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Fan Fiction

Fall of friends
Posted By: Shadowrunner<mortenthenerd@hotmail.com>
Date: 12 January 2004, 7:21 PM

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One of Sargeant Jensen's marines had some spare medkits. They were almost empty, bit they managed to get Manderley in a condition where he could run if neccesary. The 5 marines, Kauffman, Manderley, Jensen, the scared marine, and Jensen's 2 soldiers moved along the trench. They climbed through wreckages and walked in pools of almost dry human blood. None of them could imagine this was only the tip of the iceberg. As they got closer to HQ, where soldiers had retreated to in order to defend their last stand, the piles of bodies grew ever larger. A few marines here were still alive but heavily injured, most of them dying. There had been battle recently. It was getting dark and it was almost impossible to see. The soldiers hesitated to turn on their flashlights, but were eventually forced by the darkness.

Cortana was renewed with hope: "Allright Chief, we have to keep on fighting or we will be overrun... I have made arrangements for you to take a vacant Gridi'n fighter in the bay north of you."

Along with the Eldasarian, he went to a shipbay relatively close to his position. As he got to the fighter, he turned around and greeted the Eldasarians. Apparently, the Eldasarian with the highest rank stepped forward and honored the Master Chief by sliding 2 fingers along his forehead and then holding his hand out towards Chief. The Master Chief bowed and ran into the Gridi'n fighter.

3 cones of light came running down the trench on Hecktor. It was on the eastern hemisphere (the planet rotated sideways) so when it was night, there was no moon to see. Behind the 3 lights were the assault rifles of Kauffman, Manderley and Jensen with his pale skin that had taken a blue-like color during the last many hours, due to his lack of clothing in a night like this. As he said at the briefing; "With all due respect... Sir... I would rather die in the trench from cold, than being crushed beneath the weight of such an insanely large coat! And by the looks of it, none of us may live to see this night."

They had been heading for HQ since Kauffman, Manderley and the scared marine ran into them. And it was about time for a brake. But Jensen pushed them on. They were so close to the HQ and salvation from this hell. They started to run into the areas closer to HQ, wich had illumination from large lights in the trenches. An Elite and some grunts could be heard further down the trenches, behind a corner. Jensen could roughly understand what the grunts were talking about in their exaggerated voices, they were arguing over loot from the dead marines.

"Oooh! 'Dis one is shineys! Haha, me found it before youzza did!"

"Whatz is it?"

"Ah? Me don'tz know... A ringie made from gold... Thees humans are wierdies!"

Sargeant Jensen looked at his hand and found his own copy of 'a ringie made from gold'... His wedding ring. And he thought about how they were looting people with wife and probably children. He started a barely controlled whispering: "Allright, there are some Grunts behind this corner... They are looting corpses right now, we have the first shot. Don't use 'nades or other explosives, that will also smash the bodies of our dead buddies here" He paused for a while and then asked: "Hey, you, the one Manderley and Kauffman brought along... What's your name?" The scared marine slowly looked at him, then answered:

"I am Lieutenant Nebraska... Reporting for duty... Sir."

Jensen was surprised, a lieutenant giving him authority? It was, without a doubt, a sign of the extreme moral condition in Nebraska's mind. "Roger that, sir... I will try to get us out alive", Jensen responded in a sad voice. "Okay, you whimps! We go in on a count of five and we clean the house, understood?" The soldiers nodded.

"I'll go first" Nebraska added in a sorrowful voice.

Jensen hesitated to acknowledge it, but he eventually realised that he might make his condition worse if he refused. "Ok, we all get on Nebraska's tail... Follow his lead! Ready? 1... 2... 3... 4... 5!"

Nebraska started moving already before the count of 4, and fired some shots with his M6D pistol at the grunts. They caught them by surprise and as they moved in only a single stray plasma shot wizzled their way. As a response, the rest of the team opened fire and gutted the small group of covenant quickly. But there were no Elites to be seen. "This doesn't make sense, I though I heard an Elite?" Just as Kauffman finished his sentence, something blue jumped on top of them from the ground above the trench. Nebraska, Manderley and 1 of Jensen's 2 marines were knocked over and were incapable of shooting back immidiately.

"Hey, over here, you big can of blue filth!" Jensen shouted, distracting it from the marines on the ground. Jensen had always been taller than the average marine, and when compared to an Elite, he was almost the same height. The Elite roared at him, and it's shields recieved a heavy barrage from his MA5B rifle, then it came for him. Jensen found a long steel pipe that at some point had contained wires, and picked it up. Just in time for the Elite to fire off a barrage from his rifle, he turned around and swung the full length of the pipe towards the blue creature, the pipe measured a good 2 meters and wasn't long enough to hit the Elite itself, but with it's arm extended he hit the plasma rifle and it flew down the trench. The Elite taunted him, but Jensen didn't waste any time; he quickly grapped the middle of the pipe and turned around while swinging the pipe as fast as possible. This made the pipe gain momentum and the next blow drained it's shields. Jensen had crouched and held the pipe about 2/3 towards one end, he took a good sword-like grip and jumped up forwards while swinging the pipe, so that it hit the Elite in the chest. It's armor cracked open, but the Elite itself was unharmed. It grabbed his head with it's left hand, while catching his legs with the right. It lifted him off the ground and hurled him into the wall of the trench. As he landed on the ground again he yelled "Come on you beast, let's dance!" He was armed and dangerous, but not in any normal way; being the sargeant he was, he knew a close fight would be inevitable from time to time, so he had made sure to be prepared. And martial arts weren't the Covenant's best asset. As the Elite charged him, he placed a crushing straight kick in it's unprotected belly. The Elite was crippled wich gave Jensen more than enough time for his next move, as his armored elbow smashed into it's crackled armor, wich was only little protection against the Sargeant's blow. He then circle kicked the Elite in the chest and it tipped over. It's breathing was irregular and it didn't look like it would be fighting any time soon now. The other marines stared at him, but he simply took out his small service pistol and shot the Elite in it's head. It exhaled and lay still, dead.

His back was hurting from being thrown into the wall of the trench, but he ignored it. Then he said: "Hope you boys watched closely, because the next time I might not be here to baby-sit your sorry asses" He sat down and pulled out a ration "Now, let's have a break... We'll continue in a few hours"

The Master Chief punched the accelerator on the Gridi'n spacecraft, and it rapidly flew out the hangar, where the last parts of the battle were being fought. The covenant space assault squadron was decimated, but had taken out more than a dozen Human and Gridi'n ships as well. The Eldasarians had pulled back to send in small boarding ships and hed sustained minimal damage to their larger ships, but countless of the transports were drifting in space as wreckage.

—To be continued

By: Shadowrunner
"Only in darkness no shadow can exist, thus I fight for the light"
