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Fan Fiction

Origin of the Mark V: Part 3
Posted By: ShotgunGoBOOM<Lordofdragons@cox.net>
Date: 31 August 2004, 3:57 PM

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Authors Note: Once again, thank you for the suggestions. I'm trying to use all the suggestions you sent me

SGB opened fire on the beast, half in surprise because it jumped right in front of him, and half in anger because he had let it almost blind sight him. The beast roared in pain but otherwise kept coming. Another Spartan had just started to fire when the beast whacked him hard. The Spartan had just enough time to fire one more shot before he crashed into the wall with a sickening Crack. The visor on the Spartans helmet cracked. He lay there, motionless. Another Spartan ran over and kneeled next to him. "Josh! Don't die man!" The Spartan cried. During that all of the Spartans opened fire. Finally the beast screamed in agony and fell to the ground with Smack. "What the hell was that, Chief?" A Spartan asked SGB. "Your guess is as good as mine, Spartan. We should continue on though." He replied. He suddenly noticed that all the other Spartans were carrying what looked like an improved Assault Rifle. "Where'd you get one of those?" he asked a Spartan. "These are the new Battle Rifles, sir." The recruit he was talking to held out the new Rifle for SGB to inspect. The Rifle had a scope (With Auto-Zoom), a cut down muzzle, and a clip with 40 rounds. "Nice weapons." He said. "Here sir, we have a few spares and some ammo we were carrying just in case." A Spartan replied and handed him the new rifle with 6 clips of ammo. "Thanks." He said. He jogged over to the wounded Spartan. "Take him to the infirmary. Will three Spartans please escort them and guard the entrance?" He asked out loud. Immediately 3 Spartans stepped out of the crowd and volunteered. "And what are your names, Spartans?" SGB asked. "Spartan #706, JakeBull, sir!" The first one said. This Spartan was tall, so tall he could brush the ceiling with his fingertips. "Spartan #354, NT, sir!" The Spartan next to the man said. This Spartan was a woman, close to her golden years. "Spartan #217, DON'T SHOOT, sir!" "What was that, Spartan?" SGB asked. "That's my name sir, DON'T SHOOT. Quite entertaining when some got a targeting reticule on me." DS said with a grin. "Whatever. Go protect that Spartan." SGB said. "Okay, let's move to the front!" He barked and they all took off for the front of the base, their boots make hollow thumping noises on the ground.

Meanwhile Lag was still working on Security measures when A Spartan suddenly ran into the room. It was Jster. "Lag, the Covenant forces are coming this way! You have to get out of here!" Jster said. It was clear that Jster was worried. "No. Go on. I'll do whatever I can." Lag said with a grim determination in his voice. "Are you crazy?! Come on!" Jster yelled and tried to drag Lag away. Lag grabbed Jster, got up, and then threw him out of the room. "Goodbye Jster. I'll never forget you." Lag said sadly and hit the button to lockdown the security room. Immediately 3 layers of Titanium-A Armor covered the door to the Security room and the walls around the door. Jster beat at the door until he heard Covenant Forces coming around the corner. Quickly he ran down the corridor and hid in the shadows. The Covenant forces slowly went down the corridor, checking every nook and cranny. When they saw that the way into the security room was blocked, they all took out Plasma weapons and pointed them at the door. Eagerly they all opened fire, hoping to be the one they took out the defense that had blocked them from a human. When the barrage of gunfire stopped, only 1 sheet of the Armor stood in front of them. The other 2 sheets were molten slag. Suddenly a Gold Elite raised an Energy sword and hacked at the Sheet. The white-hot sword burned it to pieces in seconds. On the other side of the door stood Lag, a SMG in each hand. He opened fire and 5 grunts fell dead. For 5 seconds everyone was quiet. Then the covenant charged into the room, eager for a kill. That's when Lag hit a button and the room's fail-safe activated. The room exploded and 400 covenant soldiers were sent to hell. There was no chance Lag made it. "You always gave the enemy hell, Lag." Jster whispered. "Now I'm going to do the same thing." He sprinted to the front.
