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Fan Fiction

ODST Story Pt.1-Cairo Escape
Posted By: Recent Flood Victim<Stonesourfan696@Yahoo.com>
Date: 24 December 2004, 1:38 AM

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It is about damn time I finish this. I have been going through over and over, trying to make it work just right. And I think I got it this time. Well here is Pt. 1 once again.

Mission Log: Major David Taylor of Orbital Drop Shock Troop: Second Battalion/ Stationed Aboard the Orbital MAC Gun Platform Cairo

"Parks we've all heard that story a thousand times. Let it die, like it should." Major David Taylor looked through the hole of his onion ring. He took a bite and threw it on to the table in front of him. He brushed off his hands and walked over to the large window at the far end of the room. "We have all heard how the Master Chief and a battalion of our brothers and sisters fought off and entire Covie cruiser. Found, fought and survived the mysterious parasitic life forms. And then blew the ring to hell, along with all of our brave Marine brothers. Then only came home with one survivor. If you ask me, that kind of shit doesn't really interest me." Parks looked at the back of the Majors' head.
"I'll go check on the men sir." Parks turned and walked out. Taylor turned to watch him leave. He shook his head and sighed quietly. He then looked up at the other officers in the same room with him
"See what happens when little Marines listen to big stupid stories." Marine Captain Joe Staten was standing next to him and laughed. He hit the Major on the shoulder, then walked over to the table and picked up another onion ring.
"Come on sir. Think of it, a giant ring just floating out there for the taking. Now that would be something I would like to see." He took a bite out of the onion ring.
"You see ladies and gentlemen, that is a prime example of poorly handed bull shit." The Captain laughed once more. "Captain Staten please assist Sergeant Parks tending to the men." Staten stopped laughing, but chuckled on his way out.
"Hey sir, what are those?" Master Sergeant Chen asked pointing out the window opposite to his own. The Major walked over to look, and almost choked on his on saliva.
"Oh shit! Lieutenant Perez bring the battalion up to arms. I'm thinking were gonna have some company." Perez saluted and ran from the room. Major Taylor quickly ran to his foot locker. It opened when he correctly entered the code, letting him gather his gear. Being stationed on an orbital platform, they were ordered to wear an Atmospheric Suit, incase of breach. The suit was also used during orbital drops.
The rest of his officer chain was doing the same. Master Gunnery Sergeant Jesse "Rabbit" Stedman came up with only one boot on.
"Sir, should we really be this worried. I mean it's like fifteen ships. The Grid could easily take them out." He had a sense of worry about him. Taylor looked up from strapping his boots.
"Think of it this way. Fifteen Covenant Capital ships with at least five dozen boarding craft each. Now the Grid is secure, but with that many ships coming at us." The Major shook his head, "The Grid doesn't stand a chance." Rabbit looked at his un-shoed foot, then back up at the Major.
"Yes sir. Good point. I'll try and remember that." He walked back over in a quick stride and put on his other boot.
Taylor secured his pack grabbed a BR55 Battle Rifle and Sub Machine Gun from the ammo locker built into the wall. He left the Officer's Quarters and went into the barracks. Once used to store large vehicles, it now held 345 Orbital Drop Shock Troops and their equipment loosely. The whole room quickly came to attention as Taylor entered the room. He took a deep breath and walked to the center of the line up.
"Listen up. The Covenant has entered our precious air space, and are taking position right out side of our kill zone. Now I don't know your knowledge on Covie tactics, but it's my guess they'll send boarders. But will those boarders be able to take hold of our precious station boys and girls?"
"Sir no, sir!" Rang through the barracks.
"Damn right, now move it out. Double time." The ranks of men and women filed out one by one, until only the Major and his squad was left. They ran from the room to a tramcar waiting for its passengers. After piling in and the doors shut, the car lurched forward.
Being mostly glass for viewing, the car wasn't very safe. And all the riders thought just that.
When they entered zone 11 a boarding craft was just letting out its occupants. Twenty Grunts, a squad of Jackals, and three Elite dropped to the deck. They swarmed out to take offensive maneuvers of the area. Taylor looked down on them to see a Grunt level a Fuel Rod Cannon.
"GET DOWN!" He yelled as he threw himself to the floor. The great glob of super heated gas hit squarely on the car doors. Glass shattered, and metal warped as the impact was absorbed. The car tilted, then fell to the floor with bone shaking crash. The occupants were bruised now, and one was bleeding from the mouth.
The Major was the first out, firing his SMG into a crowd of Grunts. He quickly ran and gunned his way to a pillar. Rabbit was the second one to emerge. The fastest in the battalion, hints his name, he was fast to reach the Major's position.
Taylor peered around the corner and fired down three Grunts into a gory pool of bright blue blood. Rabbit went around the other corner and tossed a grenade into the formation of Jackals. It exploded with a thump, and destroyed three of them. The others limped down a hall only to be caught in a crossfire. The other crash occupants had emerged and were firing down alien after alien as an attack squad of green clad Marines came up the hall. Taylor and Rabbit helped mop up the rest of Elite and Grunts.
Taylor was cleaning his gun when Perez called from the window.
"Sir, the Malta's already driven off her boarders." The Major ran up and looked at the angular boarding craft moving away from the platform. A cheer arose from the men until a flash of light illuminated the darkness of space. The explosion shook the Cairo's hull, and tore through the Malta. All that saw stood their in aw. Taylor was the first to come out of the shock.
"Lee get SATCOM up. I want permission to leave this tub." The Second Lieutenant quickly went to work on his Portable Transponder, when a Lord Hoods voice came over the station wide intercom.
"All In Amber Clad personnel are to leave report to ship. Repeat all In Amber Clad personnel are to report to ship." Taylor turned back to his men from the window.
"Scratch that order Lee. New order, I want all of our battalion back our ship." Lee nodded and went back to work. "Well Marines lets get back to our baby, now." They ran full dash to their assigned hanger.
Inside hanger A-8 was a raging battle. Nearly ten Elite, and a variety of other aliens were fighting a bunkered down team Marine fliers.
"Staten give us some cover fire." Taylor turned around; thinking the small squad of Marines was still there. "Where the hell are those Marines?"
"Bugged out back that way, sir." Perez said a hint of antagonism in her tone. This was not what he had expected.
"Damn cowards. Okay, Staten level out some of those Elite. Rabbit get to those bunkered down pilots. Lee toss a grenade in to the center of that Jackal formation. Perez, me and you are gonna take out the rest. Remember to stay on my ass Marine."
"You know I always do." She said as flirty as an ODST could.
Staten let out a series of shots with his S2 AM sniper's rifle, each shot taking effect. He reloaded and took out the rest of the Elite as they just discovered the humans crouched down by the door.
"Now!" Major Taylor yelled, and Lee tossed a primed grenade into the center of ten Jackals. It exploded killing eight, and tossing the other two across the hanger. At that Rabbit had dashed out to the pilots. Taylor and Perez were now cutting down the rest of the Grunts. With two magazines spent, and three inches of colorful blood soaking the floor, signaled the end of the battle. The pilots emerged from their hiding spot along with Rabbit, who was nursing a burn.
"Scott is our gear stowed in the Pelican." Warrant Officer Samuel Scott ran up to the Major and saluted.
"Yes, sir. I just finished when they arrived." Taylor and the others moved over to the Pelican.
"Good, we'll need these."
"Sir, Commander Keyes is on the COM." Lee called out to the Major. He keyed his freq.
"Go ahead ma'am." The stern, yet womanly voice came back.
"Major Taylor, I need you and your team to do a little ground side defense. Their not there yet, but the brass is worried. So they've taken your battalion away. I'm sorry to say this but Lieutenant Colonel Hoberman has been ordered to take full command of your battalion. And as of this time I am reinstating you and your team as special ops. Your first mission is to protect a ground side refueling station from the Covenant. That is if they even," Her words were cut off by another enormous blast, "Report." A voice in the background answered back.
"Ma'am, the Athens has just exploded. That puts a giant hole in our defense."
"Damn it! Taylor get your team ground side and prepare for Covenant attack. Because it's coming fast. Keyes out." Taylor looked up at his newly made Special Ops team.
"I can't believe it. They took your battalion away, and made us Special Ops. Huh, so what's our name?" Staten said trying to liven up the mood.
"Sir, a Covie ship is making a run for Earth." A ship tech yelled, looking out from the giant door.
"Damn this all to hell. Scott get us out of here now!" Major Taylor said jumping into the bay of the Pelican, followed by his team. Scott nodded and jumped in and walked into the cockpit. His co-pilot followed him into the cockpit.
"Good luck sir. You'll need it." A tech called through the open bay door. The door closed as the man walked away.
"Hanger is clear. Venting atmosphere." A hiss of decompression came up as all the breathable air was sucked out. "Doors are open. Engines are at full. Fuel checks, afterburners set. Retracting landing gears. Turning full half." Scott brought the Pelican around in a 180 to face outwards. "Hang onto your asses boys." The Pelican rocketed out of the hanger into the darkness of space.
