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Fan Fiction

Origin of the Mark V
Posted By: ShotgunGoBOOM<Lordofdragons@cox.net>
Date: 11 August 2004, 12:44 AM

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Authors Note: Okay considering all the nasty comments from my last story, I decided not to write something lousy like being inside Halo. At least you guys were truthfull. The people inside this story are NOT real players. If your Xbox live username happens to be one of these characters, then I'm sorry. This particular story is at an outpost for training 21 year-old Spartans close to Reach where a certain piece of technology is being developed...

"Duck!" ShotgunGoBOOM screamed at Jster and dived for cover. The Rocket screamed over both their heads and detonated on a warthog, sending it flying into the air. Small pieces of metal pelted Jake and Shotgun. Jakes shields flared but held. Slowly Shotgun raised his head. W-man stood not 50 yards away, his Rocket Launcher still smoking. Jster coughed and slowly reached for the pistol at his side. W-man fired a warning shot with his other weapon, a shotgun. Jster's hand stopped halfway to the pistol as it was blown off. Shotgun could see Jster's pain beneath his helmet. Shotgun activated his helmet mike. "CMC, you might want to hurry up with that Sniper Rifle." he said. W-man turned around and looked around. What he hadn't thought about in his haste was that Shotgun had deliberately sent the message to W-man. Shogun leapt up and shot W-man in the head with a burst from his Assault Rifle. The Spartan hit the ground with a pulpy smack. "Come on, we need to get you back to base before infection sets in." he said and hoisted Jster up.

"Did everything go according to plan?" The Covenant Prophet asked. "Yes, m'lord. The Human we swayed under our command was defeated. The tracker on the human's vehicle landed on one of the devils." The Brute replied, bowing to the ground. "Excellent. The Green Devils will soon be defeated." The prophet said and curled its hands into fists. "Now, be gone. I must look at our current situation." The Brute left and wiped its brow. Dealing with the blessed ones always left him exhausted.

"You're going to be okay, but I'm afraid we can't do anything for you're hand, Jster." LagKiller said. "That's okay Lag, is wasn't my shooting hand anyway." Jster said. Shotgun knew he was really still in shock and trying to make the best of things, but tried not to show it. He patted him on the back. "W-man did everyone else a favor. They were all scared of you anyway." Shotgun said and smiled. "I wonder why W-man would betray us though? In allot of ways he was the most loyal of us." Lag said thoughtfully. Just then Xjawed ran in. "Theirs a breach in Sector 7 sir!" "Damnit. How could they have known about the location of our base?" Shotgun said. "I think I know." Jster said grimly and plucked something off his armor. "This must be a tracker that W-man got onto me before you killed him, Shotgun." "S***. "We'll have to repel them." Lag said. "Xjawed, what kind of attacker are they?" "Covenant, sir." Xjawed replied. "Okay then. Jster, you alert the other Spartans. Shotgun, you go help the Spartans defending the front. And Xjawed, you come with me to the security station. We'll try to shut them out." Lag said. Shotgun and Jster nodded and ran to their areas. Xjawed and Lag ran to the security station. Xjawed sat down at the Defense systems seat and Lag sat down at the lockdown systems seat. "Xjawed, turn control for the front defense turrets to the Computer. We'll blow them to hell before they even get in." Lag said. "Xjawed nodded. "So, you finally gave me a chance for some action?" An A.I.'s voice said in the Security station room. "Not now Crater. The covenant have found our base." Lag said. "Now please close off sections D-3, G-7, and Restricted Area Alpha. We can't let the Covenant find out about the new MJOLNIR Mark V armor we're making." "You mean the armor ONI has trusted us to make better then they ever could?" Xjawed asked. "Yes. They knew the only way to make the MJOLNIR armor better was to make it's wearers improve it themselves." Lag said. "Closing area now. Wait. Section D-3's lockdown halted from explosion. Trying to close off area now." Crater. "Crater! Close off section D-8! NOW!" Lag yelled.

Things were considerably calmer for Shotgun. So far he and his fire team had held off the surprisingly small covenant assault off with little casualties. "Send the wounded to the med bay." Shotgun barked and pumped a grunt full of bullets with his SMGs. Suddenly and explosion rocked a door near him. Quickly he fired at the opening door. 3 camouflaged elites quickly fell dead. An elite managed to survive the bullets, and ran through the door. "Darkbullet, you take command while I go after that elite!" Shotgun said and ran through the door after the elite.
