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Fan Fiction

Project Spartan III pt. 3: It's Rosted Grunts and Jackles Time
Posted By: Row Jerles<r31591@yahoo.com>
Date: 21 June 2004, 2:37 AM

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      The forest was quiet save for the occasional chirping of the thousands of unknown species of birds, or things that sounded like birds..... Footsteps broke the silence of the forest floor. The Spartans and Marines were moving toward the chosen drop zone, where the Marines first landed. But first they needed to make sure that they wouldn't have any unwanted followers. So before they left, the planted charges all around the temple, and two Spartans stayed behind to blow it up along with the inevitable Covie reinforcements that would arrive.
      The Spartan armor had a new feature; it could blend in perfectly with its surroundings and was activated by direct thought, so now, even though the Spartans came in many different colors and patterns, it wouldn't matter.
      "Hey how do we know they'll actually show up?" one asked.
      "We activated an alarm beacon on the armor of one dead Elite. So they'll defiantly be interested."
      A little while longer, and the Covies ran in to assist, and the trigger was pulled.
The group of soldiers heard the blast of the Forerunner temple's destruction, and the scream of Engineers who had witnessed the Forerunner artifact destroyed from several miles away.
      The Marines were nervous.
      "How much longer 'till we get there Sarge?" Medic Redmond asked.
      "Will you keep your sorry traps shut?! These woods could be filled with Covies. So to keep you ladies quiet, we're about two klicks away." The Marines all moaned in their minds as not to give away their position, and not to get Sgt. Johnson mad.
      "Wait, what was that?" Conlees whispered.
      "I don't know." McDruga replied. They listened more closely, and to their disappointment they classified it as the whistle of a Banshee maybe two. Sgt. Johnson heard it, and so did the cloaked Spartans. Now the hopes of making it out alive were beginning to disappear.
      Pvt. Godfry complained, "Aw for crying out loud what's next?! Shades?!"
Just then purple balls of pippin hot plasma came from all around.
      "TAKE COVER!!!!!!!!" Sgt. Johnson yelled.
      "No!" John said sharply, "We must keep moving. I'll have Cortana call the evac."
      "You got it Master Chief!"
      "But what about those Banshees? The evac`s gonna have a tough time even getting to the surface," Cortana said in an exasperating tone.
      "Save your whining for later and call for evac."
      "Alright all ready sheesh. This is fire team Tango calling any UNSC forces in orbit, please respond." Silence fallowed.
      "Roger fire team Tango this is Anvil-573, all I need is the coordinates and I'll be on my way."
      "Affirmative Anvil-573 we see you in the sky, is this from the Judgment Day?"
      "That's a big 10-4 Cortana good to hear from ya'll."
      Drake interrupted, "I'm sure this is a REAL happy meeting for you two, but we've got a galactic war going on so if you don't mind..."
      "OK OK!! Here are the coordinates."
Then, Drake's comm.-link came alive with the sound of John's voice.
      "Kid, I want you to follow me to take out those shades."
Drake nodded in agreement, and into the thick brush they went.
      The Spartans had turned off their cloaking devices and had joined the fight. Matt-181 had pulled out his shotgun and Vladimir got out a rocket launcher. Drake put up his assault rifle for a plasma rifle. He needed the extra range to take out the Banshees if they were to attack, and the far away turrets.
      By this time, most of the shades had been flipped or destroyed, but those Banshees were really giving the soldiers trouble.
      "If I could just get a clear shot-"Vladimir started to say.
      "You mean without worrying about being blind sighted by one from behind?" Matt cut him off.
      "Right. I could blow these turds out of the friggin' sky!"
Despite the Spartan's quiet nature, something in the air made them a little more... lively to a certain extent.
      The lead Banshee began an attack run, bad move...
      "C'mon just a little closer," Vladimir mumbled.
Streams of plasma rained down on Vladimir and Matt, but they didn't care. As soon the Banshee was close enough, the rocket was let lose and the Banshee disintegrated in a ball of fire.
      ]"This is Pelican Anvil-573 on approach. You better get to that LZ fast 'cause I ain't waitn' on you."
      "Understood Judgment Day we're on our way," Cortana said, "Chief, we have to hurry or else we'll miss our plane."
      "Copy that. Guys, we need to get a move on." No one stopped to shoot anymore they just ran like the dickens towards the Pelican. The hatch opened and everyone squeezed in, and the Pelican flew off into the vacuum of space.


      The new Spartan training facility was abundant of life. Everyone was busy, mostly scientists, and the Spartans were being taught, in the gym, of on the obstacle course. Not Drake though. He was busy doing SCHOOL WORK!!! Being the only kid on base, he had to get a tutor, just like the Spartans before him. Matt was the only exception because he had to finish his high-school level tutoring.
      "Lets see now 3(-2 to the -2 power)4+5 over 5x3 equals.... what?"
      Just then, Matt walked into Drakes quarters, breaking Drake's concentration.
      "Hey man, ready to hit the course? Heard they changed it up a bit, then we can go to the D-Day Ceremony."
      "Sure Matt, just let me finish this assignment."
      "Nah c'mon Drake lets go now. I'll help you finish later on ok?"
      "Well... ok," Drake replied as he clicked off his holo-pad.
      When Drake and Matt were walking down the hallway with their helmets in their arms, they saw a new Spartan that they hadn't seen before. It was a Spartan III with white armor and strolled past them with the casual feminine walk. She couldn't have been any older than Drake judging by height alone and Drake and Matt stood to next to the wall looking back, wide-eyed.
      She stopped, turned around, took off her helmet, and looked back at them and said, "You boys going t check out the new course?"
      All Drake could do was stutter, but Matt covered for him and told her that yes they were going to the new course.
      "That's cool. So what're your names?"
      "I'm Gunnery Sergeant Matt-181, and this is--"
      "—Drake, Second Lieutenant Drake-315, Spartan III number one. And you are?"
      "Natasha-316, FIRST Sergeant, though I'm gonna be promoted to Sergeant Major at the ceremony tonight. Spartan III number two, second product of the Spartan III program. It's an honor to meet the First one, face-to-face."
       That made Drake feel kind of awkward. He never thought someone would consider it an honor to meet HIM.
      "Uh thanks Natash--"
      "Call me Nat for short please. I never liked my full name."
      "Ok Nat....(That's a weird nickname) I look forward to seeing you at the ceremony, see ya." He and Matt then proceeded towards the course, shocked and bewildered.
