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Fan Fiction

Red Vs Blue: New Series
Posted By: Shadow Spartan<Stryder5_57@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 June 2004, 6:19 PM

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Blue Armour covered in blood. Wolf With his Battle rifle shooting swarms of red. Quickly reloaded. Last round. Blowing another 7 away. He threw the gun in the crowd. A Red with a energy sword dashed at him. He Caught the reds arm swung it behind it back and ripped the Sword out of its hands. And Stabbed him in the back. He Picked up a SMG and started Blowing away crowds. Soon they where slowly retreating. He Fell Back into the snow trying to catch his breath. (Just to tell you this is apart of another planet you never heard of.)

Back to the story

A Warthog slowly drove up beside him. You ok wolf said Arrow. Yeah im good. Where the frick was my back up. Hey you walked away bye yourself so dont Dont Cry about that. Want a ride back?. Nah. Whatever. he looked at the sky. He turned off the COM Link. The Warthog drove back to base.
He Slowly Trudged back to base. He entered the Code. The base was guarded bye turrets on top inside. In The Docking Bay A Pelican was dropping off new recruits. Wolf Went to the weapons room. He Grabbed a Sniper Rifle a SMG covenant grenades and a knife and a Battle rifle. He Couldnt Stand another week in this frozen shithole. If He Captured the flag it was over. He Started on. Snow Crunched under his boots. He Heard the humming of warthogs. Quickly Activated his Camo. He Sent a Message to base that the enemy was coming. He walked past all the enemys. He Soon came to enemy base. There was a red standing guard. He Got around him and grabbed him bye the neck. Holding the SMG to his head. Enter the password. The Red Cooperated surprisingly. The door swung open. He Smacked the red in the back killing him. He Thought about switching armour. But the base was practically deserted. And bye the looks of it his armour had a Bad condition. He walked through the door. Walking through many corridors. He Came to a room that was obviously the flag room. Took a code to enter. Fuck He should of saved that hostage. He dropped to his knee's and put his head in his hands. He Looked up. Seeing a vent. He jumped grabbed the edge ripped the vent off and climbed in. After looking through vents he found a prisoner room. He Should Kill 2 Birds with one stone and get the flag. if he does then the prisoners get free'd. He looked down through another vent. The flag was right smack under him.
He disconnected the vent quitley looked down. A Empty room. This is waaaay to easy. Ah Hell. There where wires under the flag. A Alarm Sytem. He Grabbed a Bar somewhere in the room quickly took out the flag and put the bar in its place. With a sigh of relief he crawled back up the vent. Now he was running across the frozen WasteLand He Came to base. To see that enemy was at front. Fuck....
He Snuck up behind one and smacked the gunner. jumped in the hog and skidded sideways to the keypad the door swung open. He Hit the CLOSE button. He ran to the flag room. Guarded with turrets inside and out he hit the code then the button and ran in. He Did it. He Could finally go somewhere else. just 2 More places and the team who wins the most. Gets To Be The Offensive Army.

Sitting on the dropship he finally came to the next battlefeild. He Couldnt beileve his eyes.

NOOOOO His Screams Echoed Through the canyons.

He was in a canyon. A Desert canyon..

This time they had to make there own base..

And there Own Weapons..

Train there own troops..

Everything thereselfs.

He Needed a One Way Ticket Back to earth..

He Heard About the First generation of Spartans. They where on the battle feild with covenant. He had to fight humans. It Was Boleshit. They Should Just team up. Sure beats one offensive team.
Sarge was in his dropship giving orders.

And for you wolf you got to gather huge boulders. With Strike and Tooth.

Great.... Wolf Said in Reply

And I Hope that Wont Be a Problem Sarge said.

Not a problem At All i love Working My ass Off in a canyon all day.

Well this isnt Girl Scouts

Yeah Yeah

Where landing Now.
