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Fan Fiction

Beach Invasion
Posted By: PlasmaDragon<cramirez88@hotmail.com>
Date: 19 July 2004, 5:35 AM

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Beach Invasion

December 25, 2552. About 50 dropships land on a deserted stretch of beach at Mombasa and discharge Marines and SPARTANs Frederic-104, William-043, Linda-058, and the Master Chief, John-117, near a Covenant base. The beach is crawling with hundreds of Covenant troops. The Pelicans immediately open up with their 70mm chin guns and rockets, taking out guard towers, turrets, and clusters of Covenant infantry and providing precious air support for the UNSC forces. The Spartans quickly slip away from the battle and flank the Covenant troops to infiltrate the base. The Covenant Shades begin to open fire on the humans, but the snipers and rocket jockeys take them out quickly. The soldiers begin to make their advance on the Covenant fortification, and this is where the casualties begin to build up.

The Master Chief calls for vehicular backup, which comes in the form of about 25 Warthogs, and 12 Scorpion tanks by way of a UNSC cargo ship. The tanks begin to open up on the remaining guard towers. The Covenant's pathetic response to this assault is to send out a force of about 50 Ghosts. They are ripped to pieces in minutes by the sudden barrage of 90mm shells, 7.62mm bullets, SMG PDW ammo, 70mm slugs, 8 gauge Magnum buckshot, 12.7mm HE, 114mm AP rounds, Jackhammer missiles, Pelican and Warthog rockets, and LAAG tracers that comes their way. Dogfights between the Pelicans, Banshees, and Phantoms rage in the air. The Banshees are taken out by LAAG gunners on the ground and the Pelicans' chin guns, while the stronger Phantoms are destroyed by the Pelicans' rocket pods and the Scorpion tanks. Some Pelicans are shot down, but it makes no difference. The enemy aircraft are destroyed.

Bullets, needle shards, and plasma bolts criss-cross the beach, and soon the sand is littered with bodies of Marines and Covenant alike. Undaunted, the Marines continue their assault. Snipers take beads on hapless targets, the steady crack crack of their rifles echoing in the Covenant victims ears before the 114mm APFSDS bullets snatch away their lives in a purple spray of alien brains and gore. Covenant troops are torn to pieces by frag grenades and shrapnel. Some Marines grab fallen SMGs to dual wield and start unloading. Warthogs run victims down and fire rockets and LAAG tracers at the Covenant.

Meanwhile, the Spartans are flanking the Covenant while they are distracted by the extremely powerful and successful UNSC assault on the beach .The Master Chief kills the Elite on guard duty at the front entrance with a powerful MJOLNIR-clad fist to the head, which causes the ugly elongated head to implode and splatter alien brain matter all over the wall. He takes a certain amount of pleasure from the silent kill and tells his team to be prepared for a fight.

They rush into the main Covenant bunker with SMGs blazing, tearing the aliens to bits. A group of Elites in the adjacent room hears the gunfire and rushes to see what's going on. With only about a meter or so of space in between the Elites and Spartans, the MJOLNIR-clad soldiers drop their weapons and put up their guards. The Elites do the same. The Chief cracks an Elite in the head with a left hook and then gives another a straight kick to the chest plate, shoving the armor plate into his body and into his chest cavity, killing him instantly. Fred blocks a blow to the head and grabs the Elite's arm and shoves it backwards over the Elite's shoulder, breaking it and rendering the alien vulnerable. Fred stuns him with a straight punch to the chest and smashes his skull in with a right hook. Linda and Will double team an Elite. Linda hits him in the stomach with a low blow, while Will shoves him into a wall and socks him in the mouth, smashing the head into the wall. The final Elite flees, but Fred grabs his Battle Rifle and snipes him as he's running down the long corridor.

After the fistfight, the Spartans move through a storage chamber. An Elite tried to sneak up on them from inside an open cargo module, but Linda heard him and nailed him in between his glowing eyes with a sniper round, blowing his head off with a and sending gore and skull fragments across the walls and ceiling with a SPLAT. The round continued on its path and bit into a Covenant console, sending sparks everywhere, which caused the active camouflage of several Elites to overload and fail. "Enemy contacts!!" yelled the Master Chief. The Spartans turned around, and the Elites get one glimpse into the face of certain death before they are torn to pieces by the Spartans' bullets. They leave the bloody mess behind and continue to the lower levels, eliminating the opposition with swift and unstoppable force. Just as the Master Chief was reloading his Battle Rifle, an Elite steps out from a support structure. The Master Chief drops the rifle, and kicks the Elite, sending him flying into the wall, stunning him and making a dent in the wall. The Chief charges at the Elite, raising his fist, and using his incredible strength and momentum, socks it dead in the face with a satisfying WHACK. The head explodes and the Chief's fist goes right through the thick stone wall. After that incident, a pair of Grunts tries to ambush the Spartans. They take this as a joke, and begin to laugh. They proceed to disarm the Grunts and rip off their breather masks, leaving them to asphyxiate in the cold, dank, lifeless corridors of the Covenant base.

Meeting no further resistance, they proceed to lower levels of the complex and rig it with satchels of C-7 foaming explosive. The Spartans evacuate the complex and go to help with the battle outside. The Spartans draw out their long range weapons, and pick off the Gold Elites, who, until the Spartans came along, had been running the show, which causes the enemy's organization to fall apart. The Spartans then go on a rampage of death, starting at one end of the beach and charging through, smashing skulls in with their rifle butts when their clips ran dry, murdering any Covenant troops unlucky enough to be in the way of their unstoppable onslaught.

The Marines and vehicle gunners capitalize on the Covenant's disorganization and open fire all at once, emptying their clips, hammering the Covenant position with a hailstorm of bullets and explosive shells. The remaining Covenant forces are decimated in a matter of seconds. The Covenant forces make a last stand and bring out the big guns; Hunters and Brutes. The big aliens got off the first salvo, aiming at the vehicles, sending fuel rod shots and high-velocity grenades down range. Some of the Scorpions take damage and a couple of Warthogs are disabled. The Spartans, however, are in perfect position to snipe the Hunters' weak spots. 12 of the 15 Hunters on the battlefield fell within 10 seconds. The remaining 3 are killed by Warthog rockets. But there were a lot more Brutes. Now the UNSC forces had to contend with a force of about 45 Brutes. The Pelicans chin guns and rocket pods were up to the task, as were the Scorpion tanks. The Marines also switched their weapons to full auto, and sprayed the Brutes with a storm of lead. Most never got a chance to fight, and were shredded to pieces. The Spartans choose that moment to set off the satchels while the remaining Brutes were close to the complex. Any remaining Covenant troops cowering in the complex are flash-vaporized by the ensuing explosion. Mission Accomplished.
