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Fan Fiction

Guardian of the Luminous Key
Posted By: soulguard<gouldbowman@hotmail.com>
Date: 15 March 2006, 6:24 pm

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"The Guardian of the Luminous Key"
By Soulguard

Northern Africa: 3120 BC

      Sunset had long passed and the chill of the nighttime air brushed through the hilly plains. A group of men had been fallowing a mysterious woman for several minutes; holding their torches and chattering loudly. They were drunk, but none the less they had a purpose in stalking her. She was new to the area, a woman that they had never seen before, at least not in their town. She had an alarming beauty, an unnatural female structure and a voice that could honor the gods. She was worth following. She was a woman that any man would want to claim, but she was wild and untouchable.

       "She almost broke my jaw." A large burly man whimpered as he rubbed his wounded face.

       "If you weren't so fat, we could have caught her by now." A thin, young man from the head of the pack laughed. His insult chained through the group of six men and they all laughed in return.

       "Yes, Jacob, you find it amusing, but it was not you she struck." The large man returned. His long beard and ample belly was proof of his wealth, and he was honoring his friends for helping him build an additional room upon his large home. He was a wealthy and powerful man, and could have his taste of any woman he chose, yet he chose to chase a mystery. "I will have her. Her strength alone excites me. No woman has ever turned away from me."

      Jacob shook his head in protest as he led the group by torch light. "You have everything a man could want, Isaiah; farms, many wives, a large home, even the ear of the Pharaoh. We were having a good time, enjoying the wine and relaxing after our last day of work. And now you drag us out into the chill of night and chase this woman."

      Isaiah stormed to the front of the pack, "You didn't see her. She was radiant."

       "And she nearly took your head off." Another man laughed, causing an uproar of laughter.

       "You can all laugh, but a woman of strength is a woman I will have lead my household. She will be my first wife."

       "And you think that Sarah will accept that? She has been your first wife for three years, and she will not let you bring in another to replace her. Not to mention your other wives will protest as well. They will not let a strange woman come in and immediately take the reigns as first wife. They'd kill her first." Jacob spoke truly, as he always did, but Isaiah tossed up his hands in protest, unconcerned about his wives.

      The men crossed a small hill and came upon a small camp of three relaxing Camels and two wagons. An open campfire burned in the center, but there was no one in sight.

       "There is no one guarding this camp?" Isaiah whispered as the group stopped several yards away.

       "It would appear so, but the woman's trail led us here. Perhaps it is hers."

      The group cautiously walked into the camp and looked into the wagons, "Supplies. Food, water and clothing. They are filled with supplies."

      Jacob walked closer to one of the Camels and gently patted the back of its out stretched neck. "They are healthy, and well taken care of. Perhaps she intends to cross the desert with these supplies."

       "There are many bandit camps in the wastelands, perhaps she is one of them." Isaiah smiled. "I will tame this female bandit. Then I will take her away from the harsh life of living in the desert."

      There was a rustling sound on the edge of the camp, and the men jumped up to see what it was. From the brush walked a tall woman, dressed in a tattered dress that hung loosely to her ankles. Her hair was dark, and her skin was as brown as any Egyptian's would be. She approached the men, uncaringly as she pulled her garment from her face, revealing the subtle beauty that had captivated Isaiah. The men were left speechless; mostly.

       "Tell me woman." Jacob demanded as he stepped closer to the tall and physically impressive woman. "What gave you the right to touch my friend? You dishonor yourself by striking him."

      The woman glared into Jacob's eyes, unaffected by his words, "He touched me first." Her voice was soft, and soothing. He could tell immediately that she was young.

       "Where is your man? Why are you out here alone?" Jacob continued his interrogation as Isaiah quickly approached the two of them.

       "Whoever your man might be, I will pay him handsomely to own you." Isaiah feverishly blurted.

       "And I told you that I will have nothing to do with you." Her words were to the point, and she showed no respect for the men around her. "Leave my camp."

      Jacob was becoming irritated at the woman's lack of respect, "You will answer my questions. Now!"

      The young woman, stood tall and glared at Jacob scornfully. "Do you think I shall answer you because I am a woman? Or do you think I should answer you because I'm afraid of you?"

      Jacob didn't back down. "You'll answer me because I asked."

      Isaiah intervened. "Don't concern yourself with my friend, Jacob. He is stubborn and very questioning. He always needs to know the answers to things. Please, come and talk with me. I will make you an offer to be my wife; my first wife."

      The woman ignored Isaiah's plea and focused on Jacob. "You're slightly taller than me, strong and a hard worker. You are rather handsome as well." The woman smiled shyly toward Jacob, and Isaiah felt slightly cheated. "I have no man but my father. I am here alone, because I am traveling. I have answered your questions, now be gone." She turned and walked away from Jacob, stroking the fire in her camp as she brushed one of the Camel's ears.

       "Women do not travel alone…" Jacob began to speak, but Isaiah brushed passed him.

       "I can give you shelter for the night. There is no need to stay in these hills. I can provide food, water and a hot bath."

       "No." She stormed as she sat close to the fire. "Go away."

      Isaiah frowned harshly, the words burning into his mind. "Come with me as a guest…" he quickly pulled out a knife he had strapped to his belt. "… or as a slave." The other four men walked closer to the woman, and Jacob watched as she stood to her feet.

       "A threat?" She questioned.

       "An option." Isaiah sternly stated. The woman stepped closer to Isaiah, her fists clinched and an emotionless gaze upon her face.

       "Get out of my camp."

       "Grab her!" Isaiah shouted to the men. They charged. The first man gasped as the woman's long and muscular leg kicked upward, and her foot connected with his face. Her loose skirt flipped up, revealing well toned legs as she stepped into the kick. The man was forced back as she planted the back of his head into the sand.

      Another man gripped her arm, and she easily slipped free. She grabbed the man's outstretched arm and flipped him over her shoulder. As the man crumbled to the ground she quickly kicked him in the scr0tum, ensuring that he wouldn't be standing up too soon. The other two men paused and stepped away.

       "What are you doing?" Isaiah screamed. "Get her! I will have her!"

       "Get her yourself." One of the men shouted.

       "Leave her be." Jacob intervened. "She has bested two of you, Isaiah. I doubt that she is afraid of your tiny blade. Lick your wounds and go home to your wives." Isaiah huffed and sheathed his knife.

      He helped one of the men to his feet and glared at the woman. "Be gone by tomorrow, or I will have the Pharaoh's guards punish you, and then have you stoned." Isaiah, and his four men, staggered out of the camp and into the darkness beyond.

      Jacob looked to the woman, "I would take his threat seriously, if I were you. What is your name?"

       "Still questioning me?" She returned to her resting place beside one of the Camels. She seemed unaffected by the quick scuffle.

       "There aren't many women that are trained as soldiers."

       "Shouldn't you be going with your friends?"

       "I can catch up to them. Your name?"


       "What tribe are you from?"

       "I can not say. My tribe is a great distance away, and we like to keep to ourselves."

       "Are you a bandit?" Jacob crept closer, and crouched beside Elena, but didn't sit.


       "Why do you travel?"

       "Why are you questioning me so much? Go join your friends." She stood to her feet and glared down at Jacob. "Or do you have another reason for being here?"

      Jacob stood to his feet and began to back away from Elena. "Isaiah was right about you. You are remarkably beautiful; yet very guarded. It would be best if you learned how to deal with men, or you will find yourself in deep trouble someday. In this world, woman respect men, and obey. But I will let you be. Perhaps our paths will cross again." He turned and walked out of the camp as Elena returned to her resting position. As Jacob crossed the hill, he watched as Isaiah and his men slowly began to make their way back toward town and ran to join them.

- - - - - - - -

      The sun was slowly rising behind her as she rode into the desert. The heat of the day would soon be upon her, but she had years of experience in the heat and knew how to handle it. The Camels were well fed and hydrated, meaning they could go for days without drink, something a horse could never accomplish in such a harsh wasteland.

      She guided her small caravan to the top of a dune and gazed into the distance. Sand stretched as far as her eyes could see, in an ocean of yellow and orange. She reached into the satchel hanging at the side of her Camel and pulled out a small compass. It had been a gift from her father, and it took him many days to explain how the magical item worked. In all of her studies and travels, she had never seen anything like it. Her father said that no one else should be allowed to see it, hold it or know of it. It was one of many secrets she had to keep.

      She removed her headdress, and pulled up a necklace from between her breasts. It was the oldest keepsake of her tribe, given to her by her mother, and it sparkled wonderfully. The necklace was a tiny pink crystal no larger then her thumb, yet she had been entrusted with it and had to protect it at all costs.

      She held it over the compass and stared at it deeply as she focused on the image of her home. Thoughts of her father, her mother and her ancestors, flushed across her mind. The pink crystal began to glow, and then reshape itself in her hand. It changed from the image of a simple unshaped crystal, and into a perfect pink diamond. The compass began to spin, rotating faster and faster, but then suddenly stopped. The crystal then jerked her hand aggressively toward the compass and pointed to the symbol of south. The glow faded and the crystal returned to its original shape. The needle on the compass then pointed in the direction of north, and Elena turned it accordingly. She was headed in the right direction.

      She dropped the necklace back into her blouse and pocketed the compass into the satchel. She would be home in two days, after spending three months of traveling and understanding the world. It was now time for the next Reclaimer to return to her duties. It would soon be time to begin her training and understanding of what a Reclaimer was. And then to begin her life long duty of guarding the Ark.

- - - - - - - -

Northern Africa: 3119 BC

      Sweat dripped from her brow as she crumbled to her knees. Elena gasped for air, calming her accelerated heartbeat. She lowered her head, and let her hair fall over end. She was exhausted unlike anytime in her life. The dry mountain air and the temperate humidity were not helping her to breathe any easier.

       "Stand, Elena. If you can't hold your stamina, then you will never be able to fight an army alone." The voice's location was unknown, but it was clearly a man's voice. It echoed off the cliff walls as Elena slowly stood to her feet. She tossed her hair back and whipped her brow with her already soaked sleeve. She picked up her discarded head guard and adjusted the belt of her training armor. She wrapped a simple cloth mask across her face and placed the helmet upon her head.

      The armor was made of layered leather, strapped across her chest, arms and legs. The helmet was somewhat more protective. Made of bronze, the head guard covered only the top and back of Elena's head, and buckled at the chin. It was heavy, but with her inherited inner strength she was unaffected by it.

      She stood in the center of a dead end path and waited. Behind her was tall cliff side wall with a red X placed in its center.

       "Remember, child, balance is nothing without foresight. Strength is useless without a clear mind."

      She cleared her mind, focused on her posture and lifted her staff. It was about to begin, and the rumble of footsteps added to her eagerness. She was tired, frustrated and hungry. She had been doing these exercises for the past three days, and she had failed each time. All day training was what he called it. These numerous exercises would tax her mind, body, and spirit. She would learn to defend her ground or fail as a Reclaimer.

      Elena watched the path ahead of her, waiting for the soldiers to enter her territory. None of the men knew that she was a woman otherwise the results might have been different. Elena's armor concealed her figure and the mask covered her facial features; all the men could see was her eyes. The first man charged around the corner in full stride, followed by ten more. They were twenty yards away and closing fast.

      She had done this drill ten times over the past three days, and each attempt had made her more nervous. Her stamina was running low and eventually she was going to fail. She took a hesitant step backwards and brushed against the rock wall. She had forgotten that there was nowhere to run to, she was in a dead in path deep within the mountain.

       "Face them or fail!" The old man's voice echoed off the cliff walls. Elena obeyed and remembered the objective. She stepped forward. "Defend your ground. That is all you have to do." It sounded easy enough, but it was harder then it looked. The men were given instructions to do whatever it took to touch the wall behind the guardian. They had to touch the X and hold on for three seconds.

      The first man dived toward the wall, his hand outstretched. Elena spun her staff and cracked the man across the back, slamming him into the ground with enough force to make him black out instantly. Elena knew she was too close to the wall, so she ran forward and met the charging men head on. Three men fell at her feet as she tripped them with a backhanded swing. Two men try to go around her, but felt the solid end of the staff crash into their faces. One man grabbed Elena in a forward bear-hug, and she kneed him in the groin, grabbed him by the arm and swung him into a group of men that were trying to sneak passed. The men crumbled into the wall and moaned in agony as their partner slammed into them.

      The first wave was over, they had been defeated, but Elena knew what was coming next. This was the part she feared. The first wave of men retreated, holding their wounds and pride as they fled, but once they parted from the path, six men wearing armor entered into the path. They unsheathed their weapons and raced toward Elena. She felt a since of panic at their appearance. Each time she faced the armed opponents their level of skill would increase. She barely escaped the last duel without injury, and these men looked as though they were soldiers; better skilled then the last group of armed men she fought.

      The men attacked in two's. The first two men altered their attack, swinging their swords aggressively. Elena parried the first swings with her staff, kicked out one of the men's legs and stabbed her staff into the chest of the other. The man caught the barrel end of the staff in the center of his chest, and with Elena's strength he was propelled backwards into two other men. The three men crumbled backwards, but the two men simply pushed their wounded comrade to the side and continued their charge.

      Three more men raced to Elena's side, surrounding her. She could tell that they were working together, as she watched one of the men round around them. He was running for the wall while the other men held her back. The man was getting close to the wall, and the three men were about to attack; she had to do something. She extended the staff outward, between one of the men's legs and lifted. The man rolled backwards, holding his crotch as he fell. Elena then planted the staff into the ground and vaulted over the wounded man. She kicked out just as the first man planted his hand on the X.

      For one second he held on to the wall, but from above he felt Elena's full weight crash down on his shoulder. The man was pinned against the wall, gasped as the air exploded from his lungs and then crumbled to the ground in pain. Elena spun on her heal, and blocked two of the swordsman as they stabbed their blades at her. She punched one of the men, but the other was able to get in a clean hit. His blade grazed across her side, in the opening of her leather armor, and she winced in pain. She forearmed the man's sword hand, knocking the blade from his arm, and then kicked him in the chest. He fell backward and stumbled away to regroup. They all began to regroup and Elena thought she had a moment to catch her breath, but one of the men had snuck up beside her while she fought. His sword crashed down upon the back of her helmet with just enough force to snap the chin strap.

      The helmet tumbled to the ground and the blow stunned Elena into a dizzying stagger. Her vision blurred and she fell to her knees. Her hair fell forward and her mask fell off. All of the men gasped at the sight of the woman kneeling before them.

       "A woman!" The man stated as he hovered above her. "How dare you… a woman, how dare you take on a man's role in a fight."

       "You were paid to touch the wall. Do not concern yourself with who guards it." The man's voice echoed loudly into the path.

      The soldier looked up into the sky, looking in all directions to find the source of the man's words. "You paid us, yes, and a bonus to any man that can hold on to the wall. But you make us face a woman? No woman shall ever be better then me in battle!" He lifted his blade and stabbed downward at Elena's back. She rolled clear as the blade stabbed into the sandy ground. She kicked the man and he flew to the side.

      As she stood to her feet, Elena saw that two men were holding on to X upon the wall. She had lost.

       "It is done. You men may claim your prize."

       "No. I will not stand for this." The defeated soldier screamed as he stood. His blade was in mid swing and cut across Elena's chest. She had relaxed and didn't expect another attack. "Defeated by a woman? I can not live with this shame!" Elena fell backwards. The brunt of the swords slash was taken by the leather armor, but she still shed some blood. Elena reached out for her staff, but another man kicked it away. She attempted to stand, but another man kicked her into the ground.

      She was exhausted, could barely focus and was no match for the men at this point. If she had a moment to catch her breath she could have fought back, but there was nothing she could do. Her arms ached, her side muscles were cramping from the earlier cut she received, and she was still dizzy from the blow to the back of her head.

      The man hovered over Elena and glared at her with a cold hatred. "Punishment for this act is death, woman!" He raised his sword and stabbed it downward at Elena's neck. But his arm stopped in mid swing as someone tightly gripped his arm.

       "She is my daughter, and you have broken your word." An aged man stated from behind the swordsman. The old men held on to the soldier's sword arm with one hand and looked to each of the men with detest. "You three men have doomed you all."

       "And you are an affront to the gods!" The soldier roared. "You train your daughter for combat…" The soldier's words were quickly cut off as he gasped; the old man snapped his neck instantly. He gripped the sword from the soldier's hand and with two blindingly quick swings he decapitated the two other men that had attacked Elena. He then looked to the three men that had watched.

      One of the men began to back away from the blood shed, and dropped his sword. "I obeyed your rules. I wish only to leave…" He was cut off in my sentence as the old man threw the sword into the man's chest. Blood stained the rock wall behind him. The other two men panicked and ran toward the old man, their swords held high over their heads.

      The old man turned to face them. Without regard for his own safety, he simply grabbed them both by the arms, twisted them until their shoulder dislocated, took one of the swords and killed them both in cold blood. He tossed the blade to the ground and walked toward Elena as she slowly stood to her feet.

      She knew her father was skilled in combat, but she had never seen him in combat. "Why did you kill them?" She looked to the three men that had not attacked her.

       "They came together, and surely they would have told someone about what happened here." The old man towered over Elena's impressive height, and for a man of his age he was still in excellent physical condition. "You understand that we must keep everything we do a secret. I would have spared them had they not known your identity."

      Elena pressed her hand to her bleeding side. "Then, it was my fault… for failing you."

       "Yes." He simply replied. "You failed today, but you will succeed in the future. This was a learning experience, my child. The men of this world will not respect you, even if you posses great strength."

      Elena and her father walked from the bloody grounds of the path, and as they exited the rocky cliff area they saw the camps where the men had been staying. Elena's father had invited hundreds of men to come and seek the prize, and many men had come to test their strength and claim the gold pieces that he had promised.

      He turned to Elena, "Gather your equipment and go home. Mother will tend to your wounds. I will go and pay these men and tell them we are done."

       "You won't kill them?"

       "No. They do not know what has happened."

       "I do not understand why there must be so much secrecy father."

       "You will in time."

       "What about the bodies of the men you killed?"

       "As we speak, the bodies are being taken care of. There is more to our tribe than you can learn in one year, Elena. There are the Watchmen, those who watch over us and 'clean up' our mistakes."

      Elena looked back into the path, to see if she could see anyone, and sure enough she saw a man gazing back at her from the path she had just left. The man was shrouded in a full covering robe and his face was also covered in a hood, and around his neck hung a simple circler medallion.

       "They are the Watchmen." Elena's father stated. "They are the tribe that watches over all of Egypt, to be sure that no one talks of the Reclaimers or of the Ark. Our tribes span the world, Elena. No matter where you go, they will watch you. You are the chosen, and you still have much to learn." He patted her on the shoulder and began to walk away.

       "Are they like us? Strong?"

       "No. They are normal, but they were born of our tribe. Watchmen are those who are born within our tribe, but can not fight. Go home and take care of yourself."

      Elena tossed her supplies on to her camel and mounted it. She held on to her side as blood continued to flow, but luckily their campsite was close, and her mother would tend to her wounds.

- - - - - - - -

      Night had come upon the campsite and it was time for everyone to rest, but while the others milled away and prepared to sleep, Elena was dealing with the wounds of yet another day of training. Her body still ached and her wounds were still being tended to. Her tent was filled with the scented smoke of aroma incense. Elena lay bare on her stomach as her mother and nurse maid tended to her wounds. Elena folded her arms under her chin and played blankly with the pink necklace she wore. After stitching the wound, the nurse maid left the tent and Elena's mother began to massage her daughter's exhausted muscles with warmed oils.

       "Mom, why is this stone so precious and magical?" She held it to her nose and bounced it off playfully.

       "I've told you the story many times, Elena. You know why." Her mother sighed as she massaged Elena's calves.

       "You've told me where it came from, how to use it, but never why it is special." Elena dropped the necklace and laid her head down upon her forearms.

       "Oh? Perhaps you are not ready for that." She chuckled. "The Luminous Key will present itself to you, when you present yourself before the Ark."

       "When will I see the Ark?"

       "When you are ready. And believe me when I say, the longer you wait, the better."

      Elena sighed softly as she peered through the tent drapes and into the camp. "You and father have been Reclaimers for more then a hundred and fifty years. You have so much knowledge of the past. Yet, I feel that you are not sharing everything with me."

       "You are only twenty-one, Elena. Most of the knowledge you seek can not be given to you at this point."


      Elena's mother sighed deeply. "Do you remember the story of Lilith?"

       "Yes mom." Elena sighed in return. "She was the first child of Litran and Bitran, the first born child of our tribe. Yet she grew up and did not wish to become a Reclaimer. She trained with her father and mother but when it was time to take over for them, she chose not to. Instead, she turned on her family and told outsiders where to find the Ark. Because of her Litran and Bitran had to move the Ark. It was the Second Movement of our Tribe."

       "And what did you learn from that story?" Her mother questioned as she began to rub Elena's shoulders.

      Elena recalled what her father had told her many years ago, the true meaning of the Lilith's tale. "Trust no one."

       "Say it again, but this time, say it as if you were me."

      Elena thought on these words and slowly repeated the phrase, "Trust… no … one. Because of Lilth's folly, you must be cautious, even of your own child."

      Her mother stopped massaging Elena as she thought on this. "Yes. I love you with all my heart, Elena, but if we are to survive as a race… as a species, we must not let anyone find the Ark until the time is right. And until me and your father both agree, we will not reveal the location of the Ark to you."

      Elena closed her eyes and let the words, and her mother's relaxing massage, sink into her. She didn't understand the secrecy behind the Ark, the Luminous Key and of being a Reclaimer. What could be so important about the Ark and Key, that it would make her tribe go through thousands of years of isolation and secrecy?

- - - - - - - -

Nile River West Coast
Eastern Sahara Desert: 3117 BC
Southern Crest of Egyptian Territory

       "… so it is this day that we accept you, my daughter. May you guard the Ark and the Luminous Key until the next chosen successor comes forth." Elena's mother had never been so proud. Her daughter stood radiant on the river bank of the Nile, while the Watchmen branded her with a tattoo upon the center of her forehead. It was a new custom, a mark of true devotion to the protection of the Ark, the Key and the future of humanity. From this moment on Elena would spend one year within the Ark, learning everything there is to know about being a Reclaimer, where humanity began, and what the Ark was. After one year she would emerge from the Ark with all the knowledge she was seeking. And she would also train; train to fight an enemy unlike anything she could fathom.

      The small tattoo upon her forehead was complete, and Elena stepped away from the river and smiled to her mother and father. The tattoo was sore but it wasn't enough to distract her from the enjoyment of the day. Upon a simple glimpse the tattoo was small and resembled a pyramid, but a closer inspection would clearly show that it represented much more. Unique symbols dotted the tiny tattoo, and words that only their tribe would understand.

      Elena's father stepped forward and smiled lovingly into his daughter's eyes. "We will be leaving shortly, are you sure that you wish to do this? Once we arrive at the Ark there will be no turning back. Only the Reclaimers know the exact location of the Ark, not even the Watchmen are permitted to follow."

       "Yes father, I am ready. I have been waiting for this my whole life." Elena smiled happily as the entire tribe celebrated around the river's edge. There were dozens of her family members watching; including her eldest brothers and sisters. Of her family, Elena was the only one that was born with a pure bloodline, and she was the youngest. Elena walked to them all, hugging and kissing each of them lovingly. It would be many years before she would see them again. After the goodbyes, Elena with her mother and father and a select few of the Watchmen, began their journey to the Ark.

      As they departed the area two Watchmen greeted each other in a soft hug, and secretly whispered to each other, "The plans are set."

       "When they are clear of the area, kill the family starting with the oldest child. We will follow them and find the Ark, and then we will deal with the mother and father."

- - - - - - - -

Mount Sinai Basin
3117 BC

      Elena, with her mother and father, dismounted their camels and gazed into the side of the cliff. The air was cold and damp, and the stars were washed away by a thick nighttime fog. They had not been traveling long; two days by land, they then crossed the Gulf of Suez near the Red sea, and another two days on land. Elena had been to many surrounding areas but never had she seen such a place. The mountains all around seemed eerily black during the late hours of the night, and with numerous outcroppings. Many valley's and hills surrounded several peeks, and the region was unpopulated; void of nearly all human life. They walked further in, toward what appeared to be the tallest of the mountains.

       "Father, where are we?" Elena asked as she gazed around the valley.

       "We are here." He simply stated.

       "But surely we are still within Egypt's Reach?"

      Elena's mother turned to her, "Yes. Where better to keep something important, then under the nose of those that would look for it."

      Elena smirked at this and then looked back over her shoulder; something was bothering her. "Father…"

       "I know." He simply added. "It is unlike the Watchmen to follow us this far. They were to remain at the Red Sea."

       "Perhaps the rumor was true." Elena's mother sighed softly to herself. "To believe that the Watchmen would do such a thing."

       "What? What is happening…" Elena curiously mumbled.

      Elena's father spoke up. "We were warned by the head's of several Watchmen tribes that some of their brothers are not content with being mere Watchmen. After all these years of protecting the secrecy of the Reclaimers and the Luminous Key, they have begun to want more involvement. The elder Watchmen attribute this to the youth. I do not know their intent, but they know the punishment for coming near the Ark."

       "There was a time when wondering tribes would nest at the base of this mountain, but they would move on." Elena's mother spoke. "I would watch them come and go. There is a difference between coming near the Ark and looking for it."

      Elena then added, "Those that search for the Ark must die if they come to close."

      Her father embraced her lovingly. "This is as far as we will go. From here, you are on your own. If we go any further, I fear the Watchmen will learn of its location."

      Her mother then hugged her and kissed her on the cheek, "Head toward the southern side of the mountain, you will see two boulders sitting side by side. Climb across these boulders and climb directly to the top of the mountain. Then you will feel it, the Luminous Key will guide you from there."

       "They are coming." Elena's father added. "Go. We will deal with them."

       "No, I will not let you fight them alone." Elena gripped her sword, but her father stayed her hand.

       "You have excelled beyond both me and your mother, fighting these Watchmen will be pointless for you. Go. We will be fine." Elena hesitated. She looked to the hilly path as the watchmen lit their torches and stampeded toward them. She quickly counted twenty flames, but the sound of the camels made it clear that there were more.

      She gripped her father's hand and released him as she turned toward the hill. She flung her bag over her shoulder and sprinted toward the south of the mountain.

       "No matter what, my dear, do not come back!" Elena heard her mother's words, and as much as she wanted to stop and go back to them, she had to go on. Her pace was fast, her heart was steady, and even with an eighty pound bag on her back, she moved quickly. She rounded the mountain and could no longer hear the battle being waged around her father and mother.

      She stopped. She wanted to go back. She looked up and saw the two boulders, clearly marking her path to the top. She didn't want to leave her parents, not like this. She took one step forward and climbed the mountain.

- - - - - - - -

      Elena tumbled down the cave entrance in complete darkness. She had lost her footing and her focus. It had taken her nearly two hours to scale the mountain, and she was worried about her mother and father. Was this really worth it? Was being a Reclaimer truly worth the sacrifice? There was no doubt that her mother and father could fend off an army of the weak Watchmen, but not knowing what had happened was more than enough to drive her insane.

      She gathered her bag and looked out of the cave entrance; only the stars of the night shined above. She couldn't see anything and was afraid to light a torch for fear of someone seeing the blaze. She turned and faced the darkness of the cave ahead and continued to walk down the path. It was a very steep decline and she held on to the wall as she went. Her chest became warm and she rubbed the area between her breasts and felt the lump of the crystal. It was glowing. She pulled it from her blouse and held it outward. A beam of light shined directly from the crystal, and the walls began to glow with a strange writing that she could barely understand. She reached out and touched it and it faded away.

       "The bloodline." She whispered, identifying the words. She took the crystal's sharp edge and made a small cut across her finger. A small bead of blood formed and she wiped it on the wall. The strange letters began to glow again, this time leading her further down the path. She followed the path for several minutes until she arrived at a door. She didn't know how far down she had been walking, but she could no longer see the top of the cave. The door began to glow, radiating with its own light source. It was made of some form of metal Elena had never seen and the door parted before her. Steam hissed from its sides and within the door was the strangest thing she had ever seen. A suite of Armor stood before her, as if placed upon the statue of a man or woman. It was dented, scarred and had clearly been worn by someone long ago. She stepped into the door and could see several paths leading throughout. Tunnels made of metal and softer materials.

       "Welcome Reclaimer." A voice pronounced as she entered. "I have been expecting you."

       "Who… who said that?" The doors sealed behind her and light began to erupt all around. The source of light did not come from a flame, but from small balls that looked like miniature suns. They glowed brightly and Elena shielded her eyes so that they could adjust.

       "I am the Ark's Artificial Intel… forgive me. I mean to say, that I am the voice of the Ark."

      Elena pulled her hands down from her eyes and looked around. Her vision had adjusted and before her was the internal structure of several large rooms, hallways, and glowing lights, but the source of the voice was still a mystery.

       "This is the Ark?"

       "Yes. And you are the newest Chosen Reclaimer, given the task of protecting it from those that would want to activate it. You have a great deal of learning, and training ahead of you. Please, follow the lights upon the wall and I will show you were you will rest, eat, study, and train."

- - - - - - - -

      One year passed.

      The knowledge and training within the Ark had transformed Elena into something she did not comprehend. She now understood her mother and father's caution. The things she had learned; the history of humanity, the Forerunners, the Gods, the betrayal of the Law Keepers, the disappearance of the Founders and the worst thing of all… the Flood. It took her months to simply believe it all, but the ship's computer made it abundantly clear. The Ark was more than a ship, it was the life of the galaxy and the central control system to the most powerful weapon ever created; Halo.

      Elena knew that she was no longer the young and naïve girl she once was. Her parents were right, the truth made her understand the importance of protecting the Ark and the Luminous Key. She even knew what the Key was really called; the Ship Core.

      She lay in her cot, gazing at the ceiling while a computer terminal at her side replayed the last journal of Litran, General of the Reclaimer army. She was the strongest of the human's warriors, and an inspiration to Elena. She pressed a button on the terminal and the recording stopped; it was the only source of entertainment she had. She stood from the cot and a voice sounded in the room.

       "Good morning Elena. How was your rest?"

       "Sufficient." Elena bluntly stated.

       "Wonderful. Being sufficient is more than enough for you take on the task ahead." Elena gripped the pants she had grown accustomed to wearing. The material was durable, easy to clean and provided an excellent range of motion. She had found several pairs of them in the ships lockers. Once again she had to adjust the size. Her training on the ship had increased her muscle and waist line considerably.

       "Ah, I should inform you that today is your one year anniversary. Like all the other Reclaimers before you, today is your last day of training and studying."

      A small smile crept upon Elena's face. "Really?"

       "Why yes. I would not lie about such a thing." Elena cheered happily and quickly dressed. "Today we will complete one last duel against the Constructors. This will test your speed and stamina. They do not have weapons, per-se, but their welding beams will give you a nasty burn."

       "Yeah, I remember." Elena stated as she rubbed her butt. During her last exercise against the constructors one of them got a lucky shot.

       "The training area is ready, you may…" The computer went silent.

       "What's wrong?"

       "I have detected activity beyond the exit. According to previous Reclaimer training Rituals, no one should be here."

       "You're right." Elena grabbed her weapons and raced through the ship. After several moments she arrived at the door. She placed her hand on the helmet of the Reclaimer armor, knowing that it was the Armor of Litran. She had hopped to wear the armor someday, but as she learned more and more about the Ark's power systems, she learned that the armor's power cells had died many years ago. Now, it was only a symbol of what the warriors of old use to wear. Elena pulled on her custom tailored environment suit and helmet. Unlike the Reclaimer armor of old, this was not a powered suit, nor did it enhance any of her abilities. It was made of lightweight materials, was flexible and stronger then any blade. It had two long flowing capes that fell from the back of her shoulders to the base of her knees. It was a nice addition to the armor and when she moved it made her appear to have wings. She gripped a sword in her hand, slid it into a holster on her back, picked up a long metal spear and parted the exterior door of the ship.

      Without hesitation she sprinted out of the door and up the hill of the cave, her speed was tremendous and all natural. She hadn't been outside in a year, and she had not been able to fully test her land speed since she started training. She climbed the hill without breaking a stride and ahead of her was the clear blue sky of a sun filled day. She had not seen the sun in a year, but there was no time to worry about that, she had a duty to fulfill.

      She arrived at the cave entrance and stopped suddenly at the edge. She peeped over a small boulder as a formation of people sat at the base of the mountain. There were hundreds of them.

       "An Army?" She whispered. "Are they searching for the Ark?" She needed to get closer because she was much too high on the mountain top to see them clearly. She stepped out of the cave and paused as she heard footsteps to her right. She pulled back into the cave and waited.

       "I tell you, it was a cave. It was here I know it was."

       "We have been looking on this mountain for days, there has been nothing."

       "Look! There! It is the cave!"

       "Thank the gods! We found it!"

      Elena listened to the footsteps on the stone path, they were coming closer. They were clearly looking for something.

       "You stay here, I will tell the others we have found the path." The men were dividing and she could here one man walking away. She risked looking around the rock face and saw the lone man walking closer to the cave entrance.

      The man turned the corner and paused as he glared at the massive creature before him. Standing in an all white garments and holding a spear as tall as he was, the man trembled at the sight of it. It towered over him like a giant and he glared into its face only to see two dark large eyes. It had no trace of a nose, but instead, it had a large gap where the mouth should be, and fangs under its chin. He stumbled to his knees gasping for air, and for words.

      Everything Elena had learned was correct. The computer had told her that her appearance would cast fear upon anyone who saw her in her suit of armor, and she was to play the role as much as possible.

      She stepped closer to the man and gripped him by the collar. The man moaned softly, and was still unable to form words. She easily picked him up and held him over her head. Elena marveled at how light he was.

       "Why have you come? What do you seek?" Her voice was muffled by the mask, and it was almost as if she was softly roaring at the man.

       "… we… we… seek the Ark!" The man stuttered nervously.

       "Who has sent you to this place?"

       "… I do not know… I do not … know… they only say they are the Watchmen."

      Elena now understood what they had been sent to do. They were the bait. This army was sent to draw her out, in the Watchmen's attempt to find the Ark. She dropped the man, knowing that he was only a pawn.

       "This mountain is a sacred place of the Gods. Your presence here angers them. I am but a servant, and you have stepped upon holy grounds. Be gone! All of you! Or the Gods wrath shall not be stayed."

      The man scampered out of the cave, crawling, stumbling, running, flailing, doing anything that he could to get away. Tears formed under his eyes as he ran down the rocky mountain side. He caught his partner and ran passed him screaming hysterically of what he had seen.

- - - - - - - -

       "An Angel?" The man questioned from atop his pedestal. This man sat in a tent at the center of the army, and around his neck hung a circular medallion. None of the men in the army knew what it meant, but they all knew it had an importance. "And what did this Angel say?"

       "It said that the Gods are not happy with us being here. This is holy ground and that we should leave or they will grow angry." The man tearfully moaned. "I do not wish to anger the Gods…"

      The Watchman pushed the cowering man away. "It was not an Angel, and this land is not holy. That was simply someone trying to scare you." At his side was a bag, a bag hanging from a pole and dried blood stained its base. This bag brought the man no joy, but he wanted to keep it by his side. He thumbed the bag loosely and the smell of it made him gasp. He looked at it and thought to himself, "How well did you train her, how much does she know?" He was the head Watchman for the desert tribes, and they were the ones that were closest to the Reclaimers.

      The Watchman turned to another man wearing a medallion and gave him orders. "Take this coward and make him show you where that cave is."

      The man nodded respectfully and grabbed the cowering man by the collar, dragging him from the tent.

- - - - - - - -

Fifteen men climbed the mountain path.
Fourteen wore armor and hid behind shields and swords.
One man led them; cowering and trembling with every step.
The man that was spared the Reclaimer's duty.
Another man followed closely behind, a medallion swung loosely around his neck.
Fifteen men climbed the mountain path.
But the Law of the Reclaimer says, that none shall leave alive.

- - - - - - - -

      This was the moment she had trained for all of her life. There was nowhere to run to, no retreating, or relaxing. She climbed out of the cave and glared down at the men that were climbing up to her. They still had not seen her, but soon they would be in range and Elena began to calculate her strategy.

      The Watchman that led them would be the hardest to kill. He was a monstrous man, clearly eight feet tall. He may not have had the Reclaimer strength but he assuredly gained their size. Elena looked at the rest of the men in the Watchmen's pack; they were all terrified. The man's story had spread throughout the army like wildfire, and any man that came up the mountain knew that they would be facing something otherworldly. However, the Watchman showed no fear, because he knew what he was up against.

      The cowering man stopped as he peered toward the top of the mountain. His eyes filled with the white glow of the Angel's pure white shroud. He crumbled to his knees, sobbing words of forgiveness. The Watchman kicked him to the side, moving the cowering man from his path.

       "You cower to a deceiver!" The watchman shouted. He turned and looked into the eyes of the other men behind him. They were all afraid, afraid of what they didn't understand. He wanted to tell them that it was merely a woman, but how could he say such a thing to them? They would not believe that a warrior of such size could be a woman. The men were backing away looking at the Watchman to show them what to do, while fear slowly consumed them.

       "Kill the deceiver, this false Angel, and a King's handle of gold awaits you all!" The Watchman then watched as three men darted up the hill to face the Reclaimer, yet he knew that three men would not be enough. He had to convince them all to go. "All of you, attack! Show this false warrior that you will not fear a deceiver. That is no angel." The other men followed, nervously, but yet they followed.

- - - - - - - -

Thirteen men climbed the path.
Thirteen men with swords and shields.
The Angel descended upon them with the will of the Gods.
The men could not touch it.
The men could not flee.
They could not escape.
They could not fight.
Their blood stained the rocks.
The Angel, in its retribution, remained unfazed.
Though blood dripped from every stone, the Angel remained clean.

- - - - - - - -

      She was good. The Watchman knew he was out matched. He watched her easily kill all thirteen of the soldiers. He was going to face a full Reclaimer at the end of its training. He knew that his death would be quick, but he would not make it easy for her. The watchman disrobed his clunky armor, he needed the extra speed. His muscles flexed in the glistening sun as Elena slowly walked toward him.

      The Watchman tightly gripped his shield and brought up his sword. He wasn't going to attack, he would defend himself until he found a moment; a weakness. The Reclaimer had the advantage; higher ground, better balance on the loose mountain terrain, speed, stamina, and skill. The Watchman readied himself.

      In a thunderous growl, Elena spoke. "You should never have brought them here. For this, they will all suffer." Her voice carried on the wind like a lion's roar.

      Unfazed by the words, the Watchmen replied, "And that is exactly why your tribe has been wiped out. They are all dead! All! The Ark should be shared with the world! Not kept hidden like some treasure!"

      A sudden explosion of feelings crept into Elena heart. She wanted to ask him what he meant, but something else told her that he was correct. Had her father and mother died that night one year ago? Elena held up her metal staff and pointed the dagger at the Watchman. He was ready for her, and he was a skilled swordsman, Elena could tell by his stance. All her years of training with her father and mother, all of the many teachings passed down through the generations were all brought to the forefront of her mind.

      She attacked. Her speed was godly, her posture was perfect, her strength was unparalleled and skill was of a master. She jabbed the Watchman's shield with spear, pushing him back and keeping him on edge. He was thrown into a constant retreat, but he never attacked. With every push of her spear, the Watchman would teeter backwards and stand firm. Elena altered her attack, jabbing and then stabbing at his feet. The Watchman shifted his balance to avoid his legs from being stabbed and Elena countered this movement. She lifted the spear as he retreated, striking the shield and knocking it from the Watchman's arms. She then jammed the spear into his stomach.

      Blood dripped down the spear blade and the Watchman dropped his sword. He then gripped the staff and reached out to grab Elena with his free hand. Elena released the staff, spun in a full rotation and watched as her swords severed the Watchman's head from his torso.

      The body crashed to the ground and she pulled her spear from his corpse. She flung the blood off of her sword and slipped it back into the sheath. She stepped toward the cowering man as he buried his face into the rocky slop; offering forgiveness for not heading the God's demands.

       "Stand!" Elena demanded. Her voice sounded even more horrifying than before.

      The man tearfully rose from his prostrate position. "Please spare me, they would have killed me. I beg for forgiveness."

       "I have a task for you." Elena picked up the bloody medallion of the Watchman and gave it to the man. "Return to the others and show them this. Tell them to leave this valley before sunset. Any man, woman or child that remains will be punished. But do not tell your leader, for he is blinded by his own greed and he will kill you."

      The man sobbed as he held the bloody medallion loosely by the necklace. He bowed to the Angel and fled from the mountain path.

- - - - - - - -

The lone survivor heard the Angel's words.
He fled to his people telling of what had happened.
A survivor of the Angel's works?
How foolish was the Angel to believe that men could be trusted with simple tasks.
The Law of the Reclaimer says … that none shall leave alive.

- - - - - - - -

      Hundreds of men packed there bags and fled from the camps, many more followed as the man went from group to group telling the warning of the Angel. He was frantic and nervous, he wanted to tell everyone in the massive camp, but sunset was not far off and he wanted to be long gone before there time was up. He told others to spread the word, to go to their neighbors and their neighbor's neighbor and tell them to run. The Gods were not pleased and their messengers had killed the one of the Watchmen's soldiers. His word was spreading quickly throughout the camp, but some of them were foolish enough to believe that the man's words were false. One of these men went into the Watchman's tent and spoke with him.

       "What?" He huffed in an angry fume. He stood from his chair and glanced at the bloody bag at his side. "You taught her well." After that, he stormed from the tent and watched as men fled by the dozens away from the mountain's base. He could not stop them all, but he was pleased to see that some remained behind. He walked through the camps, talking to the men and thanking them for staying. The Watchman then spotted man that had first found the mountain path. He quickly sprinted toward him.

      The man did not see him approach while he was talking to one last group of men, "This is the medallion of the Watchman's soldier. The angel killed him for disobeying the god's demands. You must leave before sunset or…."

       "Or what?" The Watchman questioned in a furious tone. The man turned and looked into the eyes of the giant Watchman. He was as tall as the other man, but much older. "Tell me what this… Angel, told you."

      The man recalled what the angel said, that he should not tell the leader. "I can not. I can not tell you."

       "What difference will it make if you tell me or not? You have told my men, but you can not tell me?"

      The man thought on this and foolishly spoke. "The Angel says that any man that has not left here by sunset will be punished by the Gods. Please, let me and my kin leave this place."

       "The Gods!" He grew angry. "The Gods will punish me!" He pulled his sword from his sheath and raised it up the man's chest in a blinding quickness. Blood spat from the man's wounds and he dropped the medallion. "Damn you and your Gods! I came here to better humanity. To cease the Ark and give to the world! You have no true understanding of what the Gods want!"

      The man fell to the ground gripping his chest as he felt his life draining away. "I … should have listened. The … the Angel was right. It said… that you would ..." Life left the man and the other men around him watched in horror. They grabbed their bags and fled the camps.

      The Watchman spat upon the man's body and looked to another of his men that didn't run. "Gather everyone that has not left and bring them to my tent. There is nothing to fear. It is only a farce. The warrior on the mountain will come down to face me."

- - - - - - - -

      The sun crept beneath the western horizon and torches began to glow within the camp. A group of twenty men were sent to watch the base of the mountain, and alert the camp of anything. Many of the men glared toward the top of the mountain, waiting for something to happen. They didn't have to wait long.

      The last ray of sunlight struck upon Elena's armor while she perched upon the top of the two touching boulders. She stood tall and glared at the group of twenty men that were frightfully glaring back at her. The sunlight faded into a red beam of light and Elena's white armor appeared to glow a blood chilling red. The men panicked and tossed their weapons to the ground. It was as if they did not believe the man's earlier warning, but now that they had seen the Angel with their own eyes, they wanted to run away.

      Time was up.

      There was no place for them to run to.

      Elena gave chase, catching up to them in a heartbeat. Her sword cut though the cowering and retreating men without remorse. Their blood curling screams echoed throughout the camp and everyone turned their attention to the now darkened area. The twenty men's torches had been snuffed out and their screams faded.

       "That was the twenty men we placed at the base of the mountain." One man screamed.

       "We are all going to die. We should not have stayed. The Gods are angry." Two men dropped their swords and began to run away from the central tent, and away from the mountain. The vanished from the light of the torches and two screams filled the night air.

       "They are dead. They are DEAD!"

       "Arm yourselves!"

       "We can not fight the Gods!"

      Another scream echoed across the night and the men began to pack together outside the tent. More men tried to flee, but once they were away from the torchlight, they were instantly killed by an unknown force.

      The tarp of the central tent flung open and the Watchman stepped out. In his right hand he held a sword, and in his left he held the bloody bag. He walked out of the crowd of terrified soldiers and glared into the darkness.

       "I know you can see me. I know you are out there. Come forth and kill me if you dare."

      There was silence. And then all eyes turned as a figure appeared beyond the light of the torches. It was tall, just as the man had described it, but the Angel was no longer wearing white garments, it was know stained crimson red with the blood of its victims.

      The Watchman smirked, "You see men! What you face is not an Angel or a God, but merely a warrior with great skill." The eyes of the men alls gazed at the bloody sword in Elena's hand, and then it dawned on them all that she was still walking toward them.

      With every step Elena took the men twitched. Fear had consumed them, either man or spirit, they were afraid of it. She flung the blood of her previous victims from her blade and sheathed the sword. She then gripped her staff with both hands.

      The Watchman stepped forward and gently placed the bag in Elena's path. He then walked back to the side of his men. Elena stopped once the bag was at her feet.

      With a smile, the Watchman spoke, "You should know that I do not blame you for what you are doing today. Your life will end on this battlefield. But I want you to know that it is not hatred that has brought me to you. It is simply what must be done. The Ark belongs to us all, not just your tribe."

      Elena looked down at the blood stained bag.

      The Watchman's smile faded. "Ask yourself, what happens when there are two children born with the same bloodline, and of the same sex. What becomes of the one who is not to become the Chosen?" The men of the camp were puzzled at these words; tempted to flee but too curious to leave. "I loved your father like a brother. Trained with him, learned with him, and shared my life with him…"

      Elena gasped at those words and reached for the bag. It instantly dawned on her that she knew what was in the bag; the blood stains, the rotting smell, the round shape. Her eyes began to swell as she untied the string holding it together. She opened it suddenly and her heart sank. It wasn't who she thought it would be.

       "… but I loved your mother more. Everything was taken from me when our tribes united your father with your mother. They made me into Watchman and gave your father to the woman I loved. They would be the future of the Reclaimers, and continue the bloodline."

      Elena lifted her head and removed her helmet, revealing her face to the soldiers of the camp. Tears frantically fell down her face as she blankly stared at the Watchman before her.

       "I was made to leave the Tribe. All of you Reclaimers must die for humanity to grow; including the woman that I loved. But I kept that head close to me, so that I will always be haunted by what the Reclaimers have forced upon us; isolation and secrecy. But a third word should be added to that small list; death."

      Elena stood upright and glared at the man before her. Her eyes swelled with tears that she could no longer stop from flowing. She held her staff tightly in her left hand and drew her blade with her right. Words didn't mater anymore.

       "You are the last of the Reclaimers. Come and face me, Guardian of the Luminous Key. Your head will rest beside your mother's."

      Elena snapped. She sprinted forward and ducked as the Watchman's blade cut across her head. He sliced off several inches of her hair and then jumped as Elena's spear swung wildly at his feet. He then kicked out and hit Elena broad in the face. She crumbled, and rolled several feet to the side. The men all cheered, no longer afraid of what they didn't understand. All they saw before them was a woman, a woman that had killed their allies.

      The watchman sprinted toward Elena and brought his sword low, swinging high. Elena rolled to the side and his blade grazed her arm. She didn't think it was possible for his sword to cut through her armor, but it did.

      He was fast, strong, and massive. One hundred and fifty years of training and hatred had made him into the perfect Reclaimer. Elena was out matched and needed an edge, but first she needed to regain her senses. She couldn't let the image of her mother's head distract her.

      She rolled to her feet and leveled her sword above her shoulder in a two handed grip. Only with speed did she stand a chance. She kicked out, and the Watchman swung his sword at her leg, but she pulled back. The faint maneuver worked and she brought the sword down upon his shoulder armor. The strike was deep, cutting through the armor, and blood flowed from the wound. But his dense steel like muscles prevented the blade from cutting too deep. The watchman swung his arm and slapped Elena away.

      She held on to the sword and ripped it from his shoulder as she flew backward. Elena's entire chest hurt from the blow, and she gasped for air as she stood. An arrow then struck her in the leg, her armor absorbed most of the stone tip, but she felt into her flesh. She turned and saw that the men were now attacking her. More arrows flew true, but she dodged them easily. Three men pounced upon her with their swords and she quickly cut them down. She then turned back toward the Watchman and cautiously approached.

      The Watchman swung his sword and she blocked it with her own. The two swords struck several more times before Elena was cut across her leg. She stumbled forward and lunged with her sword. Her blade entered the Watchman's gut and he groaned in agony. She pressed the sword harder, pushing the blade into his flexed abdomen. Blood trickled from the Watchman's mouth. He then gripped Elena by the neck and brought his sword down upon her shoulder. She let go of her sword and caught the blade in her right hand. He was weakened, and wasn't able to put much force into the blow; but blood still dripped from the cut it made in her exposed palm.

      Several men then began to spear her in the back. She gritted her teeth and bore the pain. She stood tall and kicked the hilt of her sword, forcing it through the watchman's stomach and out of his back. He fell to his knees and released his grip from her neck. Elena then spun around, gripped the Watchman's sword hilt, and killed the men that were stabbing her. She then turned and faced the fading Watchman.

      She palmed his hair in her left hand and glared into his eyes.

      The watchman formed a blood-filled smile. "Isolation, secrecy and death. From this day forward …you will always be… alone." Elena brought the sword down upon his neck and his body fell to the ground. She held his head high and stared into his eyes wickedly. She then dropped the head and looked to the other soldiers as they finally began to run. She exhaled and inhaled a lung full of clean air; to brace for the pain to come. She sprinted after them, and every step ached throughout her battle worn body.

      Several hours passed and Elena sat upon the boulders at the base of the mountain path. Bodies littered the valley, and all of the men that had remained were dead. Those who fled before sunset would most likely continue the legend of this holy place, and anyone that returned would find the bodies of the men that had remained. The legend of Mount Sinai would spread, and all would fear this land. It would remain empty and barren for many years to come.

      Elena buried the head of her mother beneath the boulders of the mountain path. She then began the long climb back to the Ark, where she could relax and let her wounds heal. Someday, she would go back into the world and search for her family, to find a survivor. But the loss of her family, her tribe, saddened her and tears once again flowed from her face. She entered the door to the Ark and gazed at the Armor of the Reclaimer. And it dawned on her that she was the last of her kind; the last of the Reclaimers.

      She rested for twenty days and twenty nights.

       "Are you certain that you wish to take this action?" The computer questioned as Elena pulled the ship core from its resting place in the main terminal. She placed it back around her neck and thought deeply on her next actions.

       "Without the ship core, you have enough power for one journey. Once I'm clear of the mountain, go and find a new resting spot. I will hide the ship core until I have raised a family that can carry on our bloodline. So long as the ship core is safe, no one can activate you for your true purpose. Perhaps I will find you someday, but if not, my descendents hopefully will."

       "Farewell Reclaimer." The Ark's main terminal powered down and Elena exited the ship. "The future of the Universe is still in your hands."

      She reached a valley several miles away from Mount Sinai when she heard the rumble. It was as if the mountain was about to erupt. She turned and watched as a plume of dust, ash and molten magma erupted into the sky. Within the smoke and debris Elena could see the rusty image of something massive in size; hidden within the scorching hot ash cloud. The Ark turned and followed the ash cloud into the sky, keeping itself hidden until it was high enough in the sky to fly away.

      Elena watched as Mount Sinai slowly ended its preemptive eruption and then she turned and walked away; to hide the Luminous Key and to begin raising a new tribe of Reclaimers.

An army I did defeat that night.
An army that killed my family.
With revenge and hatred I cursed the Reclaimer's ways.
With revenge and hatred I cursed the Watchmen's ways.
But a Reclaimer is what I am.
A Reclaimer is what the Ark needs.
So to the distant wind I sent the Ark.
Where it will rest, I will not know.
I will not search for it until my tribe returns.
And until my Great Journey is complete,
I shall never see the Ark again.

The End

- - - - - - - -

The Ballad of Elena:
Third Movement of the Reclaimers

For twenty-one years I knew only my tribe.
My father, my mother, my elder sisters and brothers.
For twenty-one years I knew only trainning.
From sunrise to sunset my excercises were routine.
For twenty-one years I was chosen to be the next Reclaimer.
To protect something I did not understand.

My path was set.
My life was laid before me.
My future was only to protect the Ark.
In isolation and Secrecy was my future way of life.

Alone I left them, my tribe and my roots.
Alone they stood as the Watchman betrayed their oaths.
Alone I watched as my family helped me flee.
This was my destiny, a Reclaimer was more important.

My dreams went to them night after night.
My family I could not hold.
My thougts were of them day after day.
The computer molded me and trained me,
into the weapon my tribe had Chosen.

Around the Ark was my living home.
Around the Ark was my sanctuary.
The things I learned were not things I knew.
The Ark told me of far away lands and distant enemies,
of heroes and villians, and powerful beings.

It was the day of my freedom I sought the most.
The day I would return the grounds of my tribe.
The day I would see my mother and hold her dear.
The day I would see my father and embrace him true.
But that day changed me from my spirit to my soul.

Fifteen men climbed the mountain path.
Fourteen wore armor and hid behind shields and swords.
One man led them; cowering and trembling with every step.
The man that was spared the Reclaimers duty.
Another man followed closely behind, a medallion swung loosely around his neck.
Fifteen men climbed the mountain path.
But the Law of the Reclaimer says, that none shall leave alive.

Thirteen men climbed the path.
Thirteen men with swords and shields.
The Angel descended upon them with the will of the Gods.
The men could not touch it.
The men could not flee.
They could not escape.
They could not fight.
Their blood stained the rocks.
The Angel, in its retribution, remained unfazed.
Though blood dripped from every stone, the Angel remained clean.

The lone survivor heard the Angel's words.
He fled to his people telling of what had happened.
A survivor of the Angel's works?
How foolish was the Angel to believe that men could be trusted with simple tasks.
The Law of the Reclaimer says … that none shall leave alive.

To battle is what I sought.
An army had fled.
An army had remained.
An army I fought.
Yet my heart was taken from me.

It was a Watchman that brought this pain.
His words of love knew no real remorse.
My father and tribe were no more.
And in my hands sat that which hurt the most.
It was her hair that I saw that made me weep.
It shined brilliantly as the last day we embraced.
But no words came from my mother's mouth.
Her life taken by a man who betrayed his oath.

An army I did defeat that night.
An army that killed my family.
With revenge and hatred I cursed the Reclaimer's ways.
With revenge and hatred I cursed the Watchmen's ways.
But a Reclaimer is what I am.

A Reclaimer is what the Ark needs.
So to the distant wind I sent the Ark.
Where it will rest, I will not know.
I will not search for it until my tribe returns.
And until my Great Journey is complete,
I shall never see the Ark again.
