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Fan Fiction

Origin of the Mark V: Part 2
Posted By: ShotgunGoBOOM<Lordofdragons@cox.net>
Date: 22 August 2004, 10:08 PM

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Authors Note: Sorry it took so long for me to post this, but I was on vacation in Idaho for a week. Also, thank you for the comments. It made me feel much better about writing fan fiction.

SGB looked around. "Where could that elite be? I just saw it go through the door a minute ago!" he said to himself. Slowly he looked around a corner. Nothing. "Damn." he cursed. "No single tr-" he suddenly looked down a thing he just stepped in. "Elite blood. Good. I'm on his trail." he started to follow the trail, noting that there was more and more blood as he walked on.
Elite Omenge 'Omosenne slowly limped on. Ever since the green devil had shot him, the room had been harder and harder to see. 'Omosenne looked around, trying to find a fitting area where to hide. He spotted a slightly hidden corner between a wall and an ammo crate. Slowly and painfully. He went over to the corner and sat down. Making sure no one was around, he started to bandage himself.
"SGB...come in SGB." A voice said in SGB helmet. "DarkBullet? What is it!?" he said into his radio. ".... We need help at the front...new...covenant...please come qui-" Dark Bullet said before the line dissolved into static. SGB began to worry. DarkBullet sounded like he was wounded. Or close to death. That meant that the new covenant had to be tough to take down 10 Spartans in their MJOLNIR armor. DarkBullet himself had been wearing a Mark V prototype. That meant something big had entered the base. That's when the power failed. But suddenly SGB smiled. Turning on his night vision, he noticed the elite he had been chasing hiding in a corner. He stealthy sneaked over to the corner and took something out of his pocket
'Omosenne had just finished bandaging himself and drunken some water out of his canteen. He started to feel much better and managed to stand up. It may be interesting to note that the moment SGB tossed the grenade, 'Omosenne had ducked to retrieve his weapon. Instead of the fragmentation grenade bouncing off the elite and stopping, the grenade bounced on the wall, which sent it straight back to SGB. The elite looked up just as the Green Devil ran off and the grenade exploded. 'Omosenne only received a few cuts from the shards of the grenade hitting him. The elite took off down a corridor that read on the top: D-9.
SGB cursed when he stopped running. Not only had he almost been killed, he had lost the elite. He started to head to the front in hopes of making up for it by helping with the fronts defense. He had run only 50 yards when he saw multiple enemy contacts on his radar. He stopped dead and hid behind a corner just as a grunt walked by. The grunt turned but before he saw the Spartan, SGB had hit him in the back with his AR.
Meanwhile LagKiller and Xjawed were working feverishly to stop the covenant. Jster ran in. "I've got everyone ready Lag. We found a few of them already dead though. I counted them and we have 30 Spartans ready to go, all in their armor." he reported. "Good. Send 10 to the left, 10 to the right wing, and 10 more to the middle. You and Xjawed go help. I'll do what I can for the security measures. It looks like we got a new kind of covenant to deal with." he replied. "Sir, yes sir!" They saluted and ran off. LagKiller started to close sections A-1, A-2, A-3, and D-9. "Crater, Vent oxygen from all the rooms that I've blocked off. Then activated the bombs in those sections just to make sure."
'Omosenne had just reached a door that had been locked down when a strange feeling came over him. It was like the time he had visited the Grunt home world, where there was Methane, but not much air. Suddenly he realized the humans were venting the chamber he was in. He pounded on the door, becoming weaker and weaker every second. Then 'Omosenne was about to take his last breath when the chamber exploded and blew him to hell.
SGB had just gotten halfway to the front when he heard a sound behind him. He turned and aimed his AR at the sound. "It's just us, sir. We came to defend the base." A voice said. Then a Spartan in MJOLNIR armor stepped out of the shadows. SGB relaxed. Finally, he had gotten a break. "I'll come with you, soldier. It looks like you'll need some help." he said. They all headed for the front when suddenly a covenant monster stepped out of the shadows.

The battle for the Mark V had begun.
