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Fan Fiction

Halo: Lost and Found pt:3
Posted By: Riley217<MasterChief115@hotmail.com>
Date: 21 April 2004, 10:20 PM

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I know the first few parts may seem a bit boring but it does
get better along the way.

Part III

[Time 09:15] The Master Chief and team Sniper Viper boarded the Pelican Dropship. "Take us out." "Aye aye sir." replied Foehammer.

The ride was a long ways away so the Chief tried to sit back and relax but to know avail. The Dropship landed in a clearing half a mile away from the Aqula Field. It was still relatively early in the morning so the Chief knew the Covenant near the grav lift would be slow and sluggish before the change in shifts arrived. The Chief took point,

"Radio in when your done and I will come pick you up."

"Roger that Foehammer Cortana out."
"Foehammer out."

The team faced no opposition following a path to the grav lift.

"Kat scout up ahead and see what is waiting for us at the entrance."

Her name Kat and for a good reason, she moved up the nearest tree silently like a cat, she would have made a excellent Spartan thought the Chief. The Master Chief motioned for the rest of the team to take cover and keep their heads down. Kat fed video image back to the Chief's HUD and what he saw did not surprise him. Three shades guarded, only one was occupied, as well as four blue Elites, six Jackals, two Hunters and Three Grunts all of which were asleep at their post. Good thought the Chief this should be over quickly, dopey beasts.

"Team here are the orders, Kat you stay in that tree and take out the gunners, Will your our heavy gunner deal with the Hunters find a good position."

Will moved off to the right a few trees down and positioned himself behind what looked like was a large oak, the Chief continued

"Dano, Stephn, Bygone, and Miller you four are with me, Ligte and Kooc you two will circle around to the other side to make sure none get away, everyone is that understood?"

Everyone held a thumps up. The Master Chief slowly counted down from ten, on one Rik fired a volley of rockets at one hunter who was blown apart on contact, it's brother roared and charged straight towards Rik. The next incoming missile headed for the large creature who easily dodged it but not the next, the Hunter fell were he stood. The shades were manned with two already firing towards the Chief's position, The Chief and his team sprang forward concentrating their fire on the Elites and remaining Jackals. There was four loud cracks as Kat cleaned up the gunners. With that done, The Chief motioned for his team to move towards the grav lift. Static crackled around the Chief's armor as he was absorbed into blackness, then reappeared a few moments later inside the ship.

"Cortana which door should we go through? " asked the Chief, he paused waiting for her to respond, he waited about half a minute before saying " Cortana I said which do....."

"Oh sorry Master Chief go through front right " Said Cortana

"What was that about Cortana?" The Chief asked sounding concerned, Cortana never hesitated in answering him before.

"I'll tell you in a bit we should get moving."

The Chief wanted answers now but knew better than to ask right now. Rik, Ligte, and Kat were ordered to stay at the grav lift to guard it while the rest of the team moved through corridors and shuttle bays, fighting many Covenant a long the way, finally pausing at a cross roads to reload and decide which way to go. The Master Chief opened a private comm,

"Cortana why did you hesitate to answer me before?"

"I picked up some kind of signal when we boarded the ship and from where we are it has been getting stronger, I think we are nearing it."

"Do you have any idea what it is?" puzzled the Chief.

"I think......no it can't be Chief I thinks it's another UNSC AI."

The Chief stood frozen did he just hear right?

"Are you sure I mean how can it be?"

"I am not 100% sure," Cortana said, " But it could be possible maybe it was captured from an UNSC ship, what a place it's in if it is another AI shouldn't be located in the Cruisers computer room?"

"How far way is the signal from our position."

"The signal is just down the corridor to your left, the very last room to the left side. Be warned I detect Covenant presence behind the door."
It figures the Chief thought. This corridor was unusually longer than any other hallway the team walked through, and the walls of the ship were not a shiny purple as the rest of the ship in fact they were blackened, scorched, and gouged. One panel the Master Chief walked up to had what appeared to be large claw marks scratched deeply into the metal. It could have been a Hunter who made the marks maybe? or it could have been something else, but what kind of creature did the Covenant take aboard their ship? the Chief didn't want to meet the other thing if it's worse than an enraged Hunter. But the marks looked to be quite a few years old on closer inspection and apparently someone has tried to repair the damage but with little success. There was a faint green glow coming from the very edges. The Chief found this intriguing but he did not have the time to examine it any longer he was on a very important mission.

