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Fan Fiction

Fall of The Covenant, Part I
Posted By: Spartan-507<destroyer3707@aol.com>
Date: 15 January 2005, 5:03 PM

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Ninth Age of Reclamation
High Charity
Covenant Holy City
Council Chambers

"By the time I learned what the Demon had did, there was nothing I could do." Councilor Raka 'Lakamee listened to those words echo throughout the Council Chambers. Orna 'Fulsamee, Commander of the Fleet of Particular Justice, was being tried for the atrocity committed at Halo. "You are one of our most treasured instruments. Long have you led your fleet with honor and distinction. But your inability to safeguard Halo was a colossal failure." spoke the High Prophet of Truth. Then, the Prophet of Justice spoke up. "Neigh, it was heresy." The entire council agreed with Justice, as did Raka. The Great Journey had been compromised. He believed that other rings would be found, but who knew when they would be found. He watched as the chieftain of the Jiralhannae, Tartarus, and his bodyguards Ragalok and Herteg led out the deposed Commander.

"I agree, he should be hung by his entrails and his corpse paraded through the city." uttered Councilor Gala 'Lusamee. Raka felt Orna deserved a much more severe punishment. Having the Mark of Shame branded on his body and being paraded through the city did not make up for the destruction of one of the Holy Rings. "Who shall relay our decision to the Prophets?" asked Gala. Raka spoke up. "I will." "Excellent, but the Prophets are not in their Inner Sanctum." responded Gala. 'Then where are the Holy Ones." inquired 'Lakamee. "They can be found in the Mausoleum of the Arbiter." Why were they in the Mausoleum, thought Raka. But he knew better than to question the Prophets.

As he descended down the lift towards the Mausoleum, Raka felt a twinge of fear. Something was wrong. The Prophets don't generally congregate in other places but their Inner Sanctum. Something was wrong indeed. As the doors slid open, Raka walked in with his head bowed. When he was within six meters of the Prophets, he knelt on one knee. "Have you decided a fitting punishment, Councilor?" inquired the Prophet of Mercy. "We have, your Excellencies." whispered Raka. "What is it then?" responded the Prophet of Truth. "We have decided", answered Raka, "that the Heretic should be hung by his entrails and his corpse paraded through the city for all to see." "A fitting punishment indeed." answered Mercy. Truth then ordered Raka, "You may go now." Raka straightened up and walked off.

"We decided to have him executed!" bellowed Gala. "Instead, you decided to make him the Arbiter. Instead of punishing him for his discrepancy, you blessed him and turned him into a holy warrior."
Raka was also upset about the Prophets' decision. He postponed the start of the Great Journey, and yet he was allowed to live. "Are you questioning our decision?" asked the Prophet of Mercy. "No, your Excellencies." answered Gala, and he spoke no more. "The Arbiter quelled a heresy movement. He stopped an all out war with one of our own. My decision was a good one, and you better think so too." heeded the Prophet of Truth.

"Where is the Prophet of Regret?" asked Raka. Regret usually took the side of the Sangheili, rather than his own brothers. "It is unclear at this time. I have heard, though, that he has invaded the Human home world." responded Tula 'Poilajee. Then Raka asked, "And the Prophets allowed this?" "I doubt that they did. If they wanted to invade Earth, they would have sent the Fleet of Unrivaled Resolution." responded Tula.

Soon, word of Regret's failure at Earth reached High Charity. Raka thought the Prophets would condemn him, but instead, thanks to Mercy, Truth let Regret live. There was also news that Regret had found another Halo. Whether that is true or false, no one knew. Raka told the entire Sangheili High Council, "If Regret has indeed found another Halo, than I for one will forgive Orna 'Fulsamee." "I agree. But he still deserves the Mark. We shall not remove it." answered Gala.

The Jiralhannae were talking about a mass revolution against the Sangheili. They felt that they should be put in place of the Sangheili, for they thought they were not honorable. This deeply angered Gala, who had been trying his whole career as a Councilor to promote better Jiralhannae/Sangheili relations. He confronted a Jiralhannae named Garlkad and told him, "You shall not harm the Sangheili. If you initiate rebellion against us, you shall be struck down by our massive power." The Jiralhannae answered " Ha. Your power is nothing compared to ours. The moment you attack is the same moment you shall die." "Useless animal! How dare you threaten the Sangheili! We joined the Covenant long before you did!"yelled Gala. The Jiralhannae responded to being called a "useless animal by grabbing Gala by the head and slamming it to the floor, crushing it. Though it had not become perfectly clear yet, Garlkad had just initiated the mass revolution that would later claim the lives of many Sangheili and Jiralhannae alike.
