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Fan Fiction

Battle for Sol- Pt. 1
Posted By: RogueFox<admiral_d_68@hotmail.com>
Date: 27 July 2004, 10:04 PM

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March 25th, 2553
Sol System
Remote Sensing Station York

Ensign Jack Powell sat at the control board and looked at the computer readouts. Three more UNSC destroyers had entered the Sol system on approach to assist in the defense of the Jupiter and Saturn bases. Powell perked up. He saw that 5 of the new battleship-class vessels had arrived and were headed to Earth. The Admiralty reinstated the battleship-class in an effort to stem the Covenant advance towards Sol. The battleship was effective at destroying Covenant frigates, but was only adequate at any other class of Covenant ship. The battleships had 4 MAC guns along their port and starboard sides, enabling them to knock out frigates out with one volley. Any other class of ship, however, required the battleship to roll to its other side and get another firing solution, which took time and allowed the Covenant to reposition their ships and fire. However effective the battleships were, they were like the SPARTAN-IIs on the ground. They were damned effective, but too few in number to turn the tide. Powell shook his head as the C-709 squadron flew past on its patrol of the Pluto. The humans had several ships stationed at each planet, with the heaviest concentration between Mars and Earth. Powell kicked back and prepared for another uneventful shift.

Sol System
North American Defensive Zone
Battle Station Omega-5

The Operations room of Omega-5 buzzed with activity. The room wrapped around the command seat with view screens and numerous stations. Longswords docked and departed, shuttles flew all around Earth. Ships patrolled their routes through Earth orbit. Admiral Sir Terrance Hood sat in the Command seat as he read Missile Command's report on the availability of AIM-240 missiles for anti-fighter capability and the availability of Archer-IIs for capital ship warfare. The Archer-IIs were missiles as long as a Longsword and in tests, were able to lower a Covenant ship's shields be 10% for every two missile impacts. In theory, 40 Archer-IIs could kill a Covenant frigate. However, each Battle Station carried only 30 Archer-IIs because of their size. The dedicated MISSILECOM platforms carried 60 Archer-IIs and 10 Shiva Nuclear Missiles. The Archer-IIs were far too large to be carried on ships, so they continued to receive normal Archer missiles. "Not enough to make a damned difference." the admiral thought as he looked up at the massive, cylinder shaped Super Magnetic Acceleration Cannon. The 150 UNSC ships in Earth orbit, he other 100 around Earth, and the 30 Super MACs were on constant alert after the Covenant's smashing victory at Reach. No one ever relaxed anymore. The once proud UNSC was smashed to smoldering ruin and ash. Twenty star systems left out of thousands. He wondered what humanity did to anger the Covenant leadership to drive them to invade Earth's interstellar empire. He shook his head. No need in thinking about things that wouldn't matter. The Covenant knew where Sol was. They would kill the rest of the colonies later. All that mattered was killing Earth. Suddenly green motes of light appeared near the European Zone. 5 gleaming new, cylinder-shaped battleships from the Alpha Centauri shipyards appeared. Ops stopped cold to stare at the massive ships, and then went back to its normal, hectic activity. Admiral Hood stared at the battleship New Jersey. Maybe, just maybe, these ships could save Earth's hide for a little longer.

Suddenly, the systems at Ensign Powell's station began to beep with alarm. He checked the readouts. "Damn it." He muttered. He slapped the button that sent the panicked communiqué to Earth and pressed the self destruct button. He watched as 50 Covenant ships materialized before his eyes as his station blew to pieces.

Sol System
Battle Station Bravo-9

Rear Admiral Cody Adams looked up as he saw 100 Covenant ships materialize on the far side of Io. "Son of a bitch." He yelled. The Jovian Super MACs immediately opened up on the new arrivals, as did the Rear Admiral's 100 piece fleet. His own station shuddered as it fired its weapons complement at the Covenant fleet. 20 ships were blown out the formation by the Jovian opening salvo, but the Covenant's opening salvo took out 5 of the 10 Super MACs and 20 of his own ships. Then, in a stroke of luck, 10 Covenant ships miscalculated their Slipspace jumps and were pulled into Jupiter's immense gravitational pull and could not break free. Adams immediately ordered his vessels to perform a Linebacker formation. Cruisers and destroyers pushed forward in a chevron formation, firing all their weapons, followed closely by weaker frigates slightly lower in the formation, which then fired their weapons. This formation cost the Admiral 2 cruisers and 3 destroyers, but cost the enemy 2 carriers, 4 destroyers, and a frigate. Adams sent a communiqué to Earth that the outer planets had come under Covenant attack. Missiles, blinding MAC rounds, scorching plasma, and lasers crisscrossed space, finding targets and destroying them. The Covenant finished off the remaining Super MACs, which managed to get off one more set of projectiles, then turned to the fleet. It was a heated, pitched battle, but Adams was more worried about Earth. If the sent this many after their base in the outer planets, how many would come after Earth? The station fired off its complement of Archer-II missiles and he watched as a Covenant cruiser was blasted into Jupiter's atmosphere. Adams turned to see the door on Ops break open and an Elite with a Power Sword activated roared and leaped at him. Suddenly, Battle Rifle and SMG fire cut into him. Spartan-043 leaped and tacked the Elite, killing him with a Battle Rifle shot to the head. He policed the power sword and brandished it. "Let's dance." Will said. The other Elites stared and fired their plasma rifles. Will used the blade to shield him, which absorbed the plasma. He leapt and slashed, hacking one Elite into pieces. He turned two the other two Elites, who roared and charged. He ran towards them, and spun. 4 pieces of Elite flesh fell to the deck. Suddenly a large group of Grunts and Jackals ran in and aimed at Will. He turned, but then Spartan-104 leapt in, wielding two SMGs, and sprayed the whole group. Grunts screamed and fell, but the Jackals stood fast and prepared to engage the two Spartans. Suddenly, Sergeant A.J. Johnson and a Marine detail ran in behind the Jackals and hosed them down. "A little help, courtesy of the Marine Corps!" The sergeant flashed a grin, and turned to the Real Admiral, who was still a little shocked. "Well, I suggest you get to some pods and break for Earth...looks like we're going to be defeated here." No sooner than the Admiral stopped speaking, Fred pointed and said "Maybe not Admiral." 50 ships roared into the picture on the center viewscreen and spat hot white metal slugs. "The Saturn forces! Thank God they intercepted Pluto's transmission." 50 UNSC ships roared in and the battle was joined. The Rear Admiral turned. "We have plenty of ODSTs and Marines on board...go to Earth. All of you. They need you more than we do." The Two Spartans, Sgt. Johnson, and the 5 Marine Orbital Drop Shock Troopers with him nodded and ran to a Longsword. "Welcome aboard gentlemen, make yourselves as comfortable as you can in a single-seat fighter. ETA to Earth, 1 hour. Providing no Covenant ships decide to get some target practice." An ODST grunted. "Cheerful fellow." The Marine said. The rest chuckled as the Longsword shot out of the bay on its long journey to Earth.

Sol System
North American Defensive Zone
Battle Station Omega-5

"Combat Alert Alpha!!!!" Hood yelled. Ops was a flurry of activity as the COM buzzed with frantic messages that the Covenant was attacking. There were 200 ships at Alpha Centauri, 100 at Jupiter, 50 at Pluto, and 150 at Mars. Suddenly hundreds of motes of light appeared in the space around Earth. 300 Covenant ships popped out of Slipspace. Hood glared at the screen as an Elite popped on the station's huge view screen. The Elite snarled. "This planet is the Land of the gods. Your destruction is imminent." Hood looked up and the screen. "Go to hell." The Elite roared and cut the feed off. The two fleets warmed their weapons and charged into the gates of hell.
