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Fan Fiction

Covenant Humans part 2: Not what they seem
Posted By: Sammanam<Qaz813@cs.com>
Date: 9 October 2003, 2:43 AM

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Covenant Installation
Orbitting Covenant colony Serush

The human Johnson met at the sparse loading docks at the large Covenant installation. Johnson was supposed to meet a Human Resistance fighter. Humanity had been absorbed by the Covenant, so humanity was mad at the Covenant.

"The sky is clear", said a whisper behind his back. That was the code for the informant. "The flowers will bloom", said Johnson. What a stupid code. A man came out. He was dressed in a black tunic. He handed Johnson a small datacube. "WhiskyA11879", he said, and slipped off into the darkness. Johnson immediatelly remembered the code.

Johnson went back to his quarters on the Covenant frigate, Sword of Amarrush, that he served on. He went to his holographic computer console and inserted the datacube. Humans served in the Covenant as computer specialists and technology developers, since they were the only race in the Covenant with big creativity and ingenuity skills.

A black consule pulled up, and an ID access port came on


Johnson typed in WhiskeyA11879. The screen became white, and it displayed a menu. Johnson looked through all of the information. Apparently humanity wasn't finished fighting the Covenant. On a small icy planet, in some far off uncharted star that the Covenant didn't care about, humans were developing a massive fleet. There were two ship designs. Johnson never saw any of these before. The first was a Python-class destroyer. It was night black, with flat panelled UNSC design looks, but was very swept back, and had wickedly curved fins along it. Johnson read the information about it.

It was bred for space combat. It was a small ship, smaller than a Covenant destroyer, but heavily armed. It had a single hellbore cannon, which fired a sliver of super-cooled hydrogen at near-light speed, encased in a laser feild, and the kinetic energy of the hellbore hitting the target causes it to fuse, making it a nuclear weapon. The destroyer also had 10 very accurate, very powerful and rapid-firing point defence turrets. The destroyer also had two layers of heavy sheilding. The ship had a 20-meter thick nanometal hull, stronger than Titanium, giving it a night dark tint. The Python drew massive amounts of power from it's 8 gravitametric fusion reactors, which covered 60% of the ship. It also had reinforced beams, hydraulic presses, blast doors and honeycombed support structs, making it near invincible.

Johnson looked at the second ship. It was the Medusa-class dreadnaught. It was larger than an assault cruiser, dwarfing the destroyers, and was loaded with weaponry. Like the Python, it had cross-brasing beams and honeycomed interiors, but also had 10 layers of heavy sheilding. It was like the Python, swept back with jagged wings, and a dark black color. It was armed with 20 individual tracking hellbore cannons, and 100 of the point defence turrets. It was a deadly looking ship. The Medusa could also carry 20 Pythons in large docking bays.

Johnson was astonished by the ships the group of humans were making. Apparently these humans were the remnants of ONI, as numerous prowlers were around the dark moonlet. Johnson looked at the numbers of ships. 20,287 Medusa-class dreadnaughts, 1,254,876 Python-class destroyers, and 365 Shadow-class prowlers, which were stealthy recon and scouting vessels.

Johnson also looked at the plans of the ONI fleet. They would make nearly 1,000,000 Medusas, 3,000,000 Shadows and 20,000,000 Medusas, and then launch a massive attack against Covenant planets. The ships would be divided into 1,000,000 attack wings, each with a medusa, three shadow-class prowlers and 20 Pythons. It would be a devastating assault.

Skareen dreadnaught

Half way across the galaxy from the tiny iceball that the ONI fleet was being made, the ONI decided to test the Python-class destroyer. A slipstream warning went off in the command lair of the Skareen dreadnaught. The air of the Skareen dreadnaught was dark and damp, perfect Skareen conditions.

Hive Mind Skkklaaareeeannenena studied through the teleoptic minds of the Skareen drones on the Skareen attack fleet. 10 Skareen dreadnaughts would enter the Covenant system.

Skkklaaareeeannenena could feel that they approached their destination, and the behemoth dreadnaughts came roaring out of slipstream.

The Covenant were suprised on the large ships barging their way. The Hive Mind knew of the 190 Covenant ships orbitting the small planet. The Covenant ships slipstreamed intrasystem to the Skareen fleet. 'All ships fire missiles', though the Hive Mind, and hordes of the tiny green missiles flew across space and struck the bunched Covenant ships with deadly precision. The Hive Mind's dreadnaught shook as a plasma torpedoe hit the tough underbelly of the massive ship, but it kept going, firing it's missiles. The Covenant ships dwindled away. A Skareen dreadnaught erupted in flames as a pulse shot hit it's large fusion reactors, but the Skareen attack continued.

The Covenant ships loomed over the planet, now that the Covenant ships were gone. The Hive Mind called the rest of the fleet waiting in a nearby nebula. 354 Skareen dreadnaughts came out of slipstream, each massive, and the Skareen dreadnaughts fired swarms of missiles at the planet. After nearly a minute of missile firing, the planet was dead.

The main Skareen offensive has just came in...
