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Fan Fiction

New Destiny
Posted By: Raptor<ccfcfdestroyer@hotmail.com>
Date: 18 May 2004, 1:50 AM

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0200 Hours

Captain Joeseph Russel awoke with a start.He felt the entire ship shudder beneah him. He hit the comm,"Captain to Bridge, what the hell is going on?"
"The Covenant are attacking sir, and its not going well.They've taken out most of the orbital guns, and the fleet is in disarray.We ourselves are disabled. Covenant troops have boarded, in fact they're nearing the bridge now and..OH MY GOD, SEAL THE DOOR! No! FIRE!"
Captain Russel heard several pistol shots, then silence.He tried to reach the bridge, "Petty Officer, what just happened up there?" There was no response.Captain Russel knew what he had to do.He had to get to the bridge,and when he got there, he would blow the ship and all the covenatnt to hell.
Commander Uda Guanamee paced restlessly on the bridge of the human ship. He stared down at the still bleeding body of the crewman he had just killed, but he was ill at ease.The filthy human had been on the radio up to the second Uda's energy sword had split open his head.The humans would respond quickly now,but the pair of hunters could deal with them.What worried him was that the computer console had been smashed in the battle. His orders had been to download the files, in order to see if the humans had any planets left. He could have alredy been off the ship, but now he would have to send some grunts to look for extra computer panals elsewhere on the ship.The Prophets would not be pleased if he failed.

Captain Russel was almost to the bridge.The assalt rifle in his hands was still hot from the few stray grunts he had come across and killed.Following the arrows to the bridge,he came to the bridge door.He thought he heard something,but wasn't sure,just then, the door to the bridge exploded under a shower of fuel rod gun fire."Hunters", thought Captain Russel.Luckily, a nearby dead marine had just what he needed, a rocket launcher.The Captain steadied himself,and looked around the corner.He saw the Hunters, fuel rod guns glowing.Russel knew he had to move quickily.He turned the corner and fired a rocket down the hall.The rocket sailed in blowing one hunter to shreds, and proceded to set off a chain reaction.The electrical panel above the second hunter exploded, killing the second hunter as well. Russel readied his assalt rifle, and charged onto the bridge guns blazing.
Uda saw the human charge onto the bridge, but it was too late, the hunters were dead, and the grunts had just been shredded by the projectiles of the human weapon. Uda saw the gun aimed toward him, but smiled,for it would not get through his shields.A second later however, as the bullet hit his helmet and knocked him out,he realized the shield was probably more useful turned on.
Russel saw the elite fall, and immediately said to the computer, "Delete Database and Self Destruct Immediately. Authorization: For the Human Race." The captain took a second to look around him. Out the window he saw Earth, already burning from the many battles taking place on the surface. Earth was lost.Russel heard something move behind him and turned, but too late. He felt the energy sword enter his stomach, but felt no pain. Then he smiled, for his people would have revenge in the end.
Uda awoke suddenly. He heard the human say something about self destruct, but didn't care. He turned on his energy blade, hopped up, and sliced the human through his stomach.He looked at the human in his last moments, and saw the human smile.He wondered, why is this man so happy? A second later, the ship exploded, and Uda had half a second to realize why,or so he thought.
Uda could not know that in his last moments, even though Earth burned below him, and he was dying, Russel was content. For when the ship self destructed, the only database containing information on the Oni project NEW DESTINY in the galaxy was destroyed. Russel knew the Covenant would never find it now.
A galaxy away, a young boy looked to the stars, and to the galaxies beyond."What's that daddy", he asked?
"It's the milky way son, it's where we come from."
Almost inaudibly he then said,"Some day, when we are strong again we will return, and then the Covenant shall fall before us."
"Yes, and we shall help you", said the alien beside him.These aliens were known to a few as the Manochorlains, but most simply knew them as a race called, "The Forerunners".
