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Fan Fiction

Aurora Squadron-Part 3
Posted By: RogueFox<admiral_d_68@hotmail.com>
Date: 4 January 2004, 11:32 PM

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1330 Hours, January 15, 2553. (Military Calendar)/ UNSC carrier Hornet engaged in uninhabited system, Alpha Sigmus IV.

Captain Adams was an unconventional carrier captain. He wasn't a big believer in using carriers for Marine transport. He was one of the ones who pressured for the return of the massive Carrier Air Groups (CAG). He and his fellow supporters believed that massive fighter groups could win the war. HighCom scoffed at the idea. But, if Adams was stupid enough to try it, they'd let him. 500 fighters and only one battalion of Marines. Well, Adams thought, here's my shot.Aurora Squadron was already in the black, and most of the bombers were lining up. This was the C709-Cs first deployment. They were doing quite well. The Mark VIII torpedoes were very effective. Hardly any losses, the battleships only carried one squad of fighters. Adams looked at the board to see his fighters advancing on the battleship. "Rogue, prepare our ship's weapons." Adams ordered. "Yes sir." the AI replied. The MAC began to charge up and the Archer's safety released. The C709s and the C709-Cs were assigned to Red Wing. The C709-As, Bs, and Es were assigned to Gold Wing. "Red Wing here, Captain. All fighters eliminated." Adams nodded. "Red Wing, join Gold Wing and attack that battleship." "Yes sir." Red Wing replied. Adams watched as the Reds joined the Golds in the attack on the battleship. He wondered how they were faring.

Lieutenant Commander O'Malley, Gold Wing Leader, pulled the stick left and pushed the left rudder pedal hard. The fighter snapped to the left. The ball of plasma roared past on the right. "Gold and Red Wings, this is Gold Leader. Target all weapons on the rear of the battleship and line up." The massive CAG lined up and was about to fire. "Gold Lead, this is Red 31. We have a charging plasma turret." O'Malley looked up and saw the white-hot light. He cursed and ordered the group to disperse. "7th Wing, form on me." 7th Wing included Aurora Squadron, Tango Squadron, and Eagle Squadron. All C709-Es, too. "Red Leader, take command of the group." He switched frequencies to the 7th Wing's. "OK, Hellcats, here's what we gotta do. That blasted plasma turret is keeping our bombers from firing their Shivas and everyone from firing their MACs and Archers. So we're going to try something new." "Gold Lead, you've been drinking again!" said Eagle Leader. "Maybe, Eagle Lead. Maybe. We're going to shoot our MACs and make a hole in the shield. Do you see those little wires going up to the cannon? Aim your chin guns and sever them." "Roge-o, Lead." Toland responded. The MACs of 7th Wing fired and tore a hole in the shields. They then let loose with their chin guns and ripped the wires to shreds. The plasma cannon cooled and was silent. "YEE-HAW!!!" exclamed Edwards. 7th Wing reformed with the rest of the Air Group. The massive wave of fighters fired all weapons towards the ship. Streams of missiles, cannon, and bullets sailed towards the ship. The Shivas hit first. The 30 tactical nukes downed a portion of the shields and blew a huge hole in the ship. The MAC guns also blew huge holes in the hull, Archer missiles blossomed inside the ship, and the bullets ripped into crew and vital equipment. Cheers of joy came over the speakers.

Captain Adams' eyes widened at the destruction his Air Group had caused. Even Rogue seemed impressed. "Rogue, fire all weapons at that hole." Adams bellowed. "Yes sir." the AI responded. The ship shuddered as the MAC fired and 100 missiles fired at the battleship. The MAC tore into the engine and Archer missiles blossomed along the length of the hole. "The enemy battleship's core is breaching sir. Suggesting that all fighter wings return to the carrier." Rogue said. "Agreed." Adams said. "Call them back." The CAG scattered and raced back to the carrier as the enemy battleship's core breached and sent the parts of the battleship flying into the two destroyers. One was completely ripped apart, and the other damaged. It was about to fire on Hornet, when suddenly the Gettysburg flew into it and both ships blew up. "Who was on that?" demanded Adams. Rogue shrugged. "I have two life pods on sensors." he said. "Get the Auroras over there and grapple them and bring them back. Call the fighters back. Let's see how HighCom likes this one." the captain of the UNSC carrier Hornet was smiling broadly. 500 fighters, 20 lost, and 3 Covenant capital ships taken down. That's pretty good. The radio crackled. "Aurora Lead, here." O'Malley said. "We're moving in."

O'Malley brought the Longsword up to the lead escape pod. "Aurora Two, form up on me to grapple this one. Three and Four, you got the last one. Five, you have our six." Single clicks came in over the radio, indicating an affirmative response. As they pulled them into Docking Bay 5, the fighters landed. The pilots and techs ran to assist those in the pods, but stopped cold in their tracks. 4 SPARTAN-IIs stepped out, followed by a Marine sargeant. "What the he.." a technician started to say. The Master Chief stepped up and said "Where's Captain Adams, sir?" O'Malley pointed to the elevator. "On the bridge, Master Chief." The 4 giants and the sargeant moved off, leaving the Auroras and their support crews in silence...

To be continued...
