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Fan Fiction

The nightmare Being: part 1: the operation
Posted By: Raptros c76<GekSliver@nyc.rr.com>
Date: 6 December 2004, 11:01 PM

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The Nightmare Being- Part.1

( First, thanks for the comments. They are going to be very helpful to me. Second, for now, e-mail me suggestions at geksliver@msn.com . Third, yes that previous was a prologue. Thanks for reading this fanfic)

Raptros c76, whose full name is currently unknown as besides the fact that he was a bioengineered Elite, of the Raptros strain, not much is known about him, and he, for apparent reasons, is in no state to tell, sat in his cell, hallucinating and shivering. A high-ranking Elite walked in, followed by the head psychiatrist.

"But Excellency, he is obviously in no state to be taken from his cell and moved to a new place! The stress of a new environment would probably kill him!"

"I have orders to take him to the ship, and I will!"
"Bu......, Guards, help move the patient."

The guards responded without speaking. The psychiatrist sighed with regret. He knew this would come to a bad ending, but there was nothing for it. He turned back to thoughts of other, less morally confusing, cases.

Raptros was sent to the ship in a coma. He was put in a new cell, and did not seem to mind a bit when he woke up. The ship began its journey through space, and was largely uneventful. Raptros sat there, after he felt they had been stopped for 15 minutes, and waited for the unavoidable hassle of being taken off the ship. It never happened, and he began to get bored. He tried talking to the guards, but they did not respond. They had strict orders to not communicate with the patient, as it might disturb him. Eventually, he started to fall asleep.

In another part of the ship, a psychiatrist was preparing an experiment that he hoped would get him back in respect after he had faced the Council for his previous attempt at a similar experiment. He began to explain once more to the small audience of officials and other psychiatrists.

"This process is very simple," he began, "It centers around the fact that the patient, Raptros c76, runs through the time we want to know about every time he dreams. All we are doing is hooking his brain into a computer, and taking the biochemical signals in his brain, and translating it into a image we can see on a screen. The only difficulty is the devices into the right points in his brain. Once this is done, everything else will come at once. In about an hour, we will begin the process of clearing up once and for all, what Raptros saw, and what it means."

He smiled inwardly. It was going better than he had hoped, as was evident from the enthusiastic response form his audience. He walked backstage to where the operating room was. There, a team of brain surgeons, technicians, and psychologists were waiting to begin. He smiled at them, and said, "Let's begin."
He slept through them bringing him to the operating room. Soon, they were cutting open his skull, and examining his brain. They soon were sticking things into his brain and looking through different types of probes. They soon had figured out what should go where, and very quickly, they had him hooked into the computer. Through all of this, Raptros slept.

Raptros began again the Nightmare. He was standing in a place that smelled of death and decay. Everywhere he looked, there was flood coming at him. Very soon, he stopped noticing he was even fighting and running. Everything looked the same. Again and again, he fell through holes in the ground. Again and again, he climbed up through other holes. He was completely lost, everything looked the same, and nothing made sense. He soon began to give up hope. Suddenly, something made him turn around. He saw some sort of giant blob. He saw bodies floating in it, and he recognized them as his friends. The sight made him continue on with a new determination to survive. He continued on.

Then it blurred for a moment, as he got to the part where his eyes had gotten hit by shards of metal from an explosive. Then they cleared. He was in a big room, where the walls were covered in a pulsating fleshy substance. In the center was a huge spike of flesh, which had all the characteristics of being Flood. All of the sodden it started moving. The air light up as a slip space tear opened up. Out of it came a huge creature. Raptros stared at it. It stared back at him. It moved first. Raptros moved just fast enough to get out of its reach. Raptros began to run, but everywhere, strange monsters spawned out of slipspace. He ran and ran and ran. He had seen something that started the whole breakdown, and was what stayed with him through this nightmare.

"Pause. Good. As you can see, Raptros has successfully been connected to the computer system. This," the head psychologist turned and pointed at the screen, "is just the just the first of many different ways we will see it each time he has this dream. We will be able to create a full rendering of what he saw in time, reconstructing it with each time. Any questions?"

Half an hour later, Raptros was awake, but now with implants in his brain that would capture every time he dreamt. He had no idea he had ever left his cell, and had no reason to believe there was anything stuck in his head.
