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Fan Fiction

Misguided, Sam's story
Posted By: Preston S.<Preston247@aol.com>
Date: 14 May 2004, 3:57 AM

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Before reading!

To those who have read the book, you all know who Sam-034 was and what had happened. To those who don't Sam was a Spartan and a friend of John-117. He died protecting his friends back in the year 2525 during an onslaught.

But to john, He didn't die. Here's to you john.

Chapter 1- Revived, renewed, misplaced?

2037 HOURS, December 3rd, 2525 (Military calendar)/
Space colony Neo Sapphire, Orbiting Planet DOS,
Enderanus system.

There he was, In the heat of battle, wreckage and ruin was all that was left of a city that he didn't know, where bodies of people that he never knew were everywhere, but there all around were the enemy that he could never forget.
It was just him, his MJOLNIR armor, his MA5B, against an army of aliens that had slaughtered thousands.
14 year old Sam-034 hid behind the ruins of what was left of a shattered apartment complex that had been bombed by a covenant ship. Spartan 034 didn't understand it, nor did he want to think about it. But he seemed out of place.
"What the hell just happened?" He asked himself. Looking back at the flames he couldn't remember what had happened before. "how did i get here?"
just as he thought he saw a 5-elite-team flying banshees in a V formation overhead. flashes of blue light flew past him but not hitting the targets. Sam looked to the side to see a group of Grunts and Silvery blue elites walked in recon with a purple seige tank hovering inches awat from the ground.
Sam wondered what arsonal he had left in his inventory. After checking his belt he noticed 4 orbed plasma granades. After careful thinking he clicked on all 4 at the same time and threw all of them at the tank.
3 of them stuck to the sides while one had went inside. The Elite inside howled in alien tounge before the entire seige tank exploded in a blue light show of plasma. Taking half of the platoon of covenant with the tank, He was spotted by the survivors.
blast from plasma rifles flashed at him. Unable to dodge, he shot back with the last clip in his rifle. the shots killed the grunts but the 3 elites were still up. Sam was empty but he didn't want to die...without taking them out. So he took his rifle and charged at them with blinding rage. The covenant quickly took him out.
still breathing, the remaining elites looked down at the spartan. Lying down with holes in his chest. He couldn't speak or even think. But as he thought he was going to die, he remembered what had happened. He saw the image of him with a hole in his chest holding the nuke to make sure his collegues John and Kelly made it out alive.
He began to freak out and yell for help...but before he could even speak, one of the elites placed a gun to the screen of the helmet.
"Pull it...YOU BASTARD!" Sam yelled. all he saw was a flash of light...and total darkness.


Sam quickly opened his eyes and sat up. His body was soaked in sweat in fear. But something didn't make sense. He found himself in a room. in the room was a chair and the light shinning in back of him. He sat on a hospital cott in the right corner of the room. He wondered what had hapened, he found himself wearing nothing but his dog tag and the covers that covered his lower half. he looked around to find out where he was, panting even as he was awake.

"Where am I?"

after a minute of putting himself together he brushed back his sandy blond hair that was now about 5 inches. He wondered what had happened since his dream.
"It was...a dream." He told himself. looking at his hands. "Just a dream."
He got up, the sheets fell to the floor, exposing himself but he didn't care, he was a spartan.
As he looked out the window, there he noticed something he didn't expect to see in his life time. There he heard the noise of birds, the green trees in the way of his vision, and the light that shinned through. He wondered where he was but also greatful that he was alive. hoping to never experience that dream again.

Just then he noticed the door opening, his heart raced upward as he wondered what was going to happen. He looked back to see a woman carrying a tray of supplies. The woman was like nothing he had seen before. She had barely no physical capability to fight, she didn't look like she was a military medic, she also seemed pretty cute to Sam.
"Well how are we do-" She said but before she could finish she noticed the man standing. The young man looked back at the shocked nurse as she dropped the tray of sponges and medical needles. She ran out yelling "Doctor, Doctor, the patent's awake!"
"Patient?" He asked himself. Then why didn't he have anything on him, he was just left alone for a while. But that didn't make any sense to Sam. "Then why did they take me here?" He wondered.
Just then the woman ran back pointing at the man. "See, see, Here he is" She said.
But before he could move, There walked in a gorgeous woman that looked almost 29. she had light brown hair, beautiful face, lovely body, everything a man could dream of, but she didn't look like a fighter. She had on a lab coat and dark glasses. She looked professional yet unprofessional.
"Yes yes, What is it?" She said as she walked into the room. She looked back at the young man standing in the sunlight.
But the woman didn't seem suprised. She tilted her glasses and tilted them back. "Well i see that the patient has awaken. After all this time i began to worry that you were comotos." She said as she walked back. The nurse walked away but glanced back. She was quickly pushed back by the head nurse.

It didn't take long before a group of nurses got him dressed and into a small round room with the brown haired scientist herself. They both sat in padded chairs. the woman jotting down notes while the man waited patiently.

The scientst- "Let's begin"

Sam-034- "Yes Ma,am. i've been wondering what had happened."

Scientst-"Let's see. Sam-034, age 14. hmmm something seems off about this information."

Sam-034- "What about"

Scientst- "When we brought you in, you looked older and you still are. Almost 18."

Sam-034- "What about me...How did i get here?"

Scientst- "Well our cleaning crew around the colony found you along with a heap of trash, we have no idea how you survived but somehow you did.

Sam-034- "What about the decompression."

Scientist- "Strange how it might seem. When we found you, you seemed to have a piece of round metal attatched and melted to the suit you had on, It's a miricle it was still on, otherwise you would have died out there."

Sam-034- "What about my armor?"

Scientst- "Everything you had was taken to the science center of the colony. we need to run more tests."

Sam-034- "Where am I?"

Scientst- "You'r on colony Neo sapphire over Dos, that is all you need to know."

Sam-034- "Where's military rank?"

Scientst- "Didn't you know, the space core doesn't work out here. We have no need for that government to be here."

Sam-034- "So what's going to happen to me?"

Scientist- "Well, we haven't gotten alot of men here, we just keep to ourselves. But we do have a military base here led by our personal military."

Sam-034- "WHAT! Are there any men here?"

Scientst- "This is a controled colony, we had men once but they had died out by an incident that happened years ago."

Sam-034- "So what your trying to say is?"

Scientst- "You are the only male here. You should have seen it, you were a celeberty here. The women were waiting for you to recover."

Sam-034- "Well, if i'm going to be the popular one, i have to know everythiong. How long was i out?"

Scientst- "Why, you've been out for nearly 2, maybe 3 months?"

To be continued...
