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Fan Fiction

Halo: Black War Part One: Clan of Shadows
Posted By: Raven<sonic_22@charter.net>
Date: 23 September 2004, 11:03 PM

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0327 hours, January 23, 2552

The Master Chief grunted as he received a blow to the
side from a Black-clad Elite. He spun around, whipped out his left leg and sent the Elite staggering into the bulkhead of the battle crusier; October Flame. It had been
four years since the events on Halo, and the covenant seemed just as determained to put an end to the human race.
The Elite roared a battle cry as it regained its balance. Its armor was crushed in the spot where Master Chief had kicked it. He reached for his magnum pistol, but only felt charred armor. It was gone. He looked up at the Elite, which had chuckled in alien tongues. It was holding the black pistol, and aiming right at the Spartan's head. His shields were down, due to a slash from an energy sword earlier in the mission. Thinking quickly, Master Chief ducked and rolled to the left. The Elite dropped the pistol and roared again. Master Chief stood up, and watched the Elite running at him. He leaped to the side, just as the Elite swung at the spot where the super-soldier's head had been a moment ago. Then, in one fluid motion, Master Chief tripped the beast, and brought his left boot down with smashing force into the stunned Elite's back. There was a loud, "Crack!" as the alien spine snapped in two. Master Chief stood up, went over to his magnum, picked it up, and continued toward the armory, where he could get some real weapons.

"All soldiers, report to hanger 1488 A, for immediate pick-up!" Master Chief stopped as he heard Captain Glen's voice ring out all over October Flame. The Spartan rushed off down a dark hall.(the lights seemed to have been destroyed by a grenade explosion)He didn't head toward hanger 1488 A however, he walked slowly into the armory, magnum held high. "Repeat, all soldiers report to hanger 1488 A, for immediate pick-up!" Master Chief chuckled softly to himself. He knew that not a single soldier was wanted in the hanger. This must have just been a clever plan to get the covenant forces all in one spot. The Spartan confirmed mentally that there were no covenant in this room, when a growl broke the silence. Master Chief turned around. Another growl, on his left, and another, right in front of him. The air seemed to shimmer a bit. Master Chief bent slowly down, a frag-grenade was just within his grasp. Just then, a crackling, popping noise erupted on all sides. Twelve Elites, dressed in an armor un-like anything Master Chief had seen before, appeared out of thin air. The chest plates on each of the Elites was shale gray. With patches of black. The helmets were also this camoflage color, but shaped oddly. They were flat, and had a ridge of black feathers cresting the tops. Like a crude mohawk. Immediatly, the one right in front of Master Chief activated a pulsating energy blade. As did the other eleven that surrounded the damaged Spartan. Master Chief looked straight into the eyes of the "leader," and readied himself for the fight of his life.

0334 hours, January 23, 2552

Flakka the Brute stood before the docked dropship. He was aboard the covenant cruiser; Shadowing Hope. He shrugged off the pre-battle jitters and growled softly. An Elite captain named Daje' Dolophy stood in front. The gold-armored Elite warbled a command at the large army of Brutes, Elites, Jackals, and of course, at least four thousand Grunts. One thousand Phantom class dropships floated before the army, ready to carry them into battle. They were about to invade the human planet, Faldorr. At least twenty cruisers slowly floated in orbit of the small planet. Each holding four armies of this size. "This will be fun," thought Flakka, inspecting his large Brute Shot weapon for any specs of dirt or grime. In truth, every single soldier in this army was terrified. There were Spartan Super-Soldiers down there. A new batch. More advanced than any others. Even than the New breed of Elite. The Shadowhunter clan. They were already taking over the human crusier named October Flame, which was orbiting not even one hundred meters away. "All soldiers at the ready!" shouted the battle crazed Elite captain, holding a gleaming carbine high in the air, so that all the soldiers could see the flashes of light it made as he unloaded a clip into the towering purple ceiling. Flakka roared with all the others, charging into the dropships, sure as ever, that this would be his last day of life.
