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Fan Fiction

Covenant Humans part 1: Human Victory
Posted By: Sammanam<Qaz813@cs.com>
Date: 6 October 2003, 4:27 PM

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The Covenant had finally won in the Battle For Earth on July 4, 2572. As the Covenant assault carriers circled Earth, they didn't glass it. They sent dropships down to the planet. Humanity had been enslaved. More properly, they had been absorbed. The Covenant used humans from their ingenuity, creativity, and computer skills. Humans had been placed in the billions of Covenant ships to work on their computer systems and stay linked to them. Humans also became ship builders and weapons designers. The Prophets realized their potential, and made humans have more rank then grunts, jackals, brutes, hunters, and engineers. Only Elites and Prophets had more power than them. As humanity figured out, the Covenant Empire was big. It stretched across half of the Milky Way galaxy. The Covenant were also fighting at 10 different fronts against other races they want destroyed or absorbed. But humanity wasn't finished yet...

Covenant destroyer "Sheild of the gods"
Mission: Destroy Skareen colony

The destroyer was an infamous vessel. They were small, smaller than frigates, and were oval shaped, with a single seam along the hull. It had a purplish/light blue color to it. It had heavy sheilds, a thick hull, and like the old UNSC Halcyon cruisers, had cross brasings, hydraulic pumps, and honeycomed armor. It was as powerful as it could get. Destroyers usually protected cruisers, and were usually in heavy assault group coupling with assault carriers. They were deadly. Gold Elite Chammor'Oth piloted this vessel. There was a human, of course. The human, a man named Smith, was in his computer pod in the bottom of the large control bridge. Chammor'Oth shivered at the sight of a human.

Chammor'Oth personally served in the Battle Of Earth. He remembereed the large human weapons cutting through groups of covenant ships like nothing before...

He snapped back into reality. His destroyer was going to lead a group of 9 frigates into a Skareen colony. The Covenant and Skareen usually fought in minor skirmishes, but their was intelligence beleif that the Skareen were going to launch a large offensive.

Chammor'Oth remembers Skareen ships. They are large, shell-shaped, heavy bellied, green, smooth and organic-looking ships that use hordes of missile salvoes as their main weapon. They had incredibly thick hulls, and had god slipstream drives, but no sheilding. Their point defence were particle cannons, accurrate and rapid firing.

the Sheild of the gods and the 9 frigates came roaring out of slipstream. The Skareen colony was ahead. It was a barren desert planet, suitable for the hive-minded insectoid Skareen. The Skareen were like giant bugs, they had four legs, three claws, and their torso as their head, with four large orange eyes. They, like their ships, had a green carapeice color. They were also deadly in ground combat, their warriors using infra-red lasers to slice and boil the Covenant troops.

The Sheild of the gods and the 9 frigates formed up to glass the planet. "Sir, Skareen dreadnaught slipstreaming in", said the red elite at the scanner consule. The space kilometers ahead of the Sheild of the gods boiled, and a massive green heavy bellied ship came out. "Charge all pulse turrets, prepare 3 plasma torpedoes", said Chammor'Oth. A red elite at the weapons consule pressed a purple holographic symbol, and weapons began to charge along the hull of the Sheild of the gods. The 9 frigates charged their plasma torpedoes. The dreadnaught came up, and fired a large missile salvo at the leading frigate. Before the frigate could fire it's plasma torpedoe, the missiles came raining down on the frigate, explosions taking away the sheilding, and more explosions covering the hull of the frigate. Finally, the frigate exploded. The 8 frigates fired their torpedoes, whick struck the hull of the Skareen dreadnaught. It's hull melted and evaporated, but it was still strong. The Sheild of the gods fired it's three plasma torpedoes, each striking the ship with precision.

But it nearly unaffeted the Skareen dreadnaught, as it fired more missiles at the frigates. Taking them one at a time. Another frigate was overcome by missiles, and was destroyed, leaving 7 frigates and the destroyer. The Sheild of the gods fired it's pulse weapons, it's deadly beams of energy cutting the hull of the dreadnaught, but it fired two more missile salvoes, destroying two more frigates. "Status on Skareen dreadnaught?", asked Chammor'Oth. "It's hull is at 65%, missile salvoes at 73%", said the red elite. Still deadly. The frigates charged their plasma torpedoes, and the Sheild of the gods fired two more plasma torpedoes. The Skareen dreadnaught took the hits, metal from it's massive hull boiling off. Three more frigates went down, and soon another destroyed by those deadly missile, leaving two frigates and the Sheild of the Gods.

They were doomed. "Order the frigates to fire again, charge plasma torpedoes and fire again", said Chammor'Oth. Suddenly, Smith came out of the computer console. "Are you plain stupid, you'll kill us and leave the Skareen dreadnaught alive", he said. He pulled out a plasma rifle and pointed it at the head of Chammor'Oth's head. "Slipstream to point 453x587x342", said Smith. The red elite sat dumbfounded at the consule. Smith pulled out another plasma rifle and aimed it at the head of the red elite. "Move this ship before they fire another missile salvo!", shouted Smith. The red elite nodded, and the two frigates and the Sheild of the gods did an intra-system slipstream jump to a farther away location. The Skareen dreadnaught went back to the planet, guarding it.

SpecOps troops moved in, their weapons drawn. They pointed their guns at Smith. "Put the weapons down", said the black elite leading the SpecOps group. Two hunters came out, their massive feul rod cannons aimed at the SpecOps group. Smith nodded at the hunters. "Move the destroyer at point 342x845x111, the frigate at point 675x945x308. We'll surround the ship", said Smith. The destroyer slipstreamed again, and the frigates slipstreamed at the other points, surrounding the dreadnaught. It was taken by suprise. The frigates came out, and charged all of their plasma torpedoes and pulse weapons, aimed at the weak spots of the Skareen hull. The destroyer came around and charged 4 plasma torpedoes and all of it's pulse turrets. The Skareen dreadnaught, however, fired misiles at the frigates, destroying them. "Plot a collision course to the smallest point of the Skareen dreadnaught, engines to full, charge all weapons", said Smith. "The ship won't take the impact!", said Chammo'Oth. Smith was too irratated, and shot the plasma rifle into Chammor'Oth's head. The plasma shot vaporized Chammor'Oth's brain, he he fell down motionless, blood flowing everywhere.

The red elite at the engines console nervously nodded his head, and the destroyer lurched ahead. The Skareen was preparing to fire another missile salvo. "Cut engines, power to point defence turrets", said Smith. The small pulse turrets fired at the numerous missile, but several missile went through the point defence fire and hit the destroyer's sheilds, which absorbed all of it. "Collision course in 10 seconds", said a red elite. "Drop sheilds, power to all weapons and engines", said Smith. The ship hummed as all of the weapons charged, the weapons still going. "Impact", said the red elite. The ship rumbled violently as the tiny destroyer struck the hull of the Skareen dreadnaught. "Fire!", shouted Smith, and plasma torpedoes, plasma undirected charges, particle cannons and point defence pulse turrets hit the hull of the Skareen hull, boiling it away. Finally atmosphere poured out from the unprotected ship, and more plasma fire was carving the Skareen dreadnaught from inside. Finally, a plasma torpedo struck the fusion reactor of the Skareen destroyer. "Sheilds to full", shouted Smith, as a large fusione xplosion ripped the Skareen dreadnaught. The blast threw the Sheild of the gods away at incredible speeds, as the Skareen dreadnaught exploded in a plume of blue fire.

The Sheild of the gods was badly damaged, but it wasn't dead. Now the colony stood in the way. "Assault group coming through Slipstream", said the red elite. The space boiled, and 20 destroyers and 20 assault carriers came in. Smith watched as the ships glassed the planet, knowing those Skareen would vaporize from the plasma. The planet was completelly glassed, and the assault ships went off.

Smith, leading the Covenant's first major victory against the Skareen, was honored by the Prophet High Council, but all humans had a burning hatred for the Covenant. Some day, one day, the humans would overthrow and destroy the Covenant.
