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Fan Fiction

Halo from the Flood's Point of View: The Harboring Mist (Part 2)
Posted By: Simpsons Rule
Date: 9 July 2003, 12:45 AM

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       A large battle ensued around the gravity lift. The Covenant, who were greatly outnumbered and caught by surprise, quickly fell to infection.
       "What's the status with the ground team?" asked 'Rofle.
       "Team Leader 'Herfus, this is the Ship Master, what do you see?" 'Berty asked over the comm. channel. After a few moments of silence, he repeated "'Herfus, can you here me?" There was no reply.
       'Berty had just raised his hand to try again when he saw the Prophet telling 'Rofle something. "Is there anything on the motion censors now?" asked 'Rofle.
       The Ship Master turned them on and just caught the end of the battle around the gravity lift. "Yes, I detect movement…but not from any of our forces."
       'Rofle translated and with a look of grave fear, the Prophet gave 'Rofle more orders.
       "His Excellency requests that the special forces team be sent out now onto the gravity lift. A team of at least fifty Covenant should be waiting to be deployed to defend the gravity lift. He also wants you to send a message to all of the ships in the fleet. Tell them to abandon Halo as soon as they can."

       'Berty ordered the special forces teams and sent the message to all of the ships. A message that would come too late however. Though some Ship Masters began to ready their ships for departure very quickly, others didn't realize the urgency. By the time the first ship would be ready to leave Halo, it would come under attack by the Flood. None of the Covenant on Halo would ever return home again, at least not without being infected by the Flood first.

       Since all of the doors were locked when the Flood entered the ship, they had no where to go. They wouldn't have to wait long, however. The first group of special forces Grunts had barely walked into the bay when they came under attack and were soon infected. The sound of plasma fire got the Elite group's attention and they hurried in to see what was going on. Before all of them got infected, some managed to radio the Ship Master to tell him that the Flood were here, inside the ship.
       "The Flood, they're here!" exclaimed 'Berty. "They managed to get inside the ship. I'm locking all doors now. There. The Flood are contained within the docking bay. What are your orders now?"
       It took a few minutes for the Prophet to think before he finally told 'Rofle "Get every soldier down to the hallways just outside the docking bay. Tell them to wait for my signal and then kill every last Flood there."
       "Are you sure that's wise, Excellency?" 'Berty asked. "I mean, we risk getting the entire ship infected if we open those doors. Why not wait until we get into space and then vent the atmosphere?"
       'Rofle relayed the question to the Prophet who responded with "Absolutely not. We cannot lift off at the moment due to repairs and we certainly can't wait for them to finish. No, do as I say before you are stripped of command."
       Very angrily, 'Berty complied with the Prophet and ordered the teams of Covenant to gather around the docking bay.
       The Flood sensed that many Covenant were gathering around the area and planned accordingly. The infectious forms would hide just next to the doors and overwhelm the Covenant. The infected Grunts and Elite's would be brought to the center of the room and try to take down the shields of the Elites. Although time was needed to turn the Grunts into carrier forms and the Elites into combat forms, the Flood still had control over their bodies and could therefore still fire their weapons.
       The Prophet gave the signal and 'Berty opened the doors. All of the Covenant rushed into the bay only to meet a bombardment of plasma fire. Before the Covenant could realize what was happening, the infectious forms attacked. Elites, Jackals, and Grunts all fell from four or five infectious forms each. In a matter of minutes, all of the Covenant were either dead or infected.
       "I'm not getting any responses." 'Berty said. "I'm going to attempt to lock all the doors," but the words hadn't even left his mouth when they heard a bone rattling explosion. "I've lost power to half of the ship! They must've severed the connection to the reactors, but how?"

       Although the humans were primitive to Covenant standards, they were still ordered to capture all of their weapons and vehicles for study. The Flood had just emptied into a small room containing loads of human weapons, including rocket launchers. Having been faced with a locked door, the human combat forms sifted through their host's memories to learn how to operate the Rocket Launcher. They then spread this information to the others and they all attacked the door. What they didn't know however, was that cables from the reactor ran under the floor that they had just blown a 7 foot wide hole into.

       "I don't have any power, none of the sensors are working and I can't control this half of the ship." he turned to the Prophet and said "Look! Look what you've done. The great Forerunners have damned this vessel because of your ignorance."
       'Rofle refused to repeat those words to the Prophet, until 'Berty got out his plasma sword. 'Rofle quickly translated and replied with "His Excellency reminds you that he, like all of his kind, speak the word of the Forerunners. Furthermore…"
       Suddenly, the Flood burst into the room. The Prophet, along with 'Rofle, quickly ran out through the doors on the other side of the room. Cowards, 'Berty thought. It was dishonorable to turn your back to the enemy. He unleashed his plasma sword and began kill as many Flood as he could. Finally the assimilation form, having already infected Keyes, entered the room. The Elite quickly became overwhelmed until an infectious form finally injected its tentacle into the Elite and released a chemical that paralyzed him. The assimilation form approached the Elite and extended its long tentacle into the Elite, slowly assimilating it too. Having absorbed two forms, the assimilation form was towering. It made its way on top of the ramp and stationed itself in front of holographic panels that surrounded him.
       If all went to plan, he would learn how to fly the ship and learn the locations of all the Covenant planets by sifting through the Elite's memories. He would then also learn the locations of the human planets from Keyes. As soon as the Flood repaired the cruiser, they would set out for the closest planet and infect all of its inhabitants.
