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Fan Fiction

The Gods of War: Spartan III's: Invincible?
Posted By: romac1991<bobbyhill@yahoo.com>
Date: 19 June 2004, 2:30 PM

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1409 Hours October 5, 2552 (Military Calendar)/
Outside of Covenant Base-New Zealand,

      As Brian dove away, the edge of the blue-white plasma flame caught the tip of his leg. He hit the ground near his Spartans, with his shields already a fourth gone from the brief meeting of his foot and the "Plasma Thrower". The "Juggernauts" turned to where the Spartans were, and leveled their guns at them. Brian and Darren dove to the side by instinct, but Ralph was frozen, looking at the six barrels on fire. The barrels exploded and fire flew to Ralph and enveloped him.

      "Ahhhhhhh!" Ralph's cries were heard from within the curtain of blue fire.

      "Oh my God!!!" Ralph cried in unconceivable pain. But the Juggernauts just stood their, cooking Ralph alive. The Spartans couldn't do anything, they were three meters away, and their shields were already trickling down. Brian made a dash to Ralph, but when he got within a half a meter of him, his shields dropped to half and he quickly stood back.

      "Help! Help! Take the pain away! Please!" Ralph uttered his last words, crying. Then his armor gave out, and melted. The melted armor dripped and stuck onto his body like flaming wax, the new hole in the armor allowed the fire to get in and turn Ralph into a glass doll. The Juggernauts stopped firing, and the fire ceased. He had only been in the fire for about eight seconds, but the damage was done. His armor was no more and he were no more, all that remained was a glass body and a puddle of molten armor. Brian looked at his friend, just a crumpled up piece of glass. All of his memories with Ralph flashed through his mind. He had lost his teammate, who he had known for life. Soon the sadness was begun to wear off, and a new feeling settled in his mind: anger.

      Brian took out his pistol, and took careful aim at the purple tank on the gun of one of the Juggernauts. He pulled the trigger, and a slug left the pistol and a split second later entered the purple tank of the Juggernaut. The explosive round tore the tank open and the hot blue plasma was sprayed across the group of Juggernauts. The Juggernaut whose tank exploded got half of the tank all over him. It burnt through its armor and made it glossy and smooth. The creature had glass patches across it body, but it remained standing. The gun, now melted and obsolete, was thrown to the floor by the creature.

      Ne'ze'roo threw his weapon down, the Human had shot his Plasma Storage Tank. Although the Plasma had gotten all over him, he felt no pain. Now Ne'ze'roo was going to put effort into this, he reached behind his back, and pulled out his Forerunner Blade. He told his team to stand down and watch how to properly dispose of threats.

      Brian and Darren watched as the Juggernaut reached behind its back, and pulled out a titanic sword. It had a golden handle, two meters wide. The sword's blade tapered down to a needle fine point at the end. The blade had to be at least a meter thick, and apparently double bladed. The Juggernaut gripped the sword in one hand and raised and pointed it at Brian and Darren, as if challenging them. Then, the Juggernaut ran at them pumping its huge legs at an unbearably fast pace. The ground shook violently as the monster dashed to them. The Juggernaut closed the 10-meter gap between them in a little over a second. When the Juggernaut got within striking distance, it brung its sword back over its head. The sun was blocked out as the meter wide blade took up half of Brian's vision. As the Juggernaut brung it sword up into the sky, the blade flashed an intense blue-white, then the Juggernaut's shield appeared for a second then faded. Apparently it had to drop its shields to deliver a good blow.

      Brian and Darren didn't have time to think as the monster brung the sword down as they rolled to the side out of harms way. The Blade impacted the ground where Brian and Darren were a second ago. It hit the ground and there was muffled thump. Then the ground that was hit, suddenly turned white, then burst into blue flames. The Juggernaut then pulled out the sword from the ground, turned to Darren. Darren turned around and ran, but the Juggernaut raised its sword again. The sword glowed again, and the shields reappeared then faded once more. Brian took this chance, and pulled out his pistol lightning fast. He shot it in its exposed mid section six times. It grunted, then dropped its sword. Black blood was running from its wound, but the Juggernaut was not injured. Its shields recharged and it stood straight again and picked up its sword.

      Brian couldn't believe it, six shots without shields and the thing wasn't even hurt, in fact the only thing Brian succeeded in doing was pissing it off. The Juggernaut picked up it sword, and ran to Darren, and instead of bringing it over its head, it thrusted it forward towards Darren who rolled to the side and avoided it. The Juggernaut turned around and raised the sword above its head, which the flared blue. Its shields dropped and its flaming sword of death was brought down upon Darren.

      Darren tried to roll to the side but the sword was just too thick. As Darren was rolling the sword impaled him in his mid section. The sword was so strong it cut through the shields and the armor without slowing down a bit. The sword was literally as wide as Darren's body, so it nearly cut him in half simply by stabbing him. The sword entered his stomach and instantly and with ease broke all of his ribs and tore his stomach open. The contents of his stomach spilled out through the meter wide hole in his armor and himself. Darren felt a burning sensation as the flaming sword settled itself inside his stomach, he looked at Brian, standing their horror struck, and a tear ran down Darren's face. Brian looked at his fallen comrade, laying there drowning in his own pull of stomach juices and blood.

      A second later, there was a blue flash, and Darren was set on fire. His armor exploded and stuck to his skin, multiplying his pain by ten. His insides finally reached a certain heat, then suddenly glassed over. His outsides however kept burning, his stomach juice and blood was boiling in the puddle he was laying on. Finally the Juggernaut pulled the sword out of Darren's smoking glass body. All that remained was a black and charred vaguely human shape with a severed midsection and god-knows-what degree burns covering all of his withered and lifeless body.

      Brian was in shock; two Spartan III's dead in ten minutes, looks like the Spartan III's were without a perfect record. The lone Juggernaut motioned for his teammates to come forward. The head Juggernaut raised its sword and pointed it at Brian. It grunted something in a primitive language, and the others grunted back with obvious enjoyment. The other five Juggernauts leveled their Plasma Flame-throwers at Brian, who was helpless. If he tried to kill them he would be glassed, if he didn't try to kill them, he would get glassed. Damn. Damn Damn Damn! Brian swore in his head. Well, this is the end. Didn't think it would have ended like this. Brian closed his eyes and prepared for the inevitable. Three seconds passed and nothing happened. He opened his eyes and glanced at the Juggernauts. They had lowered their guns and were looking behind Brian. He took a quick look behind him and his heart skipped a beat. He was saved.

      A D77-TC Pelican Troop Carrier appeared and flew up behind Brian and hovered. The Pelican's 70mm Chaingun started to rotate and there was a small flash of light. Yellow-white streaks flashed across Brian's vision. Shell cases were spit out the side like garbage. The bullets doused the Juggernauts in lead.

      The Juggernauts' super shields were no match for this merciless barrage. The lead Juggernaut's shields flared then popped like a bubble. What also popped was the Juggernaut's head as a few dozen bullets ripped open its skull and tossed it brains out along with bone fragments and guts. The headless figure began to fall but a few dozen rounds caught it, tore its stomach open spilling its contents out his frontside, and knocked it back spilling insides everywhere. The Pelican turned its attention to the other Juggernauts, and let loose. The Juggernauts hid behind their huge swords but the blades provided no cover due to the Juggernauts being at least twice the width of them. The bullets tore through the unknown substance in moments. Most of the Juggernauts shields held. Except one unlucky one.

      One of the Juggernauts found out that luck was not on its side, far too many rounds were hitting that Juggernaut in particular. Its shields gave out to the unstoppable onslaught of the thousands of bullets showering the Juggernauts. The first dozen bullets entered his body in a few seconds, and blew an enormous sloppy hole through the monster's chest. Blood gushed out of the gaping hole, as the Juggernauts rapidly beating heart was visible for a second until a 70mm round tore through it and sent its remains through a bloody hole in the Juggernauts back. The lifeless sack that used to be the Juggernauts huge heart landed on the ground, almost floating in the immense pool of blood surrounding the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut died as its heart was blown out threw its back. He started to crumble, but dozens of rounds pushed him back onto one of the Base's walls. He was pinned up on the wall as the bullets finished him off. The bullets ripped him to bloody shreds turning him into a pool of blood, stomach fluid, and brain matter with large chunky pieces of hole filled flesh.

      The Pelican's Pilot turned to the remaining Juggernauts and pulled the trigger. But all that came was a dissatisfying click. She was out of ammo, or she was overheating. Either way she was couldn't fire anymore, but that wasn't all she had. The pilot steered the Pelican and turned it around, then quickly but carefully landed. There was a loud clanking sound as soldiers were dispensed. The soldiers came out from behind the Pelican and revealed themselves.

      Four Spartan III's jogged over to Brian's position, and helped him up. Brian was so relieved, that some of his brothers had come. There was Joshua 692, Jaycob 721, Christian 661, and the heavy weapons freak of the Spartan III's, Jason 602. Everyone except Jason took out an M7B Assault Rifle and began raining another type of Lead Hell upon the stunned and bloodied Juggernauts. Jason however was toting the biggest gun he has ever seen besides the Juggernaut's weapons. It had a large and round mid section and an ammunition belt sticking out of the side, but near the front it had six rotating barrels, at least the size of an Assault Rifle. A Minigun. Jason took aim at the group of remaining Juggernauts. Jason rested his finger on the trigger, then lightly squeezed it.

      Six giant rounds were spit out of the barrels in the first second. The bullets struck the shields, but didn't break them. However ten full seconds of having huge pieces of lead thrown at them convinced the shields to give up. Black blood was being exchanged as hundreds of rounds made tunnels through huge bodies. The Minigun barrel was spinning extremely fast, and was giving off huge amounts of heat. The couldn't do anything but stand their as bullets ripped them apart. Several rounds struck a Juggernaut's Plasma tank on his destroyed flame-thrower. The Plasma was splashed across the Juggernauts amplifying their pain by twenty. Jason aimed at the Plasma Tanks and hit the rest of them. Huge amounts of Plasma got on the floors and the walls, but most of it burnt through the exposed flesh of the Juggernauts. The Plasma burnt through the helmet of one Juggernaut and set his head alight with blue flames. The Plasma burnt through the remaining bodies and set vital organs on fire. The rest of the Juggernauts took one last look at the Spartans, then died. The gory mess the Spartans left in the entrance was vomit inducing. Intestines were strung out across pools of black blood. Brain matter was floating about in the mess, and limbs were plenty. Destroyed bodies lay crumpled upon each other. The stench of death was heavy, as if the Grim Reaper himself had vomited all over the entrance. These "invincible" creatures had been slaughtered by Mankind's best.

      "Let's go, there are more of these things to kill," Joshua announced. They all boarded the Pelican and took off leaving the rotting corpses and pools of blood as a reminded to all Covenant: that they have screwed with the wrong species.
