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Fire Team Zulu: Futile Resistance
Posted By: Spartan-13<silent_shadow13@hotmail.com>
Date: 8 April 2003, 11:03 PM

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Fire Team Zulu: Futile Resistance

**Hey folks....a story was written a while ago about the marines in the Silent Cartographer...I thought I should write a story about Fire Team Zulu, the marines in Assault on the Control Room**

Lieutenant Wade Bishop slapped a magazine into this MA5B assault rifle, looking around as he cycled the chamber, loading the magazine's rounds. The seven other members of his fire team looked back at him. He put the assault rifle beside him, and then did the same for his M6D pistol, which he immediately holstered after cocking the weapon. He then stood up, grabbing a hand railing on the ceiling of the Pelican dropship's troop bay. He stared at everyone single marine.
"Gentlemen, new orders for us. The Master Chief is somewhere in the canyon below us, fighting his way to some sort of Control Room. Major Silva wants us to help him out. We are getting dropped off near the exit to the tunnel systems where the Chief is. We follow him, till he don't need out help. We've fought the Covenant before; we know how to handle them. Here is how it's gonna go. Myself, Johnson, Jameson, Reece and Carmen get dropped off near the exit entrance. The rest of you, under Sergeant Dawson's command will then secure the next canyon. We rendezvous up with you, and then help out the Chief through the rest of the canyons. Simple mission folks, get me?" he explained to his team. None of the marines had questions, but stared back at him with determination. Wade grinned, and then sat back down, closing his eyes for a moment. They had crash landed on Halo four days ago, and were still getting their asses kicked. Alpha Base, which was some sort of flare signal butte, had been assaulted by non stop Covenant forces for the past three days. Lt. Bishop actually had around 11 men under his command, but the other four marines had died in combat, defending Alpha Base. Like any other field commander, he had to hide his anger and sadness. All of his marines were good men, and he considered them to be his brothers. It hurt him a lot when he saw one fall from plasma fire. He didn't like this mission, mainly because the Covenant was after the Control Room as well, and had stocked the surrounding canyons with so much firepower. Major Silva had been kind enough to have a Warthog accompany them, but it wasn't enough. The only comfort he found was in the second Pelican dropship that would stay on station with another fire team and a Scorpion Tank. However, they weren't cleared to help out, unless the Major said so. So, the lieutenant and his men were on their own with a Spartan-II.
Suddenly, a voice broke over their COM link. It was Second Lieutenant Jonathan Abestrom, their pilot. His voice sounded grave.
"Marines, this area is loaded with so much Covenant. Both LZ's are completely compromised. I can't promise a safe landing, so I suggest you request the Chief's assistance" he said. Wade looked over at Sgt. Dawson briefly, before up linking the com.
"This is Fire Team Zulu requesting immediate assistance from any UNSC forces, does anyone copy? Over" he said into the mike that linked through his helmet. A few seconds of static, and the voice of the AI Cortanna answered.
"Fire Team Zulu this is Cortanna, hold your position, we are on our way" she said. Wade smiled.
"Roger that, make it quick" he said. The moment his shut the com off, the Pelican shuddered violently. Wade strapped himself in and looked near the front.
"What the fuck was that?!" he yelled. He could make out Jonathan's head look back at him, as he struggled with the controls.
"Plasma fire! Hang on, first team; get ready, dirt in 5" he yelled. Wade unstrapped himself and got ready. Sure enough, through the snow that blew all around, he could make out the snowy white ground. The four other men with him climbed forward and waited. The Warthog was released, and Wade jumped. His feet left the Pelican troop bay and hit the snow. He rolled, and then crouched up, looking around. Clear he thought to himself. Immediately, he ran forward, ignoring the Warthog and crouched behind a boulder. The other members of his team fanned out with him, as the Pelican lifted off and went to the next section of the canyon.
Immediately, all hell broke loose. Wade didn't realize that a Covenant Wraith tank was positioned a few hundred meters from their position. It immediately began firing random plasma mortars at them. On top of that, a small Covenant assault team, consisting of Grunts, Jackals and one Elite were moving along the far side of the canyon. Two Shade gun turrets had been set up as well, with criss-crossing fire. Wade then accessed their LZ. He and his team were hiding behind four boulders, evenly spread out. He noticed a large cluster of trees, which seemed to be calling his name. However, the Covenant were moving there as well. He turned around on his toes.
"Carmen! Sniper cover, the rest of you, head for the trees and let's take out those mother fuckers!" he yelled. The marines cheered and followed Wade towards the trees, while Private John Carmen loaded his sniper rifle and began picking off Grunts and Jackals.
Wade fired several bursts of bullets at the Covenant, and then rolled to the left, as an Elite targeted him. He crouched up, fired at the Elite, and then ran forward again. Suddenly, his assault rifle spat out an empty clip. He immediately crouched, reloading. As he finished, a plasma bolt struck him in the chest. The armor that surrounded his torso melted slightly and he felt a burning sensation go through him. Ignoring it, he rolled, fired at the Elite, and then jogged over to the other three marines with him. Corporal Abe Reece nearly ran into Wade, as he retreated from his position, firing blind shots. Wade covered him, as Abe crouched behind a rock, breathing hard. He had been hit hard by the Elite, and was suffering burns. Suddenly, a Grunt chucked a grenade at Private Owen Johnson. The grenade bounced on the icy snow and stuck to the man's leg. The private let out a yelp, before the grenade detonated, vaporizing his body. Wade's eyes went wide with madness. He then sprinted forward, smashing his assault rifle into the Grunt's face. The face mask it wore cracked open, and the Grunt collapsed, dead from suffocation. Wade was about to keep fighting, but he forced himself to stay low and take out what he could from his position.
The Wraith couldn't hit the marines, which Wade was extremely thankful for. The trees they hide around provided excellent protection. From the left, Private Carmen took out the Elite, and the remaining Covenant fell back to a cluster of boulders, near the base of a large rock hill. The Shade gun turret on top of it began firing again. The marines took cover, and Wade started to think up a way to take that thing out. The Wraith fired again, and the plasma mortar struck the ground in front of the Warthog. It flipped high into the air and landed almost right on top of Private Carmen, who quickly rolled out of the way. However, he rolled right into plasma fire from the Shade gun turret that had been firing at him for the last few minutes. Carmen was cut right in half and he let out a huge scream as he fell over dead. Wade swore out loud and smashed his fist into the ground. Private Ian Jameson and Private Kyle Reece were the only ones left with him. Wade was about to order a retreat back to the Warthog, when more trouble came their way. A Covenant Ghost bike flew over the boulder they hide behind, landed, turned and began pelting the ground with more plasma fire. Immediately, the marines scattered, firing random shots as they did. The Ghost charged forward, nearly running over Reece, who dove forward, flattening himself to the ground. Wade and Jameson fired at the Ghost which turned around and fired. A round hit Jameson in the chest, but he quickly turned on heel and ran behind a boulder, holding his wound. Wade saw the Ghost target him, when suddenly; it exploded in a huge plume of flame. He gasped and looked around. Reece was busy with a group of Grunts, Jameson was wounded. He smiled and turned right around. The Master Chief stood there, a Jackhammer in his hands. He reloaded it and nodded at Wade, who grinned.
"Master Chief Sir! Good to see you" he said. The Chief finished reloading, and then ran over to the Warthog. Wade and Reece finished off the Grunts charging at them, and ran after the Chief. Private Jameson stood and limped after them. However, a plasma mortar made it though the trees and hit the ground in front of the Jameson. The intense explosion melted the skin off the Private's face and sent him flying backwards. Wade turned and saw him fall and growled. Ignore it, you are a field officer; ignore it he repeated to himself. The Chief was flipping the Warthog over, while Reece covered him. The Chief lowered himself, grabbed the 'Hog and with one big lift, he flipped it over. Immediately, he jumped in. Reece jumped into the back, and Wade rode shotgun, grabbing a sniper rifle has he did. The Chief revved the engine, and dirt exploded from the tires as they stormed forward. Their target was the Wraith. Reece immediately opened fire with the 'Hog's LAAG 30mm chain gun. The bullets pinged off the dented armor. The Chief circled around the frozen pond the Wraith floated on, allowing Reece various angles to fire from. Wade noticed near another part of the canyon, a group of Jackals moving forward. As they rounded the corner, he tossed a fragmentation grenade. It successfully took out the four Jackals. Reece found a potential weak spot on the tank. He fired non stop, and the tank exploded in a ball of fire and smoke. Without evening stopping, the Chief spun the 'Hog around, and the accelerated towards the end of the canyon. They flew over a large ledge and skidded onto ice. The Chief tried to control the 'Hog, but the ice prevented it, and they slammed into the wall. Up ahead, three marines were fighting for lives against overwhelming Covenant forces. The Chief decided to jump out, and ran into battle, followed closely by Wade and Reece. Sergeant Dawson, Corporal James Brown and Corporal Thomas McDonald fought on a large snow drift, firing at groups of Grunts, Jackals and Elites. McDonald launched a grenade, and heard the screams of Grunts as they were blasted. Corporal Brown was trying to fall back towards them, when he suddenly slipped on the ice and fell hard. He stood and was about to get up, when a plasma needle, fired from a Grunt drove through his battered helmet and stuck out of his left eye. He let out a gasp, and then the needle exploded, along with his whole head. The headless marine fell back down, dead. Wade could feel more anger rising in him, and he used his sniper rifle that he recovered to take out the rest of Covenant. The quickly moved across the ice onto the next ice drift area, and confirmed everyone was dead. Wade then took a moment to look around. He was confused, as a Scorpion tank was laying in the middle of the canyon, and a destroyed dropship lay against the canyon wall, smoke billowing out of holes. He looked at Dawson.
"What happened here Sergeant?" he asked. Dawson turned and shook his head.
"Major Silva decided that we needed this tank after he heard you ask for the Chief's help. The dropship came in to hard, and took a plasma mortar round right to its front. They dropped the tank here, crushed Private Lombardi, and the Pelican crashed into the wall. No one survived" he said, smiling slightly as he said this. Wade shook his head. The Major was a good, strong man, but sometimes, he did really stupid things. This was one of the many mistakes he's made. Shaking his head, he watched the Chief waved at them, and jumped into the tank. Wade grinned.
"Saddle up marines! Let's kick some Covenant ass!" he yelled. He, Sergeant Dawson, Private Reece and Corporal McDonald all jumped onto the large platforms connected to the main body of the tank. The Chief drove the tank off the ice, across the snow drifts, and then down a small tunnel like area, which lead into the next area of the canyon. Wade swore as they rounded the corner. The entrance to some sort of underground system was in this area of the canyon. However, the Covenant had this area loaded with troops. A Covenant Wraith moved around a large ice pond, along with three Ghost bikes that drove around it. A group of Jackals were nestled near some trees, beside the pond. Around the underground entrance, three Shade gun turrets were ready to fire, along with another Ghost bike, and two wandering Elites. Another Covenant Wraith tank was positioned on top of the entrance. Wade looked at his men.
"Here we go ladies, everyone keep alert, this ain't gonna be a walk in the park" he yelled. The marines all cheered and readied their weapons. Sergeant Dawson unslung a sniper rifle and started firing. Wade did the same. The Chief fired the tank's turret. The explosive MCK-12 shell erupted on the armor of the first Wraith tank. The explosion went right through the tank, ripping it apart. One of the nearby Ghosts exploded from the splash damage. As the tank reloaded, the 30mm chain gun placed on top of the turret started firing, tearing apart the Jackals moving in. The Ghosts started moving in, firing at them. Wade felt rounds ping of the tank's armor and lobbed a grenade into the air. Perfect timing he grinned, as one of the Ghosts floated right over it. The grenade exploded, and so did the Ghost. The remaining two Ghosts harassed the other side of the tank. Sergeant Dawson fired, taking out the driver of one of the Ghosts. The other one blew up in a huge explosion from the tank's turret. They continued moving, firing at the Shades which fired continuous bursts of plasma fire at them. Suddenly, two Hunters emerged from the hills that lead down into the entrance. The Chief quickly targeted them and fired the turret. The first Hunter erupted into pieces, while its brother, and was blown into the wall, dead. The Shades all toppled over dead, and the Wraith above the entrance, floating there, unable to hit them. Wade was about to assume they were home free, but he thought to soon.
Without warning, a large fuel rod cannon shot struck the ground right behind the tank. The splash damage sent the tank spinning, flinging the marines off. Wade landed right into the snow. He pulled his head out and rolled off the ledge he lay on. The Chief stopped the tank, and slowly targeted the Banshee that had snuck up on them from behind. He fired another fuel rod shot and Private Reece blew up in a dozen pieces. Wade and the remaining two marines of his team got back on the tank, which fired at the Banshee, wiping it out of existence. As they made their way down the hill, Wade glanced at the severed body of Reece. Sighing, he focused on his mission.

The Scorpion tank rounded a corner and Wade breathed a sigh of relief as the surface could be seen. For the past two hours, they had battled in a huge underground chasm, loaded with more Covenant. The chasm was divided and connected via one bridge. The other bridge had been completely destroyed. The Chief had moved fast, but slowed down on the bridge, since crossing seemed difficult for a huge tank like this. In the process, Sergeant Dawson had been blasted off the tank and into the unknown depths below. Wade was now on the brink of a non stop kamikaze. He could feel his skin, eyes, his whole body burning, as they climbed up to the surface. The Chief blasted Jackals out of the way as they climbed. When they reached the top, they stopped and backed off, as a Covenant dropship lowered itself to the ground and dropped off two Ghosts and a large handful of troops. The Ghosts came flying at them, but were too clustered. One round from the Scorpion and both were blasted down the hill. The Grunts scattered as they emerged into sunlight. The 30mm chain gun took out most of them, but Wade and McDonald took out a lot as well. Wade was starting to feel like he wasn't helping out the Chief at all, and was just slowing him down. The area they had entered had a large mountain pillar in the very middle that disappeared into the sky. Near one of the entrance to the entrance, two Ghosts sat waiting for their Elite drivers. Wade knew that this was his chance. He looked over at McDonald.
"Corporal! Ghosts! Arm one up and lets actually help out the Chief!" he yelled. The Corporal nodded, and they both jumped off, running to them. Meanwhile, the Chief fired at a ground of Covenant that emerged from the entrance/exit. Wade jumped into one Ghost, and armed the controls. He quickly adjusted himself to them, and then zoomed ahead of the tank, Corporal McDonald flanking him. Another Wraith tank was positioned on a huge ice pond. It started firing the moment Wade and the Corporal rounded the corner. The two of them quickly parted and spread out, flanking the tank and firing the Ghost's weapons. It seemed that the Wraith tank's armor had a weakness to plasma rounds. Within seconds, smoke was billowing out of holes in the armor, and it finally exploded in a large plume of fire and smoke. Wade turned to meet two other Ghosts rush at them, Elites occupying these ones. He and McDonald circled the two enemy Ghosts, firing shots at them to cluster them. The Chief appeared in the tank and fired a successful round, which blew a hole in the ice and the destroyed Ghosts and pilots sank. A Banshee took off from a docking pad that stuck out of the canyon wall. It homed in on the Ghosts, but the marines were fast and moved out of the way, firing at the Banshee as he turned. However, it turned right into the tank, which fired and destroyed it. They weren't done yet though. Two Hunters emerged from a small passageway that led to the next part of the canyon system. The both fired and hit their mark. Corporal McDonald's Ghost erupted from the bulk of the two shots. The dead marine toppled out and lay on the ice, dead. Finally, Wade snapped. He let out a small scream and drove his Ghost forward, firing the plasma guns. The Hunters tried to evade, but Wade ran them both over. He turned sharply and zoomed through the passageway, knocking over two Elites. He stopped, and fired at a group of sleeping Grunts and patrolling Jackals near the ledge of a huge drop. The Grunts all toppled off the cliff, and the Jackals tried to protect themselves, but to no avail. As Wade finished them off, the tank rounded the corner and fired at a group of trees. An Elite and three Grunts screamed as they were blown away. Suddenly, a dropship zoomed around the corner off the canyon and moved in towards the cliff top. The Chief targeted the ship and fired, knocking the Covenant dropship out of the sky. It landed onto the ground below. Wade seemed to be relaxing slightly now. Together, he and the Chief drove down a large path that led to the bottom of the canyon. Here, six Marine Regulars were hiding out in a group of large trees. They all cheered as they saw Wade and the Chief come. All six of them jumped onto the tank, but that was pointless. As they traveled around the ice, they saw the destroyed dropship sitting right in the middle of the area, preventing the tank from getting through. The Chief and the marines got out, followed by Wade, whose Ghost couldn't fit either. They went in on foot. A large group of dead marines lay near a row of pillars that "guarded" the entrance. Wade and the Chief picked up some ammo, while the marines scouted ahead. The sound of screaming didn't relax Wade, who was hoping they were done. The sprinted through the tunnel, dodging through the boulders that blocked the path somewhat. When they emerged, they saw a floating sword swinging away at the marines they had found. One already lay dead, his body in pieces. Immediately, Wade and the Chief fired around the sword and hit the Elite wielding it. The Elite let out a kamikaze roar, but didn't get anywhere, as the other marines took it out. A group of Grunts, feeding on dead marines ran out of a small corner. They all dropped dead as Wade, the Chief and the other marines fired. They then climbed a path that lead past a ledge and into the last part of the canyon system. Already, Wade could tell they were in trouble. A Shade gun turret immediately started firing at them, along with a large host of Grunts, and three Elites. Two Ghosts zoomed forward, and a Banshee flew in from above. It all happened at once. Two plasma grenades, plasma fire, and a fuel rod cannon shot were fired at them. Wade backpedaled, ducked and rolled into a group of trees and watched as three marines were either cut down by the plasma or blown away from grenades and fuel rod shot. The remaining two marines followed Wade up the far left side of the canyon. The Chief went up the right. Wade chucked a grenade at the Shade turret targeting them, then fired at an Elite that was charging right at him. His attack weakened the shields and we went head to head with the Elite. He swung in with his gun, blocking the blow from the Elite's fist and struck him in the stomach. The shields went and purple blood exploded from the stomach. But the Elite wasn't done. In a last ditch effort, it took out a grenade, and stuck it to Wade's helmet. It seemed like right at that moment, time seemed to stop. Wade looked around and couldn't believe what was about to happen. He looked up and saw the grenade glowing there. He could see the Chief planting a grenade on the back of an Elite. The two marines with him were being cut down from plasma fire, from the Shade that Wade didn't take out. He knew what he had to do. Immediately, time went back to normal. The Elite dropped dead, and Wade charged forward. He had less then three seconds before he was dead. He grinned, then screamed as he dove forward, landing beside the Shade turret. Wade closed his eyes, and the grenade detonated. The Shade exploded, breaking into dozens of pieces. The detonated triggered three other grenades laying near the turret, which took out the two Ghosts that were moving in on the Chief. The resulting explosions killed three Grunts and wounded another Elite, which the remaining marines took out. The Chief stopped for a few seconds and caught the dog tags that had been blown into the air. He looked briefly towards the destroyed Shade, and then continued with his mission.
Fire Team Zulu had been in dozens of other ground engagements before their final defeat on the Assault on the Control Room. They defended Alpha Base through four ground battles and helped out the Chief in getting through the canyon system. All in all, they should never be remembered as useless marines, but as war heroes.

**There we go, all done....I wrote this kinda quick, so I do apologize for the errors....my ending seems weird, but I aint gonna change it. Damnit, i haven't understood how to do the indents on the paragraphts...sorry bout that...try and enjoy it anyway...Cheers folks***

By: Spartan-13
