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Fan Fiction

Halo: Lost and Found pt:5
Posted By: Riley217<MasterChief115@hotmail.com>
Date: 30 April 2004, 9:16 PM

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Part V

The team left the brig and headed down a smaller corridor and through two more side passages, finally ending up in front of a double set of silver doors.
"Load me into the controls, I'll hack in and open the doors." Cortana said. The Chief complied and put the chip into the control panel. " Got it."
There was a quiet hiss as the doors slowly slid apart revealing a large room filled with Covenant vehicles. The Chief slipped Cortana back into his helmet.
"Across this room is another door that will lead us to the ships to the ships engine computer room." Cortana said.

In the room along with the vehicles was a wide a ray of Elites and Grunts all busy cleaning, repairing or just standing around. An Elite repairing a ghost near by caught a glimpse of green armor, he let out a call and charged straight for the doorway, great there goes surprising them. The Chief did not want to lose this Spartan there was no way, he charged for the on coming Elite as a fire fight broke out. The charging Elite took more than half a clip before he fell, his own shields were almost drained completely. The Chief only had one arm to fire with and couldn't reload. The shotgun he passed to Dano to use, so he dropped the assault rifle he would come back for it later, and scooped up a plasma rifle. The fire fight went on for another minute before all was quite. Many of the Covenant vehicles were damaged or badly scorched from many grenade explosions a good thing for the humans. The Chief was a few feet from a maintenance access door when a female voice growled,

"Put me down now!"

The Chief was startled by aggression he heard,

"But you are injured." He protested.

"Not enough to stand now please put me down." Came the voice a little softer this time.

The Chief thought better than to argue right now so he carefully lowered his body to the floor, the other Spartan backed off and stood up straight, she was two feet shorter than John. She looked up at him and said,

"Thanks for getting me out of there I didn't know how much more I could stand those cells are just not comfortable and well the food isn't any better, I can tell you that from experience."

John was more than a little surprised that the new Spartan was female, but still happier none the less.

"Look," she added quickly "Lets get out of here but first there is something I have to retrieve and it is behind that door." She said pointing to the door they were standing in front of. The Chief butted in,

"We need something in there as well so let's work together."

"Fine but that blue bastard is mine!"

"What do you mean? But first what is your name?" The Chief asked.

"You will see but stay out of my way, oh and if anybody gets in my way they will regret that."
With that the female Spartan bent down and picked up a plasma pistol and plasma grenade.

"The names Lieutenant Riley and that's all you need to know right now." Riley replied. Lt. Riley left heading straight for lone blue Elite, one with a bandaged right arm, the rest of the team stood shocked for a few second then moved out to secure their objective, weaving in and out of pillars that lined the room.

"Going after your weapon aren't you?" Wallace whispered in Riley's ear. [read Halo: Captured to find a little more about Riley Spartan007]

"You bet and I have a score to settle with that thing!" she replied.

The Master Chief was astound by the second Spartan, he wanted to suggest she should take it easy, but knew a Spartan could handle just about anything. The Chief watched Riley and the blue Elite carefully.

"Hey you blue bastard I should have shot your other arm to match!" Lt. Riley yelled at the Elite, which turned plasma rifle pointed towards the Spartan.

"So you've come for this!" said the Elite maliciously moving his right arm out in front of himself.

Shifting to get a better look the Chief could see a silver and black UNSC issued pistol strapped to the Elites arm just above a bandage, "This is what it is about?" he wondered out loud not taking his eye's off either of the two. "I guess so." Cortana said.

"Give it back right now Covenant scum!" Riley spat.

The Elite replied venom dripping from his words, "Over-my-dead-BODY!!" Riley sent a green plasma bolt streaking for the Elite as a blue bolt came streaking for Riley, both dodged for cover. "Nice try." Riley taunted, she sent three bolts all striking the wall behind the blue Elite sending down little bits of melting metal. The Elite knew this human was smart and fast, but he would win he told himself over and over again I have killed many of their kind before how hard could this weakened human be. Lt. Riley had to finish this fast her patience were spread very thin. The Elite stood up took a few steps forward while firing plasma where the human was hiding........nothing happened? The Elite stood there then slowly started walking forward when he felt a tap on his left shoulder, then felt a point of a weapon being pushed into the back of his shiny dark blue armor he could hear the buzz of a plasma pistol. "Wha...what...how did you...?!" the Elite stammered. "You'll never know." A female voice whispered next to his head. Riley smiled to herself as she squeezed off the overcharged plasma pistol, it completely killed the Elites shields and melted his shin underneath. The Elite howled in pain, anger, and surprise just as he was about to turn around a gauntlet fist slammed into the side of his head causing his helmet to cave in from the force, purple ooze ran down his head and body as the Elite fell to the floor wheezing for air.

"That is for what you did to me." Riley said coolly as she bent down and yanked her weapon off.

The Elite tried to reach for his plasma rifle, but cried out in pain as a heavy boot smashed down on his hand. "Oh no you don't." Riley said. "Finish me off human trash." Spat the Elite. "I will gladly." And with that Lt. Riley hit the Elite with as much strength as she could muster square in the chest killing him instantly and sending his body slamming into a pillar eight feet away. Riley fell to her knees slightly panting, she laughed feeling a little better. "That was for stealing my weapon!" The Chief and Kooc appeared on either side of her, they each grabbed a hold of Riley by the arms and helped her stand.

"Are you all right? That was quite a beating you gave that covie!" Kooc said.

"Yeah I'm fine just used a little too much energy I didn't have." Lt. Riley replied.

"Can I take a look at your firearm?" The Chief asked pointing to Riley's pistol. She handed it to him handle first, the Chief took it and slowly turned it over in the palm of his hand. There was nothing out of the ordinary except most of the handle and back part was black and on the bottom engraved in gold was the letters SPARTAN 007. " Spartan 007?" muttered the Chief aloud. Riley quickly snatched her weapon back and slipped it gingerly back into it's specially designed holster on her right leg.

"All done." Stephn called out, "I already downloaded the information the Major wants."

"We should get moving I already called for evac, ETA in ten minutes rendezvous pick up point." Cortana said.
"Team let's go move it our job is done for now." The Chief ordered.

The fight at the grav lift was crazy there was 12 Grunts all looking for a kill, three of them were even suicidal. The Chief's shotgun Dano held worked wonders against the lesser species, and by the time it was over Kat had plasma burns on most of her upper leg from one trigger happy Grunt, and Stephn a large gash on his forehead and cheek from shrapnel caused by a plasma grenade exploding a little too close. The other Spartan bailed him out from the worst of the blast. The humans had cleaned up the Covenant exceptionally well, with no other opposition on the way back to the clearing which was lucky if you can call that lucky by anyway possible.

