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Fan Fiction

Helljumper's Reach Campaign, Part III: The Camp
Posted By: Spartan-507<destroyer3707@aol.com>
Date: 14 January 2005, 3:36 AM

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Nosa 'Fulkamee looked on as the small group of humans made their way through the wretched city. "This is Commander 'Fulkamee. Human filth is currently in route toward Sangheili Camp Four. Alert all Sangheili in the area and prepare them for attack." 'Fulkamee clicked his mandibles and hoped the Humans got there faster. He loved the thrill of a kill.

Private Armand Ruiz kept the Warthog going at a decent pace. He hated rushing into a battle. He hated it almost as much as he hated the Covenant. Almost. "Hey Ruiz, what's are ETA to the crash site" hollered the Sarge. "Sir, at this rate, we'll be there within 14 minutes" he responded. That's good, Smith thought to himself. But he hated the idea of leaving the city without first finding his wife. An idea he kept to himself, because right now, his men needed leadership.

As they turned the corner, Shaw noticed that there were plasma burns all over the road. And they still smoldered. The Covenant had been here recently. But the fact that there were none in sight was odd. "Wait Marines, stop here", ordered Shaw. He knew this was a trap. He could almost smell it. His fears were confirmed when he heard the whimpering of some overly eager Grunts. "It's a trap! Pull back now!" But by that time, the entire group of waiting Covenant was already running towards their position. When they tried to reverse the Warthogs, four Ghosts blocked their paths. Those who were on foot instantly engaged the enemy, throwing grenades, bludgeoning them, or any thing that would stop them. The Elites were back, this time in large numbers. Smith counted at least fifteen Elites scattered around the area. He saw many different colors; a few red, blue and one solitary gold armored Elite. He took aim and fired.

Commander 'Fulkamee felt his shield shimmer as the Human's barbaric ammunition bounced harmlessly off of him. He started firing at the Human, but it dodged his attack. It lobbed some sort of explosive device at him, which 'Fulkamee caught and threw back at another group of Humans. Their screams as they were ripped apart were soothing to 'Fulkamee's ears. He again spotted the Human. He was just about to toss a plasma grenade when a loud explosion near him caught his attention. He looked around for the source, but instead found himself looking at his own legs. With the remaining air in his lungs, the Elite Commander belted out a short, painful scream.

Gonzalez smiled as he saw the gold Elite ripped in half. He laughed when he heard it scream. You deserved it, motherfucker, he thought to himself. He holstered the rocket launcher, and drew out his sniper. Things were starting to get interesting. He took aim at yet another Elite, and, with a precise shot, blew the alien's brain, if it even had one, to oblivion. But then three of the Elites spotted him on the second story balcony of an apartment and focused their fire on him. Hey, one plasma shot to the chest is enough for today, he though as he leapt off the balcony and crouched behind a dumpster.

Shaw had had enough. The Ghosts had already crushed two of his soldiers. They weren't gonna get another try. He grabbed a Lotus Antitank Mine from the back of the Warthog and attracted the vehicles' attention by firing at them. He placed the Lotus on the ground, armed it for proximity explosion, and hauled ass. He had barely run 6 yards when a loud BANG reached his ears. He was knocked off his feet by the explosion. When he sat up, a flaming Ghost carcass landed near him. The others were nowhere to be found. For once that day, the Lieutenant was truly happy.

As the last of the Elites went down by a barrage of rockets, courtesy of Anthony, they finally reached the corner of the street. Smith saw no enemies in sight. In case it was another trap, he ordered Gonzlalez to perch himself on top of the roof of a nearby gas station, just incase. As they walked down the street, the crew heard a lady screaming. They looked to their left at an abandoned hotel, when a woman ran out, two Hunters in pursuit. "Son of a bitch" muttered Smith. He swapped weapons with Shaw in order to receive a shotgun, and went after the Hunters. "Yo, dipshits, over here!" He fired a round at them. "Yeah, I'm talkin' to you!" The first Hunter abandoned its "hunt" and went after Smith. Smith greeted him with a belly full of lead when it tried to club him to death. The other Hunter, however, was smarter. It lobbed plasma at him at a terrifying rate. The only way it was stopped was when Gonzalez found the opening in its neck and fired. It fell with a satisfactory thud. After he swapped weapons again, Smith went to check on the woman. "Hey, are you al…." He stopped mid-syllable. The woman looked back at him and said "What's the matter?" He said "I..", stopped again, then decided to remove his helmet. When he did so, the woman said "Oh my God. Chris?" Sergeant Smith had finally found his wife.
