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Fan Fiction

Neverland: A New Home
Posted By: SOS.Odin<kavika86@yahoo.com>
Date: 18 November 2003, 12:00 AM

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      Neverland: A New Home
      Cpl. James ordered a quick recon of the surrounding areas. The Souders moved to the north, the Rangers moves west, and Ian, stuck with the spook, moved east. James had everyone follow him to the south side of the field. Two men walked up to his position at point.
      "We just wanted to tell you that back home we were awesome hunters. We might be able to help you check these woods for anything."
      "Thanks. The help is greatly appreciated. You do realize that we have no idea where we are and we might find anything in these woods, right?"
      "Yeah, we understand."
      "Good, move slow and quiet."
      James waved everyone else down and moved forward. The two gentlemen followed closely behind. At the edge of the woods James stopped. He turned around to face the two men.
      "All right, watch where you step and keep your eyes open. We're not hunting we're on recon. Big difference."
      James received two nods of understanding. He then moved in quietly. After about ten minutes of searching, they found nothing. Upon retreating out of the woods they met up with the other military figures.
      "I found nothing here. How bout you guys?"
      "Yeah, ain't a damn thing here."
      "All right then. Let's make us a firebase so we're not just sitting in this fuckin field."
      "Sir, that'd be easy, if we had some tools."
      "Improvise. Break off some of the lids to those clothing containers and use them as shovels. Fill some of the unused shirts and use them as sandbags. Use your imagination.
We gotta get these guys out of the open."
      The Marines moved to secure the containment lids while the Rangers instructed the civilians on what was going on. James walked to the edge of the woods and broke a stick off of on of the trees. Then he started kicking grass out of the ground. The spook looked on at the comedic sight.
      After a few minutes of kicking, James had made a nice square patch of dirt. He stood up and motioned to the Marines and Rangers to come over. Trey was already there, realizing what James was doing.
      "All right guys. This will be the blueprints for Firebase Neverland. Right here, about twenty-five yards from the edge of the woods, set up a perimeter. That should give us about....a gravball field size base. I want a command center setup in the middle right here. How many extra shirts we got?"
      "Plenty sir, we only used half of the first crate."
      "Good. Keep the rest of that first crate for reserves. And maybe in case any of those people that ran off come back. Dig some trenches all around from here to here to here and bring it from here to here. At the end of this trench dig a pit and make a roof. That'll be the barracks. Let's make another pit ten yards from there and make that the armory. Store all weapons not in use there. Set up MA8B machine guns here, here, here, here, and at two at the command center."

      "Where will we put the command center sir?"
      "That, my boy, will go in the very center of the base. I want all of this space right here set up for training. We need to teach these people how to fight. Trey, Ian, and Kevin, you guys teach these civvies how to be sevicemen. How many females we got?"
      "Thirteen sir."
      "Ask them if they wanna fight. Any that don't won't be discriminated. Let them know that. If any men don't wanna fight...teach them anyways. If they don't wanna fight they don't hafta. But make sure they know how to. Starting tomorrow I want patrols going out every other hour. We need to find out what's out there. I will lead the first patrol. If there's anything out there, I wanna see it first. Let's see it happen men."
      The eight servicemen moved out to instruct the waiting civilians on what was going on.


      "Beautiful base boys and girls. And now after your "training" we might be able to find some stuff out. Tomorrow we will be going on a patrol." James loved making speeches. He thought it to be a sign of power. "I will lead the first patrol. Each patrol will be lead by either me or one of these men behind me." Behind Cpl. David James was Ian, Kevin, Brian, Trey, Randy, Steve, and D'Lano Ellison. Everyone else was standing at attention in row on the training field. They all passed their one day training session. "Tomorrow I will take ten volunteers on patrol. If there are no volunteers I will choose ten I think would do good."
      The next day James asked for volunteers. Only three men volunteered. The two hunters from the first day, and a rather large, rather pale man. The hunter's names were Brett Cox and Phil Whitman. When the third man was asked his name, he simply said John.
