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Fan Fiction

Human Colonization, Jovian Moon Campaign Ch.2
Posted By: Spartan-507<destroyer3707@aol.com>
Date: 21 January 2005, 11:03 PM

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Frieden Terrorist Camp
89 Miles West of Hikapar City
March 17, 2160
01:58 Hours

John's shots bounced harmlessly off of the Spider's armor. The tank's machine gun started spewing out bullets at him, but luckily for John, the turret moved too slowly. He decided he would have to get up close and personal if he wanted to take out this tank. He ran straight at the tank, jumped onto the hatch and pulled it open. With one shot to the driver's skull, the tank was no longer a threat. But the other three would be. He pulled the driver's lifeless body and unceremoniously dumped it. He jumped in and took control. As the second take rolled around the corner, he noticed that it wasn't taking aim at him, but at Abraham inside the terminal. John aimed the turret at the driver and fired. The enemy's turret flew up into the air. The driver, somehow still alive, tried to crawl out. As he did so, the turret landed right on top of him. Then he felt his tank vibrate violently and noticed that the third tank had managed to shoot him, damaging the main turret. Frederickson used the machine gun and ripped holes in the driver's body. The fourth tank rolled around, but it was facing something other than Abraham and John. It was firing at a tree. The same tree James was in. The tank's turret fired, and the top quarter of the tree came toppling down, the other half completely obliterated. This distraction proved valuable, because John was able to kill the driver without any problems.

"Eagle Sight, come in." Only static filled the come. "Eagle Sight, come in!" No response. John knew James was dead, he just hated to admit it. They had been best friends since the third grade. "Ok John, I'm done uploading everything. Now let's get the hell out of here!"yelled Abraham. "This is Private Bill Dufrane. The other two beacons have been placed. Extraction point at coordinates fifty-one degrees north, twenty-three degrees west. Over." John replied as he stepped out of the tank, "Roger that." Abraham then noted, as he looked at the map on his MRLR, "That's only half a mile from here. Let's go for it." John was just about to leave when he remembered J.T. His arm was now bleeding at a slower rate, thanks to the shirt he wrapped around it. He was unconscious, though. John took out his first aid kit and injected J.T. with a wake up stimulant. J.T.'s eyes opened very lazily as he said, "Morning already?" J.T. always tried to joke when things were looking bad. "Cut the crap, J.T. C'mon, on your feet."grunted John, as he grabbed J.T.'s remaining arm and put it behind his neck. The trek to the extraction point was gonna be a long one, but they would make it. Or so John thought.

When they were one hundred yards from the extraction point, two Puma's rolled out, chainguns blaring. John threw J.T. behind a crate and loaded up another frag into his GO3-Q. He fired at the wheel of the first Puma, causing the driver to be killed, and making the car careen into a stack of explosive barrels. The men screamed as their flaming bodies were vaulted trough the air. His squad was only a hundred feet away now, so they might just make it. The dropship had already picked up his squad, and was now heading toward Abraham, J.T. and himself. Then the second Puma resurfaced, and shot at the dropship, called a HR-457 Blitzkrieg. The dropship fired its missiles, blowing the vehicle to hell. It then changed course and came toward the remaining men. But by that time, Frieden forces were all over them, shooting at them, throwing grenades etc; By the time the dropship got there, John had three bullets in his leg. But that wasn't gonna stop him. "We're not gonna stop the ship, so try to jump onboard. As it passed (it was going at a reasonable speed for jumping onto) John threw J.T. onboard and Private Dufrane caught him. Abraham then jumped and grabbed hold of the ramp, and pulled himself up. As John jumped up and grabbed hold of the ramp, a bullet hit one of his arms, causing him to loose his grip. John fell from the dropship, which was now at an altitude of twenty- five feet.

John landed with a thump and a crack as both his legs broke. The dropship started to lower itself to pick him up, but he yelled into his mike, "No, go now, before the bombers get here!" The pilot listened, and flew away. Around the same time it flew away, the bombers arrived. The explosions got closer and closer to John. He closed his eyes. Even with his eyes closed, he could still se the light from the explosions. That was the last thing he ever saw.

UNCA Washington
In Orbit around Io
Jovia Colony
April 14, 2160
19:46 Hours

Captain Frank Kingsley looked out the viewport of his ship. It had taken him four weeks to fly to Jovia from Earth, but he was finally there. After the first battle of UNCA forces against Frieden forces on March 17th, many more were fought on the ground and in space. The UNCA had only lost one ground engagement, and two space skirmishes. He was sent hear by General Admarand as part of a Frieden search and destroy task force. He was currently investigating the last known location of the Frieden cruiser, Peace and War. So far he came up empty handed. Then, by pushing his searching frequencies to the max, he picked up this communication: "Non preoccuparsi. Essremo di ritorno presto. Siamo giusti si assicurando che non prendiamo avvistato da questo scumbags di UNCA. Sopra." Kingsley didn't know Italian, but his ship's translation software did. These words scrolled along the viewscreen: Don't worry. We will be back soon. We are just making sure that these UNCA scumbags don't sight us. Over. He commanded his pilot to head in that direction.

After forty minutes of heading towards the origin of the communication, they found the ship. It looked just like any other standard UNCA ship except that it was painted jet black. As soon as it noticed them, it launched several X-02 fighters (a precursor to the Longsword). The Washington reciprocated in kind, launching its' entire battalion of X-02's. The X-02's were a now infamous aircraft, thanks to Gregory Keyes, a pilot who had flown it during his entire campaign in the Erusian wars on Mars in 2123. He won the war with that plane. The two groups of X-02's flew towards each other, each group peppering the other with missiles.

Colonel Henry Longenston switched to his XLAA Long Range missiles and fired. Out of the twenty he rapidly fired, fourteen made contact. Now, only four Frieden X-02's remained. As Henry pursued them, he saw a very large, ovular object 1500 kilometers away. Without warning, it glowed a hellish red, and consumed both groups of jets.

Captain Kingsley watched as the nuke exploded. Damn, he thought, all those good men. The Peace and War then fired its main weapon, a MAC gun, and tore through the Washington like a knife through butter. "Report!" yelled Kingsley. "Sir, hull integrity is 23%. Decks twelve through eighteen breached. Decks nine through eleven compromised." 'Ok, fire the MAC gun right at the middle. That's were their reactor lies."ordered Kingsley.

Alfons Guglayutti sat at the controls of the MAC gun and fired at the UNCA ship. The MAC gun was usually a weak weapon, but when aimed at the right place, plus with the extra velocity from the ship, it could do some damage. He was just about to fire again when he saw the Washington fire its MAC gun, he watched the bright yellow-green projectile cut a path through space, and felt it impact on the cruiser. Then the Peace and War shook violently and lost power. The only source of light was a bright yellow light that seemed to be coming from behind him. He realized what had happened just as flame ate away ate his skull.

The Peace and War became a momentary sun, and then faded away. All that remained of the ship was billions of pieces of molten metal. "Good job, crew, good job."said the Captain.
