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Fan Fiction

Detour: Part 1
Posted By: Shadow Spartan<Stryder5_57@hotmail.com>
Date: 23 February 2005, 7:46 PM

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The Bullet Lumbered along the quiet system. 30 spartans aboard to go help defend earth.
Spartan 187 A.K.A Venom Hoisted the weights for the 500th time.
he threw them down on the floor and rubbed off the sore tingling in his muscles.
Venom had brown eyes and brown hair and broad shoulders.
He punched the button and walked into his barracks.
The Other spartans where all asleep.
He climbed into his bunk and thought about earth.
He knew all the features of the covenant because of the holograms and breifings.
His eyes started to feel heavy.
Just then the alarm started blaring.
All the spartans fell from there bunks or jumped up.
He jumped up and pulled his armour out of the case that was under his bunk.
He put it all on peice by peice.
He snapped on his helmet. He walked over and stood by the leader.
Spartan 175 A.K.A Achilles.
After watching the holograms of the ancient spartans that they where led by achilles.
They decided to call him that.
minutes later all the spartans had the Mark Six armour on and ready to go.
Venom threw open the weapon rack and picked up a battle rifle.
He Swung it over his shoulder and followed achilles out of door.
He Flicked on his sheild.
Sparks flew up his armour as the bar slowly Got solid.
"What do you think is happening?" Said Knives.
"Maybe the Captain lost his pet rat again i dont know".
Soon the Spartans Emerged on the bridge.
The Other 2 sets of spartans where already there.
Crowded and hard to move, Achilles pushed through to the captain.
He saluted the captain.
He Turned to the window and looked down at the grey planet.
Achilles and him where talking but venom couldnt hear.
Not even with his advanced hearing.
Soon Achilles turned around and motioned the others to follow.
He Turned around and looked at the spartan beside him.
"What genius crams 30 soilders on this small as hell bridge?.
The Spartan just shrugged.
"Spartans...Where going on a planet". Achilles said without looking back.
Where going to bring back some kind of creature alive.
"Now all of you get into a pod".
They soon came to a row of pods that the helljumpers use.
Venom climbed into one.
He Looked around at inside.
he grabbed the hatch and slammed it shut.
"Heh..Heh...I Hope we make it". Said 139.
"Idiot" venom muttered as he turned off the Com Link.
139 didnt have a nickname or friends.
He was always so positive and stuff no one really bothered to help him with anything.
The Pod moved straighter.
And soon a jerk and the pod let loose.
His stomache lifted.
He started to feel a gaggy feeling in his throat.
A Roar of the speed and the small engines.
He Couldnt feel the heat because of his suits tempature gel.
Numbers went into the corner of his hud.
The Countdown untill they reach the ground.
four hours dragged bye.
the timer was down to 10 seconds.
1 second ticked to 0 and his pod slammed into the ground.
He Kicked open the hatch.
He shook off his dizzy felling he had.
"Talk about accurate".
He grabbed his rifle and looked around.
Spartans Where climbing out of there pods and some just barely hitting the ground.
Achilles Held up a holopad.
"This is the creature you need to find!!".
It was black with a tail and claws.
"Three Groups search in different areas".

10 in each and venom was leader of B.
They Started over the rocks.
two spartans carrying a cage.
"Achilles...Permission to speak freely?". Venom said over the com.


"Why do we need this thing when we should be on are way to earth?".

"The Captain said that a company wants it to help fight the covenant".

"Let me guess...Weyland Corp?"

"You guessed it".

"Weyland Corp is going to use it against them ho-" Venom was cut off as 4 barking creatures came through the mist.

"Hold your fire!"

They looked just like the one achilles showed them.

Except smaller and red and a longer tail.

One of them leaped at him jaw open.
Venom side stepped and grabbed its tail.
it swished around angerly trying to bite his arm.
Ignoring the small bites and slashing from the tail.
He Through it in the cage.
The Spartans Dropped the cage and locked it.

Venom turned around and aimed squarley at one of there heads.
He pulled the trigger and a flurry of bullets sunk into his head.
Green sizzling blood splashed out and onto a ground.
All the fire from his team left them laying in there own acid like blood.
They all turned to the creature they captured.
It looked at them angery and puzzled.
The creature took its claw and sunk it into his arm.
The Blood suddenly sloshed onto the titanium bars and melted them apart.
It leaped out and fled into the mist.
Venom heard several explosions and looked up to see blue streaks in the sky.
They fell into the ground.
Dark figures crawled from each one.
One of them held a two pronged Beam in its hand that glowed blue.
Others held guns.
They walked out of the mist into site.
Suddenly venom remembered.
That is a Covenant elite.
It stood just as tall as him in black armour.
"Dont open fire yet" He Ordered his team.
He Walked a few steps forward.
Holding his rifle sideways with Two-hands.
The Elite crouched ready to strike.
He Turned to his team amused.
"I Claim this ugly bastard my first covenant kill".
He threw forward the rifle with both hands.
It hit the elite in the face.
It was thrown so hard it made its sheilds fail.
Venom dashed forward as fast as he could.
And Drove his fist right into his ribs.
It dropped the sword and screamed in pain.
Venom could fell his ribs shatter and crumble.
He pulled his hand away ahd grabbed the elites mandibles on his mouth and ripped them off.
It dropped the sword.
Venom bent down to pick up the sword and at the same time kicked the elite in the chest.
It fell backwards in shock.
venom could already tell he was gonna die from massive blood loss.
"Open Fire!" Venom Screamed.
Elites roared and came running forward firing.
seconds after shooting there sehilds fell from the metal rounds pinging off them.
Venom put them down with the sword witha simple and small stab to the chest or throat.
One more was left.
he was wounded and he knew he was gonna die.
A barb suddenly popped out of his chest.
It lifted him in the air and threw him to the side.
A Black Creature stood there drooling through his needle like teeth.
Hundreds where pouring over the rocks.
"Someone Contact achilles and tell him whats happening!".

One of the Spartans started to fufill that order.

Venom was about to order a retreat untill a huge ship over passed them.
It even made the aliens stop in there tracks.
"Thats not a covenant ship!".
A Whole Bunch of red beams came falling from the sky and killed many aliens in one shot.
Round pointy objects fell from the bottom of the ship.
They hit the ground.
Seconds later they burst open.
Dark Figures Emerged from them.
At the same time achilles and Team A and C where coming up behind them.
More aliens started pouring over the rocks.
And Covenant pods where coming through the atmosphere.
"Achilles!, Ask for some marinesto come down here".

"Are you telling me how to do my job!?".

"No, Im teling you to save are hides before its to late".

Silence came from Achilles.

Then he turned on the COM about to order backup.

"Well Spartans...This is gonna turn out to be quite the battle..."
