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Fan Fiction

Halo: Aftershocks- Chaper One- All Hell Broke Loose
Posted By: Raven467<christopher_1212@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 March 2005, 3:09 AM

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Admiral Hewlett stood before the viewport of the UNSC cruiser; Archangel. He closed his eyes, and let out a long, slow sigh.
"How long do we have, Osiris?" Hewlett said, looking over at the Archangel's AI; Osiris.
Osiris had taken the form of a tall man, with the head of an eagle. His holographic body glowed golden with data and information. He was considered one of the few "smart" AI's that were made.
"Seven minutes and forty-four seconds," said Osiris, peering out into space, where Earth dominated most of the view. The sun rose up over Earth's surface, lighting it like a shimmering jewel. The moon shone purist white, and in front of it, floated hundreds of Covenant craft.
"They will most likely make an in-system jump," said Osiris, looking up at Admiral Hewlett as he talked.
"Then there is an eighty five point seven-eight percent chance that they will stay just out of range of our defense platforms, and use their flagships to "snipe" the platforms from afar." Osiris stopped speaking, and blinked his large, black eyes.
"Jackson!" shouted the admiral, looking over at the Navigation Tech, named Karen Jackson.
"Yes, sir?" said Karen, smiling as she looked over her shoulder, while still tapping keyes, to maintain the Archangel's current position.
"Plot a course at 137-8906-4729 degrees, and bring us closer to the others," said James Hewlett, turning around to face the many techs on board.
"Lee, arm Archer Missile Pods A through G," the middle-aged admiral said to the weapons specialist.
"Let's give our friends a warm welcome."


The marine named Jack Thompson was silent as the Pelican dropship he was in soared over the Atlantic Ocean, toward New Europe.
"Hang on!" shouted the pilot, looking over his right shoulder at the group of twelve marines seated in the rear of the large, gray craft.
"Nine to dirt!" said the co-pilot, watching the digital image of a map on his small viewscreen.
The dropship hit an air pocket, and dropped several meters, before catching itself over a large Blue Whale, which dove swiftly underwater as the Pelican skimmed the waves, sending a spray of green-white water behind them.
"You alright, Jack?" said a fellow marine, named Pete Stanforth.
Jack looked down at the BR-55 Rifle he was holding.
He looked up, out over the endless water, and then over to Pete.
"It's gonna be a long day." Jack whispered, barely audible over the combined roar of the Pelican's engines, and the rough waves.


As the lead Covenant Flagship gave the signal, all of the seven-hundred and ninety-six ships drifted forward, before leaping into slipspace.
The Brute captain named Horus stood before his flagship's holographic viewscreen.
He pressed his large, gray thumb into a floating symbol, which glowed red, pulsing with energy.
"Load all dropships with troops, and prepare for the assault on the interloper's filthy homeworld!" He roared into the intercom, before turning it off, and sending the Truthful Wisdom into momentary slipspace, the mighty Brute's eyes flashing dangerously. It was time for the hunt.


The moment when the Covenant craft entered slipspace near the huge Super MAC guns, all hell broke loose.
"Knife 57-A to Knife L-702," yelled the brisk voice of lieutenant Chad Lawson, as he settled himself into the contoured pilot's seat of his Longsword fighter.
"Knife L-702, here," said a woman's voice, over the com system.
"Everything's a go!" she shouted, and every one of the large, angular ships rose with a deafening "Whoosh!"
"Let's kick some ass, and take some names!" yelled an anxious voice over the com, as the Archangel's hanger 2-C7 bay doors opened explosively, sucking all of the loose items into space.
The eight Longswords then rocketed out of the large, cavernous hanger, bright red flames spraying out of all their engines.
The small group of fighters circled around, and skimmed the bottom of the enourmous UNSC cruiser, before accelerating into the fray.
One of the Longswords was very unlucky, and it impacted upon the side of a fast-moving chunck of molten metal.
Chad smiled as he saw the swarm of Covenant Seraphs approaching, their signature scream filling the air.
"Kill some of them for me!" shouted a pilot of a Pelican, which jetted by them, heading for Earth.
There was a sudden, mighty explosion that sent all of the Longswords spinning out of control, as Cairo Station was torn in half, molten metal spraying everything within range of the huge, white ball of fire that was Cairo Station, falling towards Earth's surface.
Chad fought with the wedge-shaped craft's controls, finally righting it, and seeing at least fifty Seraph fighters buzzing at them, plasma cannons flashing.
"God damn it...AHHHHUUGH!" A voice screamed over the com, as the nearest fighter to Chad's was gutted by multiple energy pulses, from at least five of the Seraphs.
"This is all hell broke loose!"yelled Chad into the com, laughing as he sent two streaking missiles into one of the Seraphs, turning it into a berserking ball of fire, as it spun and flipped into two fellow fighters.
"Don't get too comfy!" shouted Rick, as a group of Phantoms advanced on him.
The purple craft unleashed a hellish torrent of reddish-white energy at them, knocking out two Longswords, and one fellow Seraph.
"This is gonna be a helluva day!" yelled Chad, wincing as his right wing was hit by a large globule of red plasma, melting away to nothing, and causing him to spin out of control towards Earth.
