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Fan Fiction

Halo: The New Age Prologue: A-1
Posted By: Raven460<christopher_1212@hotmail.com>
Date: 28 October 2004, 11:23 PM

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      Author's Note...Again:
Okay everyone, I know you are sick and tired of hearing this time and time again. I'm starting a new series. My last few have been getting better, but I hope this one will be the best of them all...

      0216 Hours, May 13, 2562(Military Calendar)/
UNSC secret testing facility A-1, on UNSC colony planet; Mars

      A-1 sat in the middle of the densest rainforest on the surface of Mars, which was colonized over three hundred years ago, after being fit for human life by growing algie and other bacteria, to build up an atmosphere.
      Now, Mars was thriving. Over four million species of insects alone, not to mention the water-dwelling creatures, and the mammals.

      Rain pounded down in sheets as the warthog from A-1 testing facility drove down a path, toward the underground building. Mud splashed up, covering the already dirty windshield, making the automatic wipers spring to life, sweeping the grime away, letting the driver see.
      Samual Jacobs was only twenty-two. He had signed up for the military to put a purpose to his life. Little had he known, he was going to be sent to the most deserted island on Mars, to the most secret facility the UNSC had to offer. A-1 sat just over the next hill, which was easier to say then to actually see it.
      The 'hog Sam was driving was unarmed. The LAAG had been taken off for lower profile. It had also been painted jet-black, and was equipped with active camoflague capabilities, stolen from the Covenant six months earlier.
      The rain began to fall harder, and lightning forked across the dark morning sky. Sam pushed harder on the gas pedal, willing the LRV to go faster. Then, as Sam cleared the steep hill, he saw it. The clearing, with the huge boulder sitting right in the middle, a bit of fake moss growing on it.
      The warthog came to a stop right in front of the rock. Sam got out, and sloshed over to the boulder's left side, where a rusted metal box was stuck on.
      Sam flipped up the front of the box, which revealed a small keypad. Sam tapped the keys in the correct order, and the rock slid back, revealing a hole in the ground, twelve meters across. Then, with a metallic "clink!" a flat, gray lift rose up.
      Sam got back in the 'hog, and drove onto the lift. Sam felt his stomach drop as the hog dropped rapidly, then darkness consumed him, as the boulder slid back into place.
      Every now and then, the lift would drop down in front of windows, or lights, momentarily illuminating the vehicle.
      "Finally." Sam whispered, as the lift stopped, and light flooded in. "Hey there Sam!" shouted one of the twelve marines who had been guarding the door, waving his right hand at Sam, who was relieved to be inside the most secure place in the Universe.
      "Go ahead and park in hanger A," said the marine again, pointing to the large doors behind him.
      "Glad to have you back!" he said, then walked away, letting Sam pass, the doors shutting behind him.
      Hanger A was the largest hanger here. It had an extremely tall ceiling, and held over one hundred dropships, and a variety of different types of warthogs, including the new one, the M-12 HAV. (heavy assault vehicle)
      It was shaped like a normal 'hog, but had an extra layer of armor plating, and a closed roof, with two doors that could withstand a rocket. It was armed with a large gun on the back that Sam had never seen before.
      He parked the hog in its slot against one of the huge walls, and got out, looking at the new vehicle.
      "Like it?" said a woman's voice from behind him.
He spun around, and saw Doctor Immleman standing there, accompanied by her two guards, each holding a long, black Battle Rifle.
      "Um..." Sam was out of words. He smiled weakly, and looked back at the new 'hog. "Yeah, It looks powerfull." He finally knew exactly what to say. "Say, what type of gun is that?" He asked, gesturing at the black cannon mounted on the rear of the HAV.
      "Its a pulse cannon." said Doctor Immleman, peering at it. "We got the idea from the Covenant gun-turrets." She smiled, and looked at Sam.
      "Whoa," he said, staring at it. "When do we start using it?" he asked, looking back at the doctor.
      "Well, it has some bugs to fix yet, and the pulse cannon overheats too quickly, and it's prone to engine failures." She frowned, staring at it.
      "Well, we need to hurry on to the lab." She stood straighter, and walked off into a bright hall. Sam watched her go
      He had always been told he needed someone in his life, but no one ever seemed to like him, let alone love him. He frowned, then followed her off into the hall.
