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Fan Fiction

The Legends of Sgt. Johnson: Halo-Part 2
Posted By: Samslink14<Samslink14@AOL.com>
Date: 19 November 2004, 1:36 AM

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_________The Spartan moved to the far side of the structure and opened up on the Jackals. Marines could concentrate on the Grunts, but shielded enemies were more of a problem for them.
_________Once the Jackals were depleted, a few grenades were tossed to keep the Covenant on their toes. Then the Spartan charged down the ramp and singled out a blue-armored Elite. When he was on the ground and closer, a plasma grenade on its arm was sufficient to end its existence without too much trouble. However a single blast from its plasma rifle had hit the Spartan during his charge. Therefore the second Elite, this one in maroon armor, was able to sound the alarms on the interior of the Spartan's helmet with two plasma bolts. With his armor already battered up as it was, the Master Chief was taking no chances. He fired ten rounds into the Elite's shields, forcing it to retreat behind a small bolder to recharge its shields. The Spartan did the same on the opposite side of the rock, but since he was hit first, his shields recharged first. The moment he started to regain his protection the last Spartan threw a plasma grenade on one side, then charged around the other way, firing at the Elite crouching there. The Elite was forced to retreat and moved backwards right into the grenade just as it exploded. Its body flew several meters away and tumbled into a heap.
_________There was no joy in the kill as two remaining Grunts that escaped the Marines on top of the structure ran out into the open and tossed plasma grenades. They weren't too worrisome to the Master Chief, as one was silenced instantly with a burst from a Marine's assault rifle, but the two Elite's behind them were. The two grenades, courtesy of the Grunts, took place on either side of the Spartan, forcing him to go forward or back, and fast. The Spartan was not about to go forward right into two Elites and a Grunt, so he was forced backward.
_________Taking place behind the boulder, he fired the clip dry and switched to the pistol again. Taking careful aim, the Grunt was dropped just before the grenades exploded, and the first Elite took six rounds to the head as it concentrated on the distraction. It too late realized its error and tried to find cover, but with the Marines added fire with the pistol, it was dropped. The second was smarter and didn't rush in recklessly like the first. Instead, it stayed behind a tree and waited. Since it was determined to wait for a target, and/or reinforcements, the Spartan had to go after it. The second he was in the open, high-pitched whines of plasma sounded and bolts of blue energy struck the area behind him, throwing up chunks of dirt. Surviving the short trip to the tree with only a couple hits, the Master Chief waited for his shields to recharge and motioned to the Marines on top of the structure. He then darted to another point; two small boulders provided his cover from the enemy.
_________As the Elite concentrated on the Spartan, three Marines, including Sgt. Johnson, Mendoza, and Bisenti jogged silently down the ramp and filed out on opposite sides of the tree that hid the Elite. They spotted the alien and could have thrown a grenade to silence it, but Johnson held them back, knowing that they could use the grenades later and that it was probably better to take the risk of getting hit. As all three Marines opened up on it, the warrior realized its error and turned to fire at the Humans, but almost instantly M6D slugs slammed into its vulnerable back, pushing its shields offline and biting away at the armor. Too late the Elite found its second mistake in forgetting the Spartan, and three rounds to its head was satisfactory to kill it.
_________Before the Marines could rejoice as their last enemy fell, another Covenant drop ship flew in nearly on top of the Spartan. Johnson, Bisenti, and Mendoza moved back to the structure while the Spartan, too far away to make it in time to escape the oncoming wave of attackers or the drop ships plasma turret, moved closer towards it and took cover behind the downed lifeboat.
_________Two Elites, two Jackals and four Grunts leaped to the ground and immediately began to charge the lifeboat. They knew where he was. The Marines were out of range and too vulnerable on the ground, so the Spartan was on his own.
_________Mendoza used a pistol's x2 scope to watch. The rounds could reach the Spartan's position, but the Covenant were still just out of range for the pistols. He heard someone say "Oh man, he screwed, man."
_________Johnson verbally beat the man down. "Watch your mouth son, and listen up. That man out there is a Spartan, and one helluva soldier. You just watch him kick their ass !"
_________Mendoza knew the Spartans were supposedly invincible, but he didn't see how he could take on a full drop ship load of Covenant while cornered and far outgunned and out numbered with little cover and a plasma turret pinning him down.
_________As he watched, the impossible opened up before his eyes. An eager Elite leaped around the side of the lifeboat and found a frag at its feet. It was blown away and the Grunts that it was leading were confused about where their commanding officer went. The last one saw his leader's crumpled body fifteen meters away before he died. The second Elite, the maroon-armored one, came around the opposite side that the first Elite had come around and got off a quick shot before having to dodge a plasma grenade. While it was recovering, armor-piercing rounds were wearing down its shield the whole time. Another grenade caused it to dive away. By the time it had recovered from the second attack, its shields were gone. Five rounds penetrated the armor, and ten more were deflected, but the Jackals were now into the fray.
_________Since the Covenant were now in range for pistols, the Marines who had them opened up. One Jackal was wounded long enough to be ripped apart from the Master Chief's assault rifle. Then the Elite fired six shots and added a grenade for more assurance. The Spartan leaped to the other side of the lifeboat for cover just as the Covenant drop ship flew away. Another one came though, and that was bad news. A Marine shouted in warning to the others in the comlink. "Uh oh, another bandit droppin' in behind us! They're tryin' to flank us!"
_________At this, several Marines went to the other side of the structure to defend the upcoming attack, but Mendoza couldn't take his eyes off the battle. "Mendoza!" Johnson. Crap. "What the hell are you doing? Did you or did you not hear that call? Get your ass up and moving before I have to kick it!" as Mendoza leaped to his feet, he saw the other Jackal fall to six pistol rounds, and the Elite was being hosed with an assault rifle. Well, I guess the Covenant aren't flanking us today. He thought, and took position on the other side of the structure.
_________Once again, the Spartan barely arrived in time. The Covenant were already bold enough to flow up the ramp when two plasma grenades were flung amongst them. One fourth of the Covenant were now wounded or dead. All of the others were stunned long enough to allow the Marines to drop some unescaped frags. Elites were targeted by Mendoza until they recovered. Then it was Grunts. Grunts, Grunts, Grunts. It seemed logical to Mendoza to kill the Grunts first, since they were vulnerable without shields and without them, the Covenant were weakened. Slightly, but it still made it easier to kill the rest.
_________The Spartan was now duking it out with two Elites and no grenades. He had his hands full, so Mendoza did his best to help him out by annoying one of the Elites enough to be a distraction. The Elite looked up for a moment, looking for the human attacker while trusting his race brother to protect him momentarily. This allowed the Spartan to have a few seconds with only one target to focus on, and he took advantage of it well. A sustained burst from the assault rifle dropped the Elite's shields fifty percent. The pistol came out and blew down another forty percent before the distracted Elite got back into the battle. He took two more hits, braved it out and kept firing at the more vulnerable Elite. Its shields dropped, and the alien took two to the gut. It stumbled to its knees, but the Chief was unable to take advantage of it since the other began firing vigorously to hold him off. It worked, and 117 was forced to hide behind a tree and wait for his shields to recharge. He still fired a few rounds anyway and further wounded the Elite before fired upon again. Mendoza turned his attention to a trio of Jackals for a few seconds then, and when he looked back, the Spartan was firing the killing shot to the head of the hurt Elite. The other gave a roar and charged, attempting to smack him with his weapon. The Chief had other plans however, and charged right back at the Elite, firing the whole way. The clip was depleted just as they met, and he used his advantage in speed to smack it with super-human strength, throwing it back a few meters and causing its remaining shields to flare. He used the moment of free time the stunned Elite gave him to reload the pistol and open up. It then went down without a problem. Without the extra support, most of the other Covenant were dispatched easily, even the remaining Elite. Jackals were hosed down from the rear, and the Elite didn't have time to turn around before the Spartan scooped up a plasma grenade and activated it. The toss was perfect, latching directly onto the Elite's helmet. The Grunts were nothing and dead within seconds.
_________Still more Covenant were landing, on the other side again this time, with another one inbound. The Spartan scavenged grenades from dead Covenant along the way, and the new reinforcements were met with the plasma powered mini-bombs. Half a dozen were slaughtered instantly, including a blue-armored Elite. Two Jackals went down from pistol shots, and more Grunts died from whatever had been given them. Within seven seconds of the drop ship landing more troops, all of them were annihilated except two Elites, one of which was badly wounded with no shields. A few pistol slugs put him down and another plasma grenade latched onto the remaining one just after two of its shots slapped down gold shields.
_________The Spartan turned to see another drop ship unloading fresh troops. Two Elites were on his side, and the Marines had four Grunts in their sights. The last grenade in the Spartan's stock was tossed at them. It failed to hit them, but it did cause a distraction. As his shields recharged, he opened fire with the assault rifle and severely dropped one of the Elite's shields. The clip ran dry and he made a switch to the pistol again. The rounds forced the maroon-armored one running for cover and the other down. The firing continued until a hole was blown through its throat. Gasping for air, the Covenant still toughed it out and fired a few final shots at the Spartan before dying.
_________The Marines had a joy time with the Grunts, and their blood was sprayed all over the ground. A couple with pistols tried to snipe the Elite fighting the Spartan, but the range was too great. This meant that once again, the super-soldier was on his own. Just his luck to run out of grenades. However, he still had an explosive weapon. As the Elite came from cover, the Chief used the pistol and aimed carefully. The slug hit dead-on the plasma grenades hooked onto the Elite's armor and detonated them. The last drop ship flew away, empty of troops with a displeasing report for the commanders.
_________The Marines cheered when a radio call came in. "This is Pelican Echo 419. Does anybody read me? Repeat: any UNSC personnel, respond." The AI inside of the Spartan's head opened up a channel.
_________ "Roger, Echo 419, this is Fire Team Charlie. We read you 5-by-5. That you, Foehammer?"
_________ "Roger, Fire Team Charlie, it's good to hear from you!" Mendoza and the other Marines ran down the ramp and headed towards the incoming Pelican while the AI and the pilot conversed about something. Mendoza saw more lifeboats coming down, and was starting to wonder about their safety when the radio chatter between Artificial Intelligence and pilot informed him that the Master Chief was going after them. He no longer had any worries for them. While he and the other Marines escorted the pilot and crewmembers to the Pelican, Johnson and Fitzgerald moved towards the Warthog that the drop ship had deployed. He heard Fitzgerald call out, "Hey, Chief! Sergeant Johnson said you could use a gunner." The Chief said something, and Fitzgerald got in the gunner seat while Johnson hopped in shotgun.
_________As usual, he had to give a last shout at his squad. "All right, us two are headin' out with the Master Chief to save some soldiers, the rest of you get in that Pelican and get to safety!"
_________Mendoza sighed as the last Marine leaped in and leaned against the Pelican's side while it lifted off. His battle was over.
_________Fitzgerald was praying while they crossed the light bridge. It was scary to be suspended above a bottomless chasm on nothing but light. The Marine gave a sigh of relief as they made it to the other side.
_________They passed through the tunnel and came into bright sunlight. Hills went by and they drove through a small passageway and ended up at another structure surrounded by Covenant. They burned their way through them and drove to the top of the hill above the structure. There they found a boatload of Marines killing of the last of a small Covenant attack. One shouted, "The cavalry has arrived!"
_________Two more loads of Covenant were on the way up, so the Master chief got out of the driver's seat and prepared to fight. Lying next to a Marine lay a sniper's rifle. He took it and activated the scope. The crack of the weapon sounded a few seconds later and a Jackal several hundred meters away fell to the ground. Someone commented, "Nice shot." Two more shots were fired and a severely wounded Elite ran for cover, but a final shot blew its head off.
_________The Spartan reloaded and took aim at the center of a large group of Covenant and took the big prize, a maroon-armored Elite, with all four shots. Half the Grunts panicked as their leader fell and ran away, cut down less than seconds later. The Jackals with the group were confused, and one of them brought up its shield. The other two died instantly, but he stayed a few seconds longer than they. One sniper round hit the Jackal's unprotected left hand, blowing it off and causing the Jackal to jerk away in half alarm and half reflexive action. The second round passed through its chest and threw it back down the hill.
_________Fitzgerald was starting to think that they weren't going to have to fight with the Spartan sniping when two more Covenant drop ships landed. Sniper shots rang out very fast, but a single sniper couldn't kill that many in time, not even a Spartan. The Spartan jogged backwards while still firing the rifle, and as Covenant started pouring over the top of the hill, the Marines opened up and slowed their assault. The LAAG gun on the warthog was a distinct advantage, and the Marines didn't hesitate to use it. An Elite fell to hundreds of rounds and several Jackals and Grunts were blown away by frags. Almost as suddenly as the attack began, it was stalled and thrown back. Fleeing Grunts were taken down three by three. There were few Jackals to begin with, but what was there was taken quickly. There was only one more drop ship, and its load of soldiers was weak with only a single Elite, mostly composed of Grunts. Johnson took them down almost as fast as the Spartan, and combining that with the artillery from the Warthog, they escaped that attack with only one slightly wounded Marine.
_________ "This is Echo 419. Foehammer's on station, and ready for another pickup."
_________Cortana, the ship's AI inside the Master Chief's helmet, opened a channel to Foehammer and began to converse with her. "We read you Echo 419. We have survivors and need immediate dust off."
_________"Roger, Cortana. I'm on my way."
Sorry about that, but to conserve space in the different fan fiction parts, I'm splitting it up again. See the rest by searching for Samslink14 as writer. Or you can click on more by this writer. Go ahead and look it up.
