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Fan Fiction

Aurora Squadron-Part 2 remake
Posted By: RogueFox<admiral_d_68@hotmail.com>
Date: 1 January 2004, 10:40 PM

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Editor's Note: I looked over the original part 2 of Aurora Squadron, and realized I wasn't happy with the crossover after I submitted it. Shame on me. So disregard that un', and read this one. Keep in mind this is my second or third attempt at fan fic, so bear with me.

Aurora Squadron gently touched their C-709Es down on the deck of Docking Bay 5. Lieutenant Commander O'Malley jumped down from his fighter, and pointed out a loose stabilizer to a technician. The tech nodded and moved to repair it. Aurora Two, Lieutenant McCafferty, jogged next to O'Malley. "Hey, commander," he said, "don't you owe the squadron a round?" O'Malley remembered the poker game from last night and groaned. Dan McCafferty had to be one of the best poker players in the UNSC, and O'Malley made a bet that the loser of the last game of the night bought the squadron drinks the next evening. O'Malley, needless to say, lost. O'Malley grinned and said "Sure, Dan. Drinks for all the Auroras. Round them up and bring them to the pilot's lounge." Aurora Two ran off to gather the squadron.

Captain Robert Adams stood on the bridge of the carrier Hornet. He took a look at the diagnostic of the ship. The two views of the ship and frowned. The ship's wireframe on the screen was mostly yellow, indicating that the hull was stressed, and couldn't take much more. Areas around non-vital areas that the Covenant didn't target were green, indicating a hull at 100%. The red areas meant that the hull was breached, or could give at any second. The hull was red around the engine areas, which were leaking coolant, radiation, and pretty much anything else that went through them. "Sir, if I may interrupt you." The voice was that of Rogue, the ship's AI. "The engine is close to a core breach. If a core breach occurs, this ship will be atomized." he continued. "Yes, Rogue, I realize that." Captain Adams replied. Rogue had a tendency to point out the painfully obvious. "Can we sustain a Slipspace jump?" Adams asked. "Unknown. Faster than light travel is stressful on a ship. We're damaged badly right now, and we've got more than a few hull breaches." Rogue said. "If we make a series of short jumps, rather than one big long one, we should be OK." The AI concluded. "Right, and we will still be following the Cole Protocol." Adams said. "Helm, set a course for..." Adams looked to Rogue. The AI grinned and said "Helm, set a course for Alpha Sigma IV, then we will go to Viridian III, then to Sol." "Aye, Captain." the helmsman responded. Adams settled back in the command chair as Hornet rocketed off into the Slipstream.

SPARTAN-043, Will, sat at the weapons console on the bridge of the UNSC frigate Gettysburg. It wasn't like he could fire anything. They had nothing in the tubes. SPARTAN-117, Master Chief Petty Officer John, was in the corner consulting with Sergeant Johnson and the artificial intelligence Cortana. SPARTAN-104, Fred, kept an eye on the engineering console. SPARTAN-058, Linda, watched the helm console. Will wondered what the Master Chief, the sergeant, and Cortana were discussing. The Master Chief nodded his head and stepped towards the middle of the bridge. "Everyone, listen up. Cortana says the new Slipspace drive dosen't really perform well rigged up like it is and it needs a break. So we'll be stopping in the Alpha Sigma IV system. We'll be stopping there for about 3 or 4 hours, and then continue to Earth." Will kicked back in the chair. Shouldn't be too hard. After all, the Covenant were fairly crippled, right?

Hornet lined up on her exit vector. Unknown to the carrier, a new class of Covenant warship was coming to engage them. The Covenant leadership decided that for the final campaigns against humanity, a heavy class of warship would be needed, heavier than even the mighty heavy crusier. The Covenant had began to produce the mighty battleship class. This ship had 9 plasma turrets on its port and starboard sides, 6 on the dorsal and ventral sides, and numerous lasers. The battleships carried one squadron of fighters as well. They were powerful enough, but the Covenant didn't stop there. The battleships had a powerful gravity well generator, something that could pull a ship right out of Slipspace. The Covenant could use it against fleeing ships. A battleship, and 2 destroyers were about to pop out of Slipspace right behind them. Hornet jumped out as the Covenant jumped in. The Covenant commander quickly tracked the course of the carrier to Alpha Sigma IV. The Covenant jumped out, following the carrier. The Covenant activated their gravity well projectors and the carrier slowed. Hornet was about to be in for the fight of her life.

"Arriving in-system at Alpha Sigma IV." Cortana reported. Gettysburg dropped out of Slipspace in the pristine, uninhabited system. "Hmmm." Cortana mused. "I'm picking up inboound..." Cortana couldn't get the words out before the heavily damaged Hornet dropped into the system. "Wow." Linda said. "Open a channel, Cortana." "Opening..." the AI reported.

Captain Adams looked to Rogue. "What just happened?" Rogue looked up, a distant cold look in his eyes. "Sir, the Covenant have appearantly developed the technology to pull our ships right out of Slipspace." "That's impossible." scoffed Commander Lee Clark. Rogue's eyes narrowed. "Explain our sudden stop and the immense gravity projection eminating from the Covenant ships behind us, then." he challenged. The commander looked away. Adams looked left and right and sighed. "Combat Alert Alpha, Rogue. Launch the entire fighter wing." Rogue looked up. "Sir, we won't be able to effectively coordinate them." Adams turned around to face the AI. "Look, the C709s and C709-Cs run interference. The C709-Es, the C709-As and the C709-Bs attack the capital ships. I want have the C-709s guarding Hornet, half attacking fighter groups actively. Issue those orders, now." "Aye, sir." Rogue began giving launch codes and orders to begin flight ops. The entire bridge crew failed to notice the blinking green light that indicated an incoming hail.

Technicians and Flight Deck personnel ran frantically about on Deck 59, the Flight Deck, where all the Docking Bays for the fighters were. Marines ran past to prepare for boarding, and pilots ran to their ships. The C709-A variants were configured for attack. They had 4 Archer missile racks instead of just 2. The C709-Bs were bombers, pure and simple. They had twin 125mm MAC cannon, an Archer missle pod, and two Shiva warheads. The C709-Cs were configured for interception. Their Archer pods were replaced by Mark VIII class space torpedoes. These had a more powerful punch than the Archer on fighters, but weren't effective on capital ships because of their small size. All the fighter groups, 500 fighters in all, prepared to launch. The Auroras left their drinks and jumped into their fighters. They put on their helmets knowing that this could be the last time they suit up. O'Malley secured his flight suit, got the thumbs-up from the tech, and Rogue gave him the go-code, "Zulu, Zulu, Zulu. Aurora Squadron cleared for launch." O'Malley throttled up and let his fighters into the frying pan.

To be Continued...
