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Fan Fiction

Halio:Lost and Found pt:8
Posted By: Riley217<MasterChief115@hotmail.com>
Date: 5 July 2004, 10:21 PM

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The Elite's hid behind pillars standing in front and beside the main structure, which made it difficult to hit them. Lt. Riley cut down two screaming Grunts, then paused to reload behind a large stone. The Master Chief took out the lone Grunt and one Jackal before hiding behind a pillar himself to reload. As three more Jackals emerged from behind the structure.
"Damn bastards!!" Riley screamed. "I'm getting closer!" Riley ran to the right hand side to hide behind a large crumbling pillar. She opened fire on an Elite who stepped out from it's hiding place, growling a Covenant battle cry while firing his plasma rifle. Three hot blue bolts splashed Riley's armor draining the shields. Lt. Riley didn't want to let the shield's drain any more so she ducked behind the pillar again quickly shouldering the assault rifle, then switched to her pistol. As she edged around the pillar, the red Elite started to laugh in a deep voice. Riley saw in his hand a small purple box. "What the heck?" Riley whispered. The Elite pushed a dark purple button.

The next few seconds were a blur as searing pain racked Riley's left arm, and she felt the sensation of being pulled backward off her feet. Rocks and shrapnel flew through the air. The armor's alarms blared and pieces of Wallace's and The Master Chief's voice seemed to come in and out. Then things came to a sudden stop. Riley tried to fight to stay conscious, she blacked out for a few seconds then came to. Lt. Riley tried to move but felt pain and dizziness then blacked out again.

The Chief was shocked at what he saw, he felt a strong surge of hate filled anger. Turned and put a full clip into the laugh happy Elite. The Chief ran over to where Riley was laying on the ground ten feet away from where she once stood. He checked her vitals they were not critical. John spotted a small cave opening back another six feet as he ran. He wasted no time he grabbed Riley under the arms and dragged her all the way to the cave opening.
Once in John moved far into a sandy spot where a shaft of moon light shined down. He set Riley against a large boulder, then quickly sprinted to the opening to make sure they were not followed. Relieved that nothing was there, John sprinted back to Riley who had regained consciousness thankfully. Blood and jell from the inside of the armor oozed down Riley's left arm coating the ground underneath. Lt. Riley looked down at her arm and saw a large piece of black metal sticking out from a large 28cm gash. "Oh SHIT!" She cough.
"Try not to move too much or you will make it worse." The Chief ordered.
Riley groaned and whispered, "Take my helmet off.....and take Wallace out." "Don't worry about me lieutenant ." Wallace replied.
The Chief did as he was asked, first removing Wallace's chip placing it in his own helmet. Then he took off Riley's helmet.

"I am going to have to remove both arm sections of the armor so I can remove the metal." The Chief said. Riley nodded, John grabbed a can of bio-foam from a belt clip. Lt. Riley's arm and the back of her hand was covered with blood and jell as well. "This might hurt a bit." The Chief said reaching for the metal chunk.
"Nothing I can't handle do it!" The Spartan replied.
The Master Chief quickly pulled the piece out and in the same motion filled the wound with bio-foam to stop the bleeding, he then grabbed a self-sealing bandage and covered the whole area. Riley fought back a scream and tears as the metal was removed sending white hot pain along her arm.
"There all done." The Chief said while putting away the bio-foam. "Thanks." Lt. Riley said wiping hair from her eye's with her good arm, she turned and for the first time smiled at John, who in turn gave her a thumbs up. Then looked back at her bandaged arm, Riley followed his gaze. The Chief didn't really see it before, but he looked more carefully this time he saw the tattoo, the Spartan I tattoo. Before he could say a word Riley asked. "What happened? It felt like I was hit by a speeding truck."

"Well what I saw it looked like some kind of new Covenant explosive was hidden in the ground near where you were standing. The explosion sent you and shrapnel flying a good ten feet backwards. But it looks like most of your armor took the brunt of the force. I'm....I'm glad that you are alive." The Chief finished.

Lt. Riley's legs and chest were blackened from the blast. "Oh is that all!" She snarled. She chose to ignore the last comment though.

"I killed that Elite who triggered the bomb, we should be safe in here for now."

Riley tried to flex her arm, it still stung and it was stiff, she couldn't use it. "This sucks, we have to find a different way in I'd say." She said.

"The back door might work if we can find one that is. Can I ask about the tattoo on your arm?" Asked the Chief.

Lt. Riley was slightly startled but she knew he would have eventually seen the tattoo. She would have rather have him not ask at all. "What oh. I got it a few years after I entered the SPARTAN II project, as a reminder, a reminder of what I should have been."

"Do you have to go and upset her like that you really don't know. If I had legs I would give you a good boot!" Wallace said fiercely his voice rising as he spoke.

"Wallace calm down will you it is all right. I can't hide what happened forever. You know sometimes you worry about me too much." Riley said sighing deeply.

"Well I can't help it if I do." Wallace replied in a more calmer tone.

"I see, I'm sorry that it must have been really hard on you and maybe sometime I will understand. If you want to tell me." The Chief said with sympathy

"Yes, yes it was, we will see about that." Riley replied sadly. "Will you help me with my armor." Riley didn't need his sympathy.

"Sure Lieutenant."

The Master Chief replaced the upper and lower arm sections of the MJOLNIR armor then the gauntlet. They were cold and sticky, it would have to be cleaned later. The seal around the elbow was breached by the metal piece. Riley slapped another adhesive bandage to act as a sealer it would have to do for now.
The Chief looked around the cave then back at Riley. Before he never really got a good look at her face. Back at the base they almost always slept in their armor, never really taking it off. There was always the threat of danger, the Spartan's felt more comfortable, safe in armor. Looking at her, John felt strangely attracted to the other Spartan. He hadn't felt this way towards anyone before, her eye's they are brown no make that a steel blue brown. Eye's full of sprit and strength. He saw beauty.

"What, what do you want to ask me now? You've been staring at me for a while. The silence is kinda awkward you know." Riley stated.

The Chief caught himself turned away. If only Riley could see his face now Cortana thought, she would probably laugh. John handed Lt. Riley Wallace's chip back, got up and put his attention to inspecting the rest of the cave more thoroughly. "It's It's....Sorry." He mumbled. The Master Chief found a passageway just large enough for him to fit through. "I'm going to check where this leads, I'll be quick." The Chief said squeezing through the split.
Riley replaced her helmet and slipped Wallace's chip back in, then reactivated the suits system. Everything was in working order, minus the hole in the arm seal, and a little less jell.

"What was that about Chief?" Cortana asked. As they walked down the dark passage way. John flicked on his flashlight then said quickly, "Nothing."

"You say it was nothing, but you felt a sense of lo....."

"Don't even say that, I'm telling you I do not, it is nothing!" John cut Cortana off.

"Oh come on I could tell you felt something, I'm not dumb you know even if it was just a little. It's nothing to be afraid of." Cortana told him.

"No I did not so just drop it will you. You are not making things easy for me. John said shortly.

"Ok, ok deny it all you want." She replied coolly.

"CORTANA!" the Chief almost yelled, "I said knock it off already...please."

"The Chief sure acted strange back there." Riley questioned.

"Yeah I wonder to." Wallace said thoughtfully.

"Ah shit I lost my assault rifle. Well at least I still have my pistol." Lt. Riley complained checking her pistol over very carefully. Nothing was wrong with it so far. "The assault rifle must have been lost in the blast." Riley was just starting to stand when the Master Chief came back, he looked in Riley's direction and said,

"This passageway leads straight 20 meters then branches off to three other tunnels. Two of them are dead ends, but the third leads to an elevator shaft. The car is gone leaving only a cable that extends down roughly 50 meters. We should try and find where it leads, Cortana thinks it might be our 'back door'."
"Sounds good lead the way Master Chief." Replied Lt. Riley.


Authors Note
Part 8 now don't start laughing to hard at the middle. I don't care if some of you think that the Master Chief can't like any body, so you will just have to get use to that. But don't worry there is not a lot of mushy gushy crap in here. I wouldn't write a lot of stuff like that. Please don't let this discourage you from reading my story
