Flag returned!

(General Rob Stealth goes to the Red base to see Kenny and Mike standing in the open top part talking)

General: Hey you two girls get down here now and thats an order.

Mike and Kenny: Yes sir!

(Back outside the blue base the camera is focused on Bob's unconsious body Jewel is then seen leaning over his body then picks him up and carries him back to base to heal him back knowing its to late for Brian with his dead body near where he got ran over)

To be Continued . . . .

So will Brian respawn?

Will Bob be ok?

And what is this so called package from command?

And will kenny ever be able to kill something with the sniper rifle?

All will be answered in the next episode of Red VS Blue The Side Winder Chronicles.Next Episode 2: The Rookies
