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Fan Fiction

Battle for Sol- Pt. 3
Posted By: RogueFox<admiral_d_68@hotmail.com>
Date: 3 August 2004, 3:15 AM

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First of all, a big thanks to all the people who have commented on my stories, and to MC's Cousin, who showed me that nifty little guide. Thanks again.

Sol System
North American Defensive Zone
Battle Station Omega-9

      Admiral Hood was glad that the technicians and service drones were able to repair the starboard stabilizers on the station so he could walk again. The battle, however, was going poorly. The African Zone had a huge hole blown in it, and Covenant dropships were streaming through. He had pulled ships away from the Asian and European zones to try and patch it up. No more dropships were getting through because he had tasked two frigates to ram any bastards that got too close. He looked up to see the Iowa firing the MACs along its starboard side firing a salvo at a Covenant carrier. The carrier shuddered, and then splintered under the power of the super-dense ferric tungsten shells. A Covenant cruiser turned towards the Iowa and prepared to fire.

      There was no way Captain Will Danzy of the UNSC destroyer Braveheart II was going to let that Covenant son of a bitch destroy the Iowa. "Helm!" He roared. "Ramming speed!" Helm nodded and pushed the ship's fusion reactors to 100%. "Lieutenant, fire the MAC and all Archer missiles." Twin bolts of lightning and hundreds of missiles sailed across the night. the Braveheart II roared towards the Covenant cruiser, determined to take it down.

      What the hell is he doing? Hood wondered. Then he saw what the cruiser was lining up to attack. "You brave son of a bitch." The admiral whispered. He watched on the main viewscreen as the UNSC destroyer's weaponry hit the Covenant shielding and overloaded it. The craft then barrled into the ship, interlocking with it. Then, there was a bright flash, and both ships were gone. He turned to the rest of the fleet action. A UNSC cruiser blasted a Covenant frigate into oblivion with its MAC and Archers, only to be slagged by two Covenant destroyers on its tail. Rogue turned bright red and fired 16 Archer-IIs at the Covenant destroyers. The AI had fired the missiles to coincide with 4 MAC rounds from two other human destroyers. The MAC rounds collided with the ships, making the shields flare. The first 4 Archer-IIs to hit the ships continued to weaken the shields, then break them. The remaining 4 split the hulls wide open with the super high yield explosives. Rogue smiled. "I think they got the point."

      Hood looked at his tactical officer, who was monitoring the Anti-Aircraft defense. Hood realized that the AIs usually handled this sort of thing, but the tactical officer had shown great prudence, freeing Rogue's talents to handle anti-ship warfare. "Incoming Seraphs!" He yelled. He tapped the keyboard and let a flurry of self-seeking AIM-240 Anti-Fighter missiles go. The missiles found their marks and exploded, killing some fighters and just downing the shields on others. He then gave the tactical computer control of the 50 mm AutoCannons. The remaining fighters puffed out of existence. The officer wiped the sweat from his brow and continued his vigil.

Battle Station Bravo-9
Deck 5, Section Bravo

      The Master Chief looked left and right. It felt good to have gravity back, and didnt leave them totally helpless. However, the hull was still breached in this section, which meant their weapons wouldn't work without any oxygen. They passed though an airlock system and realized that this part of the station was still pressurized. They finally came to the large door marked "Bay 5". The Chief motioned for Fred and Linda to come forward. "Will, take the ODSTs and make sure that hall is secure." Will nodded and took the ODSTs up and down the hall to make sure nothing was there. "Chief, be careful...I'm detecting movement inside the Bay." John noted Cortana's comment and turned to Linda and Fred. "Open the door. Slowly." Fred's acknowledgement light winked on as they pulled the doors back. John stiffened up and readied his weapon. He quickly ran in and took up a position behind a crate of supplies and peeked around. Two Elites and a batch of Grunts. "Spartans, get ready to move up." The Chief said. "I have a better idea. Get out of Bay 5 and shut the door. I'm going to get in contact with Rogue and have him open the door to this bay. The Covenant should get a little surprise." Cortana said. The Master Chief motioned for everyone to get in the hall. The Spartans and ODSTs hunkered down and did something John did not like to do. Wait.

      Rogue got Cortana's message and ran it by Admiral Hood. "Go ahead, Rogue, get rid of those Covenant bastards." He said as the station shook from a pulse laser hit.

      The scarlet-armored Elite looked around the human bay. They had to find the way to the fusion reactors to destroy the human command station. Suddenly, he heard a clanking sound. He turned to see the massive bay door begin to move. He managed to grunt one last time before his body exploded from the lack of pressure around him.

      The Master Chief heard short screams that were cut short. They moved down the hall to the emergency airlock into Bay 5. They moved through to see a waiting Pelican on the bay floor. The two pilots were in the cockpit, with a grinning, cigar-chewing black man in the front. "I'll be damned." Will muttered. The Master Chief and the ODSTs climbed into the back of the Pelican, the rear bay shut and repressurized, and Sergeant Johnson stepped though. "Welcome aboard." he said. "Our destination today is the African Congo. That's where the bastards are." The Master Chief nodded. "Let's go to work."
