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Fan Fiction

The fall of the scarabs
Posted By: Ryan Tippet<giggzy_returns@hotmail.com>
Date: 11 December 2004, 10:40 PM

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Ok, this is my first submitted story and there ain't no sequel cos, well, read it and find out what happens,
please submit notes and by the way im only 13

The defeat of the scarabs

D`a Lotus of the scarab team prepared himself for battle on a covenant droship alongside his elite troops.
Being the Greater Elite he was depended on alot by his team-mates
This group was selected for the most vital of three missions involving battle against the human forces.
The 14 elites (including D` Lotus) were to infiltrate a surviving complex on the outlandish human planet of Not`e Aze as it was known to the covenant and recover a chip of great importance to mankind.

The Covenant dropship descended towards Not`e Aze, "15,000 feet and closing in."
Soon the ship hovered roughly 30 feet above the ground and the band of elites dropped down onto the soft soil a few kilometres from their target.
"You have incoming marine troops, sir." reported the dropship pilot
"How many?" asked Lotus into his head speaker
"They detected us earlier than was expected sir, roughly 60, at a guess."
"Affirmative." was the reply and then out of his headset Lotus announced. "Lets have some fun..."
With this the dropship let off a few plasma beams towards the oncoming marines, now in view of it.
Plenty were killed but others took cover in the rocky terrain they had chosen to build thier complex in.
Fire was returned with the dropship for several minutes before the pilot turned his back on the troop of elites and headed away out of sight.
The marines went silent, their radars were picking up signals and they expected an attack at any minute.
From behind a rock a plasma grenade was thrown into the air, it landed in a clearing a few metres from the group of marines and bounced towards them, it rolled to a halt at the foot of a sergeant and his assault rifle.
An explosion tore through the silence and amongst the plasma grenade's blast a body was thrown into the air, a second later an assault rifle bounced on the ground, alone.
The elites jumped from the rocks and bushes screaming and yelling, all but Lotus ran forward, plasma rifles overheating and scorching the dumbstruck marines, Lotus jumped over a rock easily twice his height at around 18 feet and stood to watch his troops compete against a pathetic group of humans, plasma and projectiles flying off in all directions, he sniggered and activated his energy sword, leaping into the fray.
In seconds 4 marines that dared to approach Lotus were killed mercilessly with a few swings and grunts.
All around him his lower elites fought outnumbering groups of marines, each winning despite the great disadvantages.
Lotus tore though the marines, they were nothing to him, faceless bugs for him to squash.
A bullet ricochetted off his battle armor, and his shields were minorly depleted, he laughed at the crude, almost primitive attempts to kill him and swung his way though more marines.
Within minutes the elites were victorious without loss, much unlike the dead marines that lay, burnt and severed around the place.
"Hahahahahaaa, a good battle indeed." complimented Lotus "The scarabs win again in a convincing manner, but we must press on, time is of the essence."
The Elites lowered their plasma rifles and Lotus's energy sword faded down.
The Greater Elite ran ahead agilely and his fellow soldiers followed suit.
They were met with no more resistance up until approaching the weapons technology complex that was their target.
The building was patrolled by countless numbers of marines and rather advanced looking cameras that watched out over the centres surroundings.
As they moved forward, the elites became ever more aware of a shuffling sound in the trees above them...
Suddenly a projectile firing pierced the silence of the elite's travels.
Next to Lotus a red Lower Elite fell to the ground, blue blood leaking from his head.
The elites scrambled into the overhang of the trees, firing plasma in all directions up towards the planets moon.
After a few seconds of frantic firing a sniper fell from a platform high up in a tree to the bands original right.
Lotus bared his sharp teeth in disgust, it was unlike him to let a team member fall so easily.
His sword lit up and he swept it through the sniper's tree in his anger.
It passed cleanly through the thick wooden trunk so that the tree did not fall but balanced high in the air.
The elites moved on pass their fallen comrade, one exchanging plasma rifles with that of the dead elite.
After, they were met by no more sniper fire but took it in turns to dispatch of unknowing guards.
Soon they approached the back door entrance to the Weapons technology complex.
Three shots were fired from three plasma rifles and three marines fell to the ground, dead.
Lotus led his crew up towards the rusted back door and examined it with his fingers and then his nose, running his head along the door sniffing.
He growled "Step back."
As the 12 other elites retreated back a few metres Lotus activated and dropped a plasma grenade at the foot of the door.
He turned and ran back as the door flew off its hinges behind him in a ball of flames.
"Let's give these inferior twits a wake-up call." he said.

Looking down through a burnt out doorway the Master Chief, who had been called in via s.o.s, spotted a trail of chaos: blood, marines helmets, assault rifles, bullet-holes, scorchmarks, the works.
"I'm detecting a high level of covenant activity." reported Cortana "I think this is the place..."
"No shit."
"Who got up on the wrong side of the cryo-tube this morning?" she teased.
The Chief stepped over a scorched marines body through the doorway and surveyed the scene.
It was grim.
"I can follow the heat sensors left in this building to work out the covenants path."
"I think I'll find my way." replied the Chief spotting a trail of blue elite blood.
"It seems the elites aren't all they think they are."
The Master Chief followed the blue blood down the long hallway towards an elevator.
"Are you sure you'll pass on the heat sensory?" asked Cortana
The Master Chief pried open the elevator doors and looked down.
The elevator could be seen (at least by the master chief) a good 600 metres underground, paused next to an open exit door.
"I think so."
The chief launched himself into the air and swung his body around the tough rope leading into the darkness.
"Hold tight." Cautioned Cortana.
"You know me." reassured the Chief.
With that he begun to slip down the rope at an alarming rate so that Cortana actually screamed, (much to the Chiefs annoyance) and smoke rose up from under his palms.
"Thank god for reinforced steel." he muttered.
Soon the Chief landed softly on the elevator roof and opened the hatch with his fist.
He climbed through and dropped a couple of feet to the ground.
looking out the open elevator doors he could see a random assortment of dead marines.
He creapt out the door and when just 10 feet into the hallway was jumped from the darkness to his right and left.
A group of 3 marines clung on to him punching and kicking to no effect. The Chief pulled them off and threw them to the ground.
"Wait!" called one of the marines. "Guys! its the Chief! He's here to save us! It's the Master Chief!"
With this the 3 marines stood as straight as possible and saluted.
"What the hell happened here?" Asked The Chief ignoring the salutes.
"It was a group of covenant!" Said a particularly young looking marine enthusiastically "Half a dozen Elites it was, one was really big, and gold..."
"What could they be looking for here?"
"Weapons information." Said the third marine who hadn't spoken before then "It's all on a chip further ahead, we can guarantee you'll have a quicker route to get there, the Covenant took a wrong turn up ahead."
"Get me there. Fast." said the Master Chief as he slotted a magazine into his SMG.

Lotus and his crew seemed lost in the puzzling underground tunnels of the complex and he was becoming aggravated.
"You're sure this is the right floor." He asked an elite to his right.
"Of course sir, this is the bottom floor isn't it?"
The band rounded a corner and found theirselves in a circular room, face to face with a vital chip needed to help win the war against the humans on a pedestal.
Lotus approached the pedestal, "Finally, it's within my grasp..."
He picked up the chip and held it firmly in his hands.
Suddenly the Master Chief leapt from the darkness, landing between the pedestal and the greater elite.
A gun barrel smashed against Lotus's chin and he screamed in agony, the Chief slammed his left palm into the greater elites chest knocking the wind and chip out of him.
The Master Chief snatched the chip from the air and placed it in his helmet.
"Reading" stated Cortana.
"No time for that," replied the Chief "There's work to be done."
He jumped back through the air, opening fire on the pausing elites, killing 8 of them before running out of ammo and landing with a flip on the ground.
Only 5 of the covenant group, including the Greater elite lying on the floor recharging his shields, remained.
The Chief launched himself into the air towards the closest elite, perfecting a spinning kick to the head and finishing off with a solid knee to the guts.
By now the 3 other lower elites were opening fire. Of the 30 something shots fired, the Master Chief took only 4 hits, but that was enough to deplete his shield.
He withdrew a combat knife from somewhere in his massive suit and flung it towards one of the remaining elites, it struck it in the neck bringing it to a quick death.
The two other lower elites charged towards him, dropping thier overheated plasma rifles and preparing to attack the Chief.
He blocked the first two swings and on the third returned an uppercut to his right and a karate kick to his left.
A sweeping kick finished the job on his left and an elbow on his right.
The last of the lower elites fell with a thud and a splash in a pool of its own blood.
The Chief turned to face the golden elite who was ready with his energy sword, roaring at this unacceptable loss of numbers.
"What are you?" The Chief was asked. "You are not human, you are too big, too swift, too strong."
"No, I am not human, I haven't lived a human life, nor have I any human parents, yet I am human enough..." The Chief said, "...To avenge these dead marines,"
"As am I to these, my team-mates..."
The two moved at the same time, Lotus swinging his energy sword dangerously, the Chief drawing back his right arm.
The Chief ducked swiftly under a slash while Lotus somersaulted over his punch and the Chief himself.
Lotus landed well and stabbed his sword out behind him towards the one man army, but the Master Chief was quick also and avoided the attack easily.
Lotus spun around and swung at The Chiefs head.
The Master Chief was already on the ground as the sword swung over his head, performing a second sweeping kick.
Lotus's legs flung out to his right and he landed hard on the ground, his plasma sword spun up into the air.
The Chief grabbed the handle and with one final glance, thrust it into Lotus's heart.

"Rescue Mission... complete."
