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Fan Fiction

Battle for Sol- pt. 5
Posted By: RogueFox<admiral_d_68@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 August 2004, 2:18 AM

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Sol System
North American Defensive Zone
Battle Station Omega-9

      Admiral Hood gripped the command chair as a pulse laser rattled the station. The fact that the station hadn't been blown to pieces yet was a testament to the engineers who built it. The UNSC fleet was down to 40 ships, the Covenant down to 36. The four battleships were the main reason the Super MAC platforms weren't titanium haze, as they blasted any Covenant ship that got within range. Hood stroked his chin. Something about this fight wasn't right. The Covenant were losing too easily. This being the final battle against humanity, more of their forces would have assaulted the human homeworld. Shouldn't they? Something about this fight wasn't going right. He cleared his head and focused on the battle at hand. He couldn't lose his focus now. The UNSC Battleship Iowa and the cruiser North Dakota bore down on a pack of Covenant frigates. The cruiser rammed one of them, and sent it spiraling off into another ship. The battleship fired a salvo into the cluster, sending two more burning to the abyss. The two ships that collided exploded in a brilliant explosion from the two ships' fusion reactors overloading. The Iowa escaped, but the North Dakota was engulfed in the fire. Hood hung his head. His son was the captain of the North Dakota. The Admiral fought back tears as he barked more orders to continue the defense of Earth.

Sol System's edge
Near Oort Cloud

      The 500 ship-strong Covenant second-wave prepared to jump in-system to Earth to finish the job of the first wave. The ships were about to jump when a fleet of 100 ships dropped out of the Slipstream. They weren't UNSC or Covenant. They were white, sleek, and eloganted at the tail. Their front sections were saucer shaped, and the stern section split into two tails, bearing the engines. The saucer section had numerous grooves and dimples, some of them containing dish-like objects. The stern section had a single symbol, which all the ships had in the same place. The mark looked exactly like some of the ones found on the ringworld, Halo. The new ships paused for a moment, then manuvered around the Covenant fleet. The Covenant Fleet Master hailed one of the new arrivals, and was shocked at what he saw.

      The Second Wave of the Covenant Navy never made it to Earth.

Sol System
New Mombasa
Highway A-16, Section Echo-4

The Chief leapt forward, throwing his plasma grenade on the Elite in front of him. He scampered about, then exploded in a brilliant blue flash, taking two of his compatriots with him in the process. The remaining 5 Elites snarled and leapt at him. He backed away to the edge of the highway and looked over his shoulder. He saw his opportunity. He turned and jumped over the edge of the highway as the Elites slashed at him. He landed on the passing monorail train, and crouched to get his bearings. The pods of Elites were everywhere, he was sure of that. The best hope was to evacuate all the Marines from New Mombasa, and then nuke the city to eliminate all the Covenant forces there. He decided to take his plan to the Marine commanders in the city. He stuck his head over the side of the train to look in the window and immediately jerked his head back up to the top of the train. The car was filled with Grunts and Jackals, and they were all curious as to what the "whump" sound was a few seconds ago. The Master Chief looked around to see what his options were. He was running out of time pretty quickly, because the train was about to go underground via a tunnel, and he didn't have enough space to fit. He turned to his left and saw a passing Ghost, with a careless Grunt driving it.

      Here goes...The Chief thought. He leapt from the train onto the Ghost, grabbing hold of the left control stick and putting his left foot on the left fin of the craft. The Grunt turned and squealed, but the Spartan's fist cut him off, sending the creature tumbling out of the craft and splattering on the pavement. The Chief got in the seat and turned the Ghost towards Marine HQ. He sped off, hoping to get there in time to same some soldiers.

Sol System
African Congo

      Fred raised his Battle Rifle and fired three rounds into the Jackal fleeing before him. The alien screamed and fell into a mud puddle. Will, a little farther down the line, fired his SMG at a group of Grunts. The Spartan's well-placed shots sent blue blood spattering all over the neighboring trees. Fred turned to see a golden Elite leading the battle. He raised his rifle to take a shot at extreme range, but a sniper rifle's distinctive "crack" sound rang out and the creature fell. Fred turned and saw Linda crouching in a tree, looking for another target to kill. The human line was holding, but Fred wondered how long it would take for the Covenant to call in artillery. Not long after he thought about the artillery, the Wraith Tanks burst through the foliage and began to fire. The Marine line held, but was sustaining casualties at an unacceptable rate. Fred looked left and right and saw a dead corporal with a radio in his hand. Fred grabbed the radio and spoke into the reciever. "This is Senior Petty Officer SPARTAN-104 requesting air support at Coordinates Alpha Bravo 265, by 164 over." The COM clicked on. "SPARTAN, this is Captain Rogers. Your air support is a minute out." Fred hunkered down and waited as explosions shook the ground all around him. Exactly 60 seconds later, a Longsword interceptor lumbered over the Covenant position and let a cluster of ordinance go. The Wraith tanks exploded and hundreds of Covenant screamed from the heavy airstrike. Fred slapped a new clip into his rifle and prepared to order the right flank forward to attack the weakened enemy.
