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Fan Fiction

Goals of the elite: Part 1
Posted By: Shadow Spartan<Stryder5_57@hotmail.com>
Date: 13 February 2005, 1:25 AM

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Xvivars vision came back he laid in the rubbel of the smashed phantom.
"So much for a 1st easy mission". Xivivar said to himself.
The 2cnd recorded grunt rebellion. And by the looks of things the 1st toughest one.
He Slowly got up.
Any moment now grunt rebel patrol will be pouring into the crash site.
"How did they get a cannon That small that powerfull?...there 3ft tall yappy unintelligent coawrdly creatures...and they blew down a covenant flagship froma crossed the system?".
"How is this possible".
"luckily me and a immobilization team was sent to take care of them...just before they destroyed the flagship...in one sloppy shot".
Yelps and squeals where coming from the jungle.
Bye the looks of things this planet had Deserts,jungles ,woodlands,Oceans.
And the Grunt rebels have populated nearly every mile of it.
"How can the grunts get there methane supply and all there numbers?".
He Shook off his throbbing headache.
And looked over at the almost destroyed weapon attachment.
He used his Above average strength to rip open the cover.
He picked up the never before used plasma rifle.
The Noises where coming closer.
He attached the plasmarifle to his belt and buried his claws into the tree.
And Hoisted himself up in the tree.
Slowly 2 small metal coated grunts lumbered into the crash site minutes later.
Followed by many over exposed well armed even smaller grunts.
"Where have i seen the metal coated ones before?".
He remembered viewing them in breifing.
There class was called hyrda.
Any Plasma touches them it coverts it into energy for the suit.
The suits are made by a special metal that is extremly hard to get.
A Handfull of grunts must die just to begin to make that suit.
Meaning they had to go deep in the mines and everything.
The others where basic escourts with Covenant grunt armour that was simply taken off dead enemy soilders".
"All Small ranks had them".
A Cord connected to the back of the one of the hyrda's where connected to the lower to the upper back.
Converting oxygen into methane.
"So thats how they are getting methane".
He took a deep breath and leaped down onto the first escourt killing him with his weight.
He grabbed the second ones face and twisted it with a satisfying crack.
The First hyrda turned around.
Xvivar paniced.
he jumped both feet nailing the short creature in the chest.
It didnt even budge.
He scrambled to his feet.
Backed away.
the first one took aim and fired.
A Sizzling orange beam flew towards him.
He side stepped.
The Grunt motioned the sizzling stream of death towards him without letting go of the trigger.
burning through thick trees and vines.
Starting small fires and knocking over tree's.
He Ducked and ran full force.
With Extreme ease jumped over the metal grunt.
And ripped the cord in its back.
A Scream filled its silver helmet.
It fell to the ground Holding its throat.
Soon his shaking body fell silent.
And the powerfull weapons brace on the wrist snapped off.
he turned around and unhooked his plasma rifle.
And unleashed boiling volts of plasma into the rest of the escourts.
The Other hyrda got frightened and started firing his Weapon.
Easy to dodge but powerfull.
For Minutes now he kept firing.
The battery on the side was glowing red.
Xvivar picked up a rock beside his foot and threw it at the side of the battery.
The Weapon burst into flames.
The front of the grunts armour was burning red.
it would soon reach his supply of methane.
Xvivar turned around and dashed into the woods.
A explosion muffled a small scream behind him.
"Maybe there is something that i can salvage at the wreckage".
the flagship behind the moon knew he was alive from the vital implants to let them know.
And his communication was fried.
As he digged his way through the wreckage he thought.
All the other grunts (that werent hyrda) Didnt have tubes on there back.
And they had no methane tanks.
Maybe the air they breathes in through there masks where converted into methane.
A Small Pack with two wrist bands where laying on the ground.
he slipped both of them on.
"Jackal Sheilds.." he Whispered.
He Clenched his wrists and the sheilds flickered to life.
He Clenched them againto turn them off.
This was good enough he thought.
he started off through the jungle.
Chirps from wildlife where all around him.
He came into a small clearance.
He Looked up at the Yellowish moon shining ever so brightly in the middle of the day.
he Looked up at a icy mountain top.
for once in his life happy that he can see a sight just as good as this.
A thin purple beam went clean through it.
Making a perfect round hole, Simmering hot inside as he could of guessed.
He looked up to see it go right through the moon.
"Why did they do that?" He wondered.
A Roaring sound came from the skies.
Xvivar looked up to see small vessels a couple times bigger than a ghost.
Glass dome pointed end and rounded back.
A Retractable gun was at the bottom.
It could move anywhere like on the phantoms.
most likley the rebels air forces.
Hostile blips started appearing behind him on his radar.
And above him.
He started to panic.
Enemies all around him and above him.

"What am i gonna do?" He Said to himself desperatley
Ill post the second half later everyone.
I hope you liked it and if you have any questions just email me.
