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Fan Fiction

Halo: Lost and found pt;6
Posted By: Riley217<MasterChief115@hotmail.com>
Date: 14 May 2004, 9:36 PM

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Part VI

"Four minutes until ETA Chief." The team along with a new Spartan arrived at the pick up point. The Chief checked the conditions of who was injured to make sure they were not getting worse from all the walking. Then walked over to where Lt. Riley was sitting, "So," The Chief began unsure of what to ask first, he decided.

"How did you arrive on Halo? I never knew you were coming for as far as I knew."

"First of all I'll only talk to you on a private comm channel, I don't want to deal with any eavesdroppers." Riley said looking from the Chief to team Sniper Viper then back. The Chief nodded his head in silent agreement. "Why so secretive?" John asked.

"Only a select few know about me, my........my past is.........is painful which I care not to explain to you. My ship that I was in is a modified Longsword fighter that was shot down, and I crash landed on Halo. I tried to hide the Longsword but the Covenant probably found it after I was captured. Then you found me, Wallace sent out a signal when he heard that there were intruders aboard the Cruiser. Yes I have an AI as well, he's been with me through everything." Riley stated.

"I never saw you on REACH? I mean you had to be there right unless there was another Spartan training facility on a different planet that I didn't know about."

"No there was just the one facility, I was there I trained on REACH, but like I said before it is a part of my past." Lt. Riley said.

"What do you think their talken about?" whispered Rik to Ligte. "Who knows but I would li..." Ligte was cut off as Riley and the Master Chief both shot Rik and Ligte glared looks. Although the two marines could not see the glare because of the Spartan's visor, they could still feel it and Rik's face burned. "So..sorry sir." Rik stammered turning his gaze to his assault rifle in his hands. Ligte quickly looked away and said nothing.

The Master Chief shook his head from side to side then asked, "What did the Covenant do when they captured you I mean couldn't you get out of there?"

"Interrogation what do you think!" snapped Riley "Oh and the usual tell me where earth is, where is your commander and captain blah blah blah, don't ask it's not pleasant mostly for the Covenant that is." Riley knew that the Chief was about to ask how the Covenant interrogate a prisoner if they ever take prisoners. Covenant don't normally do things like that, it's not their style.

"Well one thing is they sure use relatively strong drugs to either subdue a prisoner without resorting to violence, or to make one a little more talkative. Two days there would drive anyone up a wall. Getting out of there was not easy, I had been so drugged that I could not barely move let alone fight back, so you see my problem! I was practically defenseless, but at least they couldn't get my armor off. It has a fail safe preventing someone, or other species more likely from trying to tamper with it. Only one vulnerable spot was found that's how they injected me with their garbage. I am still feeling the after effects." Just as the Chief was about to ask another question a crackle of static came over the Chief's comm and broke his thoughts.

"Foehammer inbound clear the pick up zone." The Pilot spoke. When the Pelican drop ship touched down John barked to everyone to hop aboard, then hopped on after everyone else. The Master Chief chose a seat next to Lt. Riley. He had so many more questions to ask, but knew that he shouldn't push too far she does need her rest after what she's been through.

"I know you want to ask more about me, and it's only natural it's not like a Spartan drops out of the sky everyday!" Riley chuckled more to herself than to the Chief, but before the Chief could say anything else to begin with. Riley held out her hand and said,

"I really don't feel comfortable talking about certain things, but pass me your AI.....please I want to talk to her and don't worry I'll give her back when I'm done."

The Master Chief's jaw almost dropped but he caught himself in time. "Is it alright with you Cortana?" "Most certainly it is Chief, I'll be fine." Cortana replied. With a little reluctance the Chief pulled out Cortana's chip and handed it over to Lt. Riley, she took the chip and said. "Oh yeah no eavesdropping this is a private conversation." With that Riley spoke to Wallace, "Better make some room we are about to have some company!" and popped the second AI into the side for her helmet. A weird cold tingly sensation flooded Riley's brain, she never had two AI's in her helmet before, then the feeling quickly subsided.

"So I take it your name is Cortana?" asked Spartan007.

"Yes that is right please tell me what happened." Replied Cortana calmly.

"I will but please do me a favor and don't repeat any of what I am going to tell you to your companion I don't trust easy and.... and please he just won't understand." Riley said quietly.

"You have my word I promise I won't breathe a word to him, but you know you can trust the Master Chief he is a Spartan just like you."

"Maybe.....but not now.....anyway I'll start at the beginning." So that's exactly where Riley started, she explained parts of herself and her past to Cortana who listened intently to every word spoken. The training she went through, why she received Wallace, some painful part's of her past all the way up to before arriving on Halo and then being captured by Covenant special ops Elites.

The Chief could understand Riley only a little bit. She seems bitter, but he guessed that came from being held prisoner for three days. Well at least Lt. Riley still retained her sense of humor and her personality was challenging. She is still a Spartan just like himself hard to the core.

Lt. Riley handed the Chief Cortana back and he slipped the chip back as Riley said to him not looking his way, "Thanks Chief that was helpful." Then rested her hands behind her helmeted head and nodded off. The Chief waited a bit then opened a private comm to Cortana. "The both of you sure talked awhile."

"Well she told me a lot of things about herself.....it's amazing really!" Cortana replied with a hint of excitement in her voice.

"Uh huh can I ask what she told you? Even just a little?"

"Sorry Chief but I made a promise that I wouldn't say anything."

"But I feel like I'm being left out in the dark!" The Chief stated. "Come on Cortana I just would like to know a little more. I will not mention what you tell me to anyone."

"You know she wouldn't be happy at all. Nosey one aren't you." The Chief a gave a small nod.

"She said you won't understand but I think in time Lt. Riley will tell you more about herself when she feels ready. One thing I will tell you is, she was the only lone survivor of the SPARTAN I project." The Chief sat there dumbstruck, did his ears hear right. "Spartan I." John mumbled. "Then transferred to the Spartan II project." Cortana said without thinking. Then that explains a little John thought.

"I can't really imagine what she went through....even worse than what I ran through." The Chief said as he turned to look at Riley with awe.

"No Chief you can't imagine." Cortana said, "But like I was saying before she will tell you herself try not to worry too much." The Chief sat back trying to comprehend the thing he just heard. He would have to be patient and patients is a one thing a Spartan has plenty of.
