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Fan Fiction

Helljumper's Reach Campaign, Part IV: The Hailing Glory
Posted By: Spartan-507<destroyer3707@aol.com>
Date: 14 January 2005, 9:41 PM

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Sergeant Bob Smith couldn't believe his eyes. Him and his squad had almost made it out of the city, with Smith presuming the worst about his wife, when she emerged from a vacant hotel, two Hunters in pursuit. After saving her, he removed his black helmet and revealed himself to her. She couldn't believe here eyes either. Not only did she find he husband while Reach was being invaded, he also saved her from two Hunters. "Hey Yvette, are you all right"? asked Smith. "Yea, I'm fine." She replied. Then they kissed.


Ship Master Nula 'Pilanee sat aboard the Pious Inquisitor as it orbited Reach. The generator in the south pole of Reach that powered half of the Orbital MAC guns had been destroyed, leaving half of Reach virtually undefended. "Bring the ship around to new coordinates: declination minus zero zero zero point two zero." Ordered ' Pilanee. That course would bring them down to the upper stratosphere of Reach, where they would commence plasma bombardment procedures, or, as the Human filth had dubbed it, "glassing". "Sir, ETA is 6 units" reported his second in command, Commander Jorna 'Hujamee. "Wonderful" returned Nula, "charge all plasma turrets to maximum to 110 percent. I want them ready by the time we reach the coordinates." But as they were hurtling toward the coordinates, they received a mayday. "This is Ship Master Juka 'Porlanee of the Hailing Glory. We have crash-landed on the surface of Reach. Casualties are heavy. Humans are inbound. Requesting immediate reinforcements." Nula responded, "I'm sorry, but all we can give you are seven Special Operations Sangheili. We will deploy them by way of drop pods." "Understood", replied Juka. "Get those Sangheili to the drop bay now. We will be flying over the location in 2 units. Go now." Ordered Nula. "Sir, I alerted them during the message. They are already on their way." Returned Jorna.

Back on Reach…..

" Thank God you guys came by." said Yvette. "No problem ma'am." Replied Shaw. "Are you sure you're all right, babe? asked Smith. "Yea, I'm fine. Don't worry." she replied, and again kissed him. "Alright Marines, let's move out!" ordered Smith. He re-attached his helmet and handed his wife one of his pistols. "Just in case" he said. He was just about to get in the Warthog when Gonzalez piped in. "Uh, sir. We have incoming vessels, or projectiles, um, coming in really fast just over us." Smith looked up and saw what looked like seven meteors rocketing toward their positions. "Oh shit. Everybody, get back now!" he ordered. The "meteors came closer into view. Shaw noticed they looked more like pods than meteors. They all landed with a thud and broke the asphalt underneath them. The Helljumpers grabbed their weapons and aimed. The pods popped open and, accompanied by white mist, seven heavily armed, black armored Elites came out. The Helljumper opened fire, and the fight was on.

When the first hail of bullets hit the Elites, they all hid behind the pods to allow their shields to recharge. When they re-emerged, one of the Elites was greeted with a rocket. The blood sprayed over another Elite, which threw a plasma grenade towards Gonzalez. The grenade attached itself to his grenade pouch. He broke it loose, and hurled it back at the Elite. It caught it and was blown to smithereens. Then one by one, the remaining five Elites dropped their weapons and pulled out some sort of stick. Then the stick started glowing a light blue and then some sort of sword was formed. Private Armand Ruiz ran up to one of the Eltes, only to be cut in half. The other unfortunate person who had been to close, Private Michael Kingsley, tried to run. The last thing he saw was the front of the blade come out through his chest.

As Smith watched Kingsley get impaled, he knew they needed something to stop these motherfucking Elites. His first thought was to lob a Lotus anti-tank mine at them, but they might need the last one for another time, if there ever was one. Those swords they wielded reminded him of lightsabers, a weapon used in the classic science fiction trilogy, Star Wars. The chain-gun on the Warthog would be useless because the moment he started firing, the Elites would just hide behind the drop pods like a bunch of pussies. Then it hit him. Even though the Elites would fire at Gonzalez the minute they saw him, he could be a decoy. "Gonzalez, give me your launcher now!" ordered Smith. "But sir, those things will…" started Gonzalez, but Smith cut him off" I don't give a rat's ass what they do, just give it to me. And start running." "But why?" inquired Anthony. "As a distraction. Now get moving Private, that's an order!"

Gonzalez hated this idea. Why did he have to be the damn bait? But whatever, he thought, as long as those Elites die. He jumped out from behind the Warthog and started shooting his pistol. Only one of the Elites turned, though. Just as it was about to fire, a plume of smoke and ash replaced it. The rest of the Elites now turned. They ran together toward Gonzalez, thinking he was the one who had killed their comrade. The same way they ran as a group, they died as a group. Their screams pierced the air, but only for a moment.

"Alright, let's get moving", yelled Shaw. The Warthogs continued their trek, as did the Helljumpers that walked on foot. Smith stayed on the ground so that he could be by his wife. As they worked their way north towards the crash site of the Hailing Glory, they found seven more human survivors. Smith's motion detector suddenly showed eleven hostile contacts. He motioned for the squad to stop. Luckily, they weren't Elites. Just a bunch of scrappy Grunts. They fell faster than a house of cards on a windy day. Smith checked his GPS and noticed they were getting closer to the crash site. 'Yvette, if anything happens, run. Okay? Run." She nodded her head. It was hard navigating their way through the forest, even with GPS. Uprooted trees, knotted roots and other obstacles slowed their progress.

As they worked their way through, the Helljumpers noticed that some trees had their tops chipped off. As they followed the row of broken trees, they got smaller and smaller because of the breaks. Then the forest ended. On the ground was a meter deep trench, made recently. They followed it, and it ended in front of an upside down Pelican. Human bodies had been unceremoniously laid out. There were at least six. The Marines noticed noise on the other side of the Pelican. They drew their weapons and turned.

Sgt. A.J. Johnson heard footsteps on the other side of his downed Pelican. "Marines", he whispered to what remained of his squad, "be ready for anything." He drew his assault rifle and turned, only to be staring down the barrel of another MA5B Assault Rifle. "Son, would you mind removing your god-damned weapon outta my face.", said Johnson, rather calmly. The black armored Helljumper withdrew his weapon and said "Sorry sir."

Caceres withdrew his rifle, and stepped aside. Shaw stepped forward and asked "Sergeant, what the hell are you doing here?" "well sir, HQ deployed me and my squad to the crash site of some Covey ship, but on the way, a stationary plasma gun shot us down. We lost six good men today." Responded the Sergeant. "we tried calling in a mayday, but our radio got lost in the crash. Smith was looking around the squad when he noticed a very familiar face. "Damn. George, is that you?". The Marine, who looked almost exactly as Smith did, save for a scar along his right cheek, looked up. "Hell, I'd recognize that voice anywhere. How you doing bro?" Smith hadn't seen his nineteen-year-old brother since being stationed at Reach. Smith was just about to respond when a loud explosion cut him off. Everyone looked left. There it was. Nestled diagonally along Mt. Gurton. The Hailing Glory was there. And so were hundreds of angry Covenant troops.
