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Fan Fiction

Area 51: Part One: Entry
Posted By: SinisterMonkey<SinisterMonkey@sbc.global.net>
Date: 4 May 2005, 11:15 PM

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Area 51: Part One: Entry

Onboard a covenant dropship over Nevada

"Alright warriors, you all know your jobs," barked the SpecOps commander, 'Izla Quaziee.
" Yes, sir!" responded the team of twenty-five SpecOps elites.

Remote government testing facility known as "Area 51"

"We have a perimeter breach in sector two!" yelled a security officer.
"Sector two?, that's he..." was all the other officer had time to say before the security tower was engulfed in plasma, and evaporated
"Sir, the security is disabled, and the guards are all dead in sector two." yelled Pvt. Michael to his commander.
"Alert the entire station, and send a fire team to sector two."
"Yes, sir." responded the marine.

Hallway to main security station of "Area 51"

"Ar zose loks dizabled yet," barked 'Kaja
"Almost, but it would be faster if 'Zura and 'Usha hadn't been killed by those humans." retorted 'Xona . " We're in."

The eight elites left of the squad engaged their camo and crept in. Once the doors sealed, the elites set to work killing the few humans in the room. One marine had time to fire a burst from his battle rifle, which hit and elite in the arm, dropping the active camo. By then, someone had heard the fighting and sent in a squad of ten marines. They burst in just in time to see the last marine die, and the elites recloak. The elites and marines open fired at the same time.

The fight started out well for the elites, and it soon became clear who would win. The first two marines were killed by a plasma grenade, then three were killed by elites with swords. The remaining five fired, killing two elites, and blowing one elites arm of with a shotgun.

'Rena howled with rage as her arm was blown off by a shotgun. Using his other arm, he threw a plasma grenade onto a marine's face. The unfortunate marine ran forward, killing Renna, himself, and the marine with the shotgun.
The fight only lasted a few more minuutes, in which all the marines, and another elite died.

"Five, Sanghelli's left in squad one," said 'Qaze. "But they finished their task."
"What about squad two?" queried Commander 'Noja Sarlamee
"Still no response," responded the junior elite. "I'll check, Squad two, come in, repeat, squad two, come in."

"Busy, can't talk now" that was the last words that the commander of squad two had to say. His squad was pinnde down by turret fire, and he, forgetting this, stepped out and had his head blown up. Thar meant only four elites were left in squad two
" Turrets neutralized!" yelled one elite. "All hostile contacts neutralized."
"Alright, move in, kill the guards." The elites cloaked and then ran into the room. These marines didn't stand a chance, and within twenty seconds, all thirteen men in the room were dead.

"Send word to Commander 'Noja. We've located the hangar and testing center. Send them the locations and a status report of our squad." barked 'Gona
"Yes, sir." responed an elite.

"Sir, we've got a report from squad two. They sent the coordinates. uploading to your NAV now." said 'Qaze.
"Tell both squads to meet us in the hangar. The humans technology will be ours."

In "Area 51" hangar bay C7-129

"Is that it?" asked the commander as he stared at the small one man ship, resembling a longsword. "Is that what we came for?"
"Scanning... Yes, sir scans detect a slipspace generator, anti gravity generators, and advanced energy weapons way beyond ours."
"Alright, call in a retrieval squad."
"Yes sir."
"Then send our troops to the testing center."
"Sir, our radio is down. I'll try and repair it."

"Area 51" testing center

" So, this is all the info on the Mark VII armor and the Spartan three project?"
"Yes, sir. And Kaja, Xona, and Baca are rounding up the weapons and data."
"Alright. is that radio up yet? let's get out of here as soon as we can. They probably know we're here."

At the exact moment he said this a squad of ODSTs burst in and open fired. Two elites died in the initial burst, and before the others had time to react, three more elites died. The remaining elites open fired and wiped out half the squad. The other half tried to fire, but were cut down by the elites swords.

The elites got the com working and called for help, but the transport couldn't come. Instead the Prophet of Life was sending four phantoms full of troops. They knew when they arrived, the Covenant's victory would be complete. Wrong, there was one person who could stop them. Spartan-200, the secret spartan. The first part of the Spartan three project.
